"O-Master." The housekeeper Zhang Jimin hurried into the garden at this time, "Mom, I'll try to untie the bamboo, there is something important, and you must come to my side." "If you want it, I will go." Chen Qingshu got the "ladder" He just happened to "go downstairs" and said t

"Master, sir." The housekeeper Zhang Jimin hurried into the garden at this time, "Mom, I want you to untie the knot. There is an important matter, and you must come to my side."

"If you want it, I will go." Chen Qingshu, "Okay." "The ladder" just happened to "go downstairs", and he said to everyone, "I'm really sorry, I have something to do at home, and I can't accompany you. You can just drink and talk!"

"It's getting late, it's time for us to say goodbye." Yun also stood up and said. Chen Qingshu didn't insist on staying, so everyone dispersed.

He rushed to Mrs. Zhang's main room in a hurry. When he saw Mrs. Zhang eating melon seeds there as if nothing was wrong, he said, "Did you call me here?"

"Well, you can sit down!" Mrs. Zhang lazily said, " Eat some melon seeds!"

"What the hell are you calling me for? It makes me put all the guests aside. "

"I have to worry about you. Congratulations, you have another baby. "

At this time, Mother Liao came in hurriedly and said: "Auntie, Sanniang has a terrible stomachache. I'm afraid she's going to give birth soon."

"Ah, Yuxian, she's about to give birth?" Chen Qingshu was overjoyed, " Then you, why don't you go and say hello?"

"It's none of my business, I'm not the one who gave birth to the child." It can be seen that Bigfoot is a little jealous about this.

"Hey, you, you, you." Chen Qingshu was very angry and hurriedly said to Liao's mother, "Quick, hurry up and take me to see you."

Sanniang got pregnant during the hot weather last year. For the sake of the Chen family, she had been secretly waiting for winter to come, and no one in cotton-padded coats or coats noticed it, until spring came and her belly was full, and she was frightened to make plans and run around.

Autumn passed, and the sky was getting bigger and bigger every day. I knew I couldn't keep it secret anymore, so I let Chen Qingshu know. Chen Qing did not expect that he would have another son in his sixtieth year. He was so surprised that he was so happy that he couldn't smile from ear to ear. He was very kind to Su Yuxian and ordered the cooks and maids to serve him diligently.

Mrs. Zhang was being ignored and felt very uncomfortable. She felt that she was busy running around all day long and made the family prosperous. However, everyone in the house praised Su Yuxian, as if all the credit was due to this vixen. She was originally very happy that Su Yuxian was pregnant. But she secretly thought that if she gave birth to another son and added a seed to the Chen family, wouldn't she be even more proud and not take my mother seriously? She couldn't say it with her mouth. I felt a big knot in my heart.

Chen Qingshu hurried to Sanniang's room, where Su Yuxian was moaning on her back on the bed. When Su Yuxian saw Chen Qingshu coming in, she held his hand tightly and said with tears: "Don't go, don't leave me. My stomach hurts... I'm afraid I'm going to die."

"Don't talk stupid things! Which one?" Every woman has to go through such a test. Once the child is born and the burden is put away, she will be relieved." Chen Qingshu had no choice but to comfort her.

Su Yuxian groaned in pain for a while, then grabbed Chen Qingshu's hand and fell asleep in a daze. That night, the child was not born, so Chen Qingshu sat with her until dawn.

The next day, because Yunxiang brought the scholar Tian Rukuan to Beijing, Chen Qingshu had been busy receiving guests for a whole day. He was really tired and didn't eat dinner, so he climbed into bed and fell asleep.

It's past midnight, midnight. Yazai had a seizure during childbirth, and Su Yuxian felt cramps in her stomach.

As a midwife, Liao Ma had already prepared everything including scissors, footbath and everything. Because the big-footed woman refused to come around, Lianlian sent her husband away, and after a while, she came over to direct the arrangements. But after all, she was a character who had never seen "fighting with fire" before. When the incident came, she was still confused.

It happened at midnight. Two hours later, the child has not yet come down. Su Yuxian's constitution was originally weak, and due to the busy schedule during this period, she had a bad appetite. She would vomit after eating, sometimes even gall water, so she could only grunt in bed, and sometimes she would cry out when she felt pain. It looked really pitiful. Another hour passed, and the child had not yet fallen out.

"If it continues like this, I'm afraid I'll get annoyed. Hurry up, help Sanniang out." Mother Liao was busy giving instructions.

The girls were so busy that they helped Su Yuxian up and slowly moved his body to the edge of the bed. Su Yuxian almost fainted from the pain. She had no choice but to let others drag her around.

"Sanniang, you hold the bed railing with both hands. Oh! Fat girl, move your feet further away. Come on, hold on to the bed railing like this and bend your feet down. That's right, that's it. .Which one is that over there? Quickly push the footbath over a little, okay, put it under your butt, okay, okay! Sanniang, that’s it, give it a try, I’ll shout one or two and you just push harder..."

Chen Qingshu was confused. Ignorance was called out. He was wearing only a single coat, swinging an empty sleeve, and was pacing back and forth like a wolf outside the door. On the paper grid window, he saw a bunch of chaotic overlapping shadows, and heard sounds in the inner room. Calling a thief like a soldier, I don’t know what to do.

“No, no. Seeing that this trick still didn't work, Mother Liao said anxiously, "Hurry up and open all the drawers in the house! Yes, on the table, in the big cabinet, and in the silver cabinet." No one can be locked up, otherwise the bastard will be locked in and unable to get out. "

There was a loud crashing everywhere. Originally, Bigfoot didn't want to get close to her, but when she heard that the birth of the child was not going well, she was a little anxious.

No matter what, the child was born of the Chen family's flesh and blood, and according to the rules, it was officially The mother is still herself! So, after lying on the bed for a while, she quietly got out of bed, got dressed, took out a handful of incense from the cabinet, and secretly burned incense and kowtowed for a while outside the delivery room, but there was no result yet. , she couldn't help but turn to the door, pushed it open and walked in. She saw a few girls and old ladies setting Su Yuxian up on the bed and asked, "What's going on here?"

"Oh, I tried my best. , but still didn’t come down. "Mother Liao had a grimace on her face.

"Is it so difficult to be born? In the past, my cows were so smooth, and they fell to the ground without a hitch. "

Everyone couldn't help laughing after hearing this, but they didn't dare to laugh out loud.

"I'm afraid I'm going to give birth to a great saint this time!" Liao Ma used her fingers to help Zhong Wuneng free herself.

"Maybe it is. Such. Bigfoot woman ordered without thinking, "Lianlian, go take a look and tell the men to stay away." We're going to open the wing door. " Lian Lian responded and waited, but was stopped by her again: "In addition, the door must also be opened. It faces south, facing Wenquxing. The young master is from Wenquxing, and he wants to come in through the south gate↵. "

Lianlian hurriedly went out and summoned the men to avoid it. Of course Chen Qingshu was no exception. He had no choice but to run to the gate with his empty sleeves and help open the extremely heavy iron door.

There was a slight hint of dawn in the sky. Chen Qingshu thought this should be a good sign, so he prayed silently in his heart, and then told Zhang Jimin to prepare firecrackers and scented wax quickly. It seemed that "Wenquxing" was really going to open the gate of heaven and descend to the earth.

After a while, Lianlian came back again.

"How is it? Is he a young master?" Zhang Jimin, the housekeeper, asked hurriedly. He had already lit the paper twister and was about to set off the firecrackers.

"It's not born yet." Auntie just said that the garden at the back of our Chen family's house is too high, pressing down on the front, so the young master can't get in. "

"What should we do?"

"There is no other way. We must quickly raise the ground in front. "

" What a mess!" Chen Qingshu got angry when he heard this, "The eyebrows are naturally grown. How high can the terrain in front be raised? Even if a thousand workers were hired to carry out the earthwork for a year, they still wouldn't be able to build a Nanhua Mountain.

"Master, don't be anxious." Zhang Jimin stepped forward and said, "Raising the terrain is just for us

to be auspicious. How can we really let people pick up the island rock? Just do what you want. "Leave it to me."

Zhang Jimin cried and handed the firecrackers and scented wax to the elder next to him. He hurried to the accounting room, lit the lamp, took out the pen, ink, paper and inkstone, and after a while, he chanted. When he came back, he was holding a long wooden board with wet ink in his hand. There are five big characters written on it:

Luban eight feet high.

Several helpers, some of whom went to find hammer nails and others to move the stairs, finally nailed the ten-wood sign to the pillar inside the door. What a wonderful thing the world is! As soon as the story lasted for a moment, Lian Lian's joyful shouts came from the inner room: "It's born! It's born! A white and fat girl!"

Outsiders heard the news , regardless of his sister, he was busy burning incense and lighting firecrackers. The entire Chen family mansion suddenly became noisy. At this time, the hour had arrived, and the "awakening cannon" of the fort on Nanhua Mountain rang loudly three times.

"Congratulations to the master on your new daughter. Now he has two sons and a daughter, and is rich and noble!"

Everyone in the family came to pay their respects and congratulate him.Originally, people in the small town valued "both parents are alive and the children are well-off". Chen Qingshu hugged the infant daughter and kissed her again and again, and couldn't put it down. Su Yuxian, however, lay unconscious in bed for three hours due to excessive stress and fatigue. Chen Qingshu knew that she was too tired. Although he had not slept for two nights, he still stayed by her bedside with compassion and love.

"Hurry up and take me to my room!" Bigfoot came into the room, not happy that the master was too affectionate towards Su Yuxian. When she ordered Lianlian, her tone became very cold. He also asked Liao's mother to check the place quickly. Liao's mother then swept away the blood stains on the wrapping, put it in a

rotten backpack with a cloth pad, carried it out of the yard, and hung it on a tree branch at an inappropriate place, so that the child would be safe and safe.

Lianlian took the child away. According to Bigfoot's instructions, the child will be fed by another wet nurse. Bigfoot is the child's upright mother. This is the local rule!

The young wife has the right to have children, but she does not have the right to be a mother. As soon as the lump of flesh and blood falls to the ground, Su Yuxian's connection with the child is severed. That afternoon, she woke up from her slumber and heard that the child had been taken away by Bigfoot. She didn't even see her daughter, nor did she kiss her once. She lay on the bed and cried silently. The ground flows.

"Sanniang, do you feel better?" The fat girl opened the door and came in, holding a red lacquer plate in her hand, "Auntie asked me to send you this chicken soup. She said that you are weak after childbirth and should take good care of yourself. Rest."

She put the plate on the coffee table, filled a small flat bowl with a blue flower bowl, and handed it to the bedside.

Su Yuxian took the bowl and said: "It's really hard for my aunt."

Looking at the hot chicken soup, the original resentment disappeared a lot, "She is tired too, let her take care of herself. I am young, it won't take long. It will recover. You should go first!"

The fat girl did not go away, but stood aside and urged: "Auntie asked me to watch you eat it. If it is cold, your stomach will feel uncomfortable."

Su Yuxian didn't want to drink it at first. She really didn't have a good appetite, but she couldn't resist the hospitality, so she had to drink it. But as soon as the soup came into her mouth, she couldn't help but spit it all out. The salt was too heavy, and she couldn't help but spit it out. Unable to pass down throat.

"What? Sanniang, doesn't it taste good?" the fat girl asked with concern.

"No, no..."

Su Yuxian didn't want to disappoint others, for fear of betraying their good intentions, so she hurriedly covered it up and said, "I drank in a hurry, it's a little hot."

The fat girl heard that it was hot, so she hurriedly took it. He took the bowl, blew on it with his mouth for a while, and then handed it over again, "Here, it won't be hot this time." Su Tianxian couldn't help it, so he drank it with his mouth shut like taking medicine. After drinking less than half a bowl, her tongue was numb from the drink, but she could only force a smile: "Fat girl, I'm in trouble for you, just put this away."

The fat girl persuaded Su Yuxian again, but Su Yuxian refused to drink anymore. . Then I took pity on the homeless man. Walking to the door of the kitchen, Mrs. Zhang came over and said, "Have you finished eating?"

"Only half a bowl."

"Give it to me, I have a charcoal fire for simmering the medicine. Yan Yidian, come over and take it." Warm it up and serve it to her. After eating it, she can tell the cook to stew another one. "It's just that after reheating this chicken twice, Su Yuxian still didn't finish it. When the fat girl took the remaining soup and went out, she was stopped by Bigfoot again. She took the bowl, her face suddenly changed color, and she threw the bowl onto the steps. With a sound of "Kala La", the bowl was smashed to pieces, and the remaining soup and water spilled all over the floor.

"Fat girl." Bigfoot woman said sternly, "Go to the kitchen and bring Ma Yuxiang. I want to ask her what kind of chicken she stewed? Is it laced with poison or something?"

Fat girl hurriedly went to call her. Ma Yuxiang is here. The big-footed woman put her hands on her hips and scolded the cook with a change of expression: "You leper woman can't cook a good meal. You can't swallow such an expensive black-bone chicken."

Although Ma Yuxiang is an honest person, The woman was so scolded that she had no choice but to defend herself bluntly:

"It's stewed like this every time, and I didn't hear anyone say a word about it at eight or eight banquet tables.When the stew is done, you should take it yourself, aunt, and you will see whether it is good or ugly..."

"Look at what you said, it belongs to Sanniang, isn't it? You are cursing others golden branches and jade leaves , Where have you never seen delicacies from the mountains and seas? Maybe you don’t know the saltiness of oil and salt, so you can’t help them? But don’t you look at what kind of family you are and what kind of status you have? "

Su Yuxian heard clearly in the back room and knew that Bigfoot was referring to the winter melon and scolding the gourd, but she just kept silent. She thought that she was in a foreign land, and the road to home was easy. Even if she was full of grievances, she had nowhere to complain, so she had to dwell in her heart. Uncomfortable. She had a weak constitution, but after giving birth, she was unable to take care of herself. Instead, she had accumulated resentment in her heart. She was frightened and worried by cold and dampness, and she became ill within a few days. Her complexion was sallow, her mouth was tasteless, she didn't want to eat, and she had nightmares. Overlapping.

Chen Qingshu asked Mr. Ma of Yishou Tang to diagnose and treat Xuanmai, but he couldn't explain why. He just prescribed some common tonics such as cinnamon, Aconite , Angelica, Codonopsis and took them all. It worked, but the big-footed woman scolded her again and again.

On this day, the weather was sunny. Su Yuxian woke up and felt that her breasts were swollen and painful, but no one answered her, and even the fat girl didn't know where she was. I had no choice but to push myself up and squeeze out some milk along the siding outside under the eaves, and then I felt better.

Outdoors, the spring was bright, and the wicker trees had turned green. The red color is very dazzling. Even the tung tree leaning against the courtyard wall is in bloom. A breeze blows, and the white fallen flowers fly down like thousands of colorful butterflies, breathing in the sweet air. She couldn't help feeling much better. So she simply walked down the cobbled flower path.

She suddenly heard a sound of music and drums coming through the wall, followed by the sound of people. In the air created by wine and laughter, there is a slightly older male voice singing:

August and fifteenth moon are shining,

rhino looks at the moon and its cub looks at its mother,

the sky looks at the low and the ground looks narrow,

the mountain looks at the distance. Lu Wangchang...

Su Changxian suddenly remembered that it was already one month after the birth of the child, and it was time to prepare a "full moon wine" for his daughter.

Suddenly, he heard the sound of a child crying from the other side of the wall. The sound was ridiculous. Her heart ached with worry. She thought of poor mother-in-law Ma Tianxiang, whose child was born in a shed in the wilderness. The child didn't even have a diaper, but he was still happy. At least the child was her own. Yes, day and night, he can stay with his own flesh and blood. It is easy to make wine when the child is full, and many poor brothers are brought together. Shoes and a glass of wine. It is filled with warm country-style joy. Today, although the lights next door are bright and the music is playing, it is not my own at all.

"A beautiful girl who is so fat and fair, and has double eyelids." Let's go!"

"Oh... Ho ho, laugh, those little dimples are so sweet! When you grow up, you will be a loving and well-behaved living Guanyin. "

The visitor is playing with the child. Su Yuxian can only rely on these intermittent and incoherent praises to try to build a beautiful and lovely image of her daughter. But it is fragmented. And it seems that the more she thinks about it, the more blurry she becomes.

"Auntie I'm so lucky, I'm almost forty, and I have such a precious little girl. She looks so smart and pretty, but she doesn't get along well with my aunt. "

Another group of people came, headed by a passer-by who was probably ignorant and overly straightforward.

"Hey, hey, hey..." was Bigfoot's somewhat embarrassed smile.

"Hey, empress. Ah, what you said is wrong. How can a daughter not be like her mother? Don’t just look at the door. In the past, Mrs. Zhang from our Chen family’s mansion was the number one beauty in Gancheng. Otherwise, how can you be the first-class wife of the Admiral's Army?"

"Hehehehe..." Bigfoot smiled. She smiled vaguely and did not comment on other people's negative or affirmative comments.

Chen Qingshu was also there. Smiling in agreement.

In Su Yuxian's imagination, in the courtyard beside the wall, a long table must have been placed according to local customs, and the large jar of rice wine that had just been opened was filled with foam and decorated with red, green and silver. The little daughter is busy passing it on in Xu Ming's hands. The four characters "long life and wealth" must be embossed with silk thread on the hat decorated with silver.That ancient ritual and the chaos of joy aroused all kinds of associations in her, full of tragic passion.

In order to explore the true background, she moved to the moon gate. The double wooden doors have been locked from the outside. She knew this was Bigfoot's plan in advance, so she had no choice but to listen along the wall.

Actually, the wall is not very high. There are a bunch of broken tiles and some broken bricks near the corner. Su Yuxian steeled herself and piled the bricks into a small tower against the wall. She dug into the cracks in the wall with her hands and tried to climb up... How much she wanted to see her baby daughter! Even if it was across the wall, even if it was across the wall, It's just a glance.

She stabilized herself on the top of the brick tower, and then tried her best to bring her eyes close to the lattice window at the top of the brick wall. At this time, the brick tower under my feet suddenly shook. Her hands, elbows and upper body fell down. She only moaned softly a few times and then passed out.

At this time, the "Moon Watching Song" accompanied by fine music and drums has reached the last few verses of "Ten Months Pregnancy":

The mother was pregnant in the ninth month, and

she had no peace for giving birth to a child.

She fell down in the world. Basin of water,

blood and menstruation are left in the underworld.

I was pregnant in my mother's body for ten months.

My mother complained about stomachache in the room, and

my head bit off my hair.

Kicked the ground and sat down...

After the individual visitors, Su Yuxian was discovered and carried back to the hospital bed when the side was almost wiped off.

(The picture comes from the Internet, has nothing to do with the text, and has been deleted without copyright infringement.)