Introduction: Where are the opportunities? Maybe on a floor tile, maybe on an ant. More than 100 years ago, there lived a woman in London who made a living as a cook. Although life was difficult, she still saved a little money frugally and used the money to attend a lecture. The

Introduction: Where are the opportunities? Maybe on a floor tile, maybe on an ant .

More than 100 years ago, there lived a woman in London who made a living as a cook. Although life was difficult, she still saved a little money frugally and used the money to attend a lecture. The speaker was a very famous orator at that time. His speech deeply affected her and touched her. After the speech, she did not leave immediately, but went to visit the speaker.

"How wonderful it would be to have so many opportunities in life like you!" she said enviously.

"Oh, dear lady," the orator asked, "have you never had a chance?"

"I have never had a chance." She was frustrated.

"And what do you do?" asked the speaker.

"I help in the kitchen at my sister's boarding house, peeling onions and peeling potatoes," she answered.

"How long have you been doing this?" the orator demanded.

"I have been working for 15 years. It has been a tough 15 years!"

"Where do you sit when you work?"

"Why do you ask this?" She was very confused. "I sit at the lowest table in the kitchen. "On the steps."

"Where do you put your feet?" "On the floor." She looked at the speaker in surprise.

"What does the floor look like?"

"It is paved with glazed tiles ."

The famous speaker said: "Dear lady, today, I want to give you a task. I want you to Write me a letter about your knowledge of bricks."

The lady refused his offer on the grounds that she did not know how to write, but the orator insisted that she complete the task.

The next day, as she sat on the kitchen steps peeling onions, her eyes couldn't help but focus on the glazed tile floor. She went to the brick factory to ask the owner how bricks were made. She was not satisfied with the factory director's explanation, so she ran to the library again. After checking the information, she learned that there were more than 120 kinds of bricks and tiles produced in Britain at that time. She also discovered how layers of clay formed that have existed for millions of years. She was completely immersed in her research, and her thoughts were completely occupied by her research. Every night, she would go to the library on time to check information.

After months of research, she wrote the letter at the speaker's request. In the 36-page letter, she detailed the situation of the floor tiles in the kitchen. To her surprise, she received a reply shortly after. Along with the letter came the reward for her research. It turned out that the orator had her letter published! Not only that, but the speaker gave her a new task: to write about what she found under the kitchen tiles.

The lady was greatly encouraged. She lifted up a brick in the kitchen and took a look and found an ant underneath.

As soon as she got off work that night, she hurried to the library to check out books about ants. Through research, she learned that there are hundreds of species of ants in the world. Some ants are so small that you can stand on the tip of a needle; others are so big that you can feel their weight in your hand. In order to facilitate research, she also raised a group of ants and observed them carefully with a magnifying glass every day.

After several months of observation and research, she wrote a 350-page "letter" about her findings from studying ants and sent it to the speaker. Of course, this "letter" was eventually published. Soon after, she quit her job as a cook and began her writing career.

Until her death, she had traveled to nearly every place she had ever dreamed of visiting and experienced many things she had never dared to imagine! This is the woman who once lamented that she never got a chance!

Philosophical thinking: Many people complain that there are no opportunities, many people complain that there are too few opportunities, but they do not know that opportunities are often stepped on by them. Opportunity is just a door to success. If you want to open this door and discover the light, it depends more on persistence and hard work. You must have the eyes to spot opportunities, and you must have the confidence to seize them.