With a stroke of his pen, Xiao Yu'er wrote the four characters "Return" and said to everyone, "I will take you in to see the world. You must all look for those four characters. Open your eyes and plunge in. Remember, you must Open your eyes!" He didn't wait for the others to reac

"A pen is a river and lake!" Xiao Yu'er waved his pen and wrote the four characters "Go Back", and said to everyone, "I will take you in to see this river and lake. You should all pay attention to those four big characters. Open your eyes." Open your eyes and plunge in. Remember to open your eyes!" He didn't wait for the others to react and jumped in towards Gui Guilaixi. Everyone was so surprised that they couldn't speak. They didn't know what the operation was. . After a brief surprise, they all jumped up one after another. Those who jumped with their eyes closed slammed into the wall, making moaning sounds one after another. The person jumping with his eyes open instantly disappeared before his eyes, entering chaos. He couldn't find a companion, and there was no real object to step on. His whole body fell in the dark, and from time to time he would be knocked to pieces by unknown objects, and stars would appear before his eyes. , fortunately they are not fatal injuries. When you close your eyes, the rate of descent will gradually slow down, and when you open your eyes, the rate of descent will accelerate again. After mastering the trick, Xiaoyuer began to play nervously and excitedly.

This seems to be a bottomless abyss. This blackness of nothingness makes people feel chilled all over, and their hearts become increasingly emptier. Those who are afraid will close their eyes tightly, gradually slow down, and finally even float, until they are spit out by the darkness like watermelon seeds. The onlookers who didn't jump in all gathered around the person who was spit out and asked questions. The first person to be spat out also told half-truths and half-false stories about jumping in. It was really about the darkness, nothingness and the terror caused by the strange collision. The fake thing is that he concealed the truth that was spit out. Instead, he boasted about what he had seen and heard and his brave actions. Anyway, he couldn't see a companion inside, and he didn't feel any inner pressure when he boasted, so it was like a natural born Like the speaker, he goes on for a long time, and the audience is attracted by the unheard and strange stories. While he was still giving a speech with high spirits, he suddenly spit out the second person, and everyone gathered around the second person and asked questions. The first person stuttered nervously, fearing that the other party would tell him embarrassing truths. The second person did not notice the first person who was spit out. While arranging the messy clothes, he told the story in a horrified tone. Dear readers, do you think it’s strange that the second person is exactly the same as the first person? So, driven by the cheers of the crowd, the two people looked at each other, gave each other a grateful hug, and formed a deep friendship of sharing weal and woe. Most people marveled after hearing this, admired the other party's courage and insight, and were willing to be just listeners. A small number of people were eager to go in and see for themselves, so the first and second people gave various unrealistic suggestions.

's words are divided into two parts. The brave people widen their eyes in the darkness, while uses his black eyes to find light in the darkness. Some people are unlucky and have their eyes hurt by unknown objects. They cover their closed eyes tightly with both hands, and then like a full-filled balloon that suddenly lets go of its breath, a whooshing sound emerges from the darkness. Being ejected hard. In the crowd of people watching, he not only said the same things as the first and second people, but also said something about his injury. The injury on his eyes seemed to be no longer an injury, but like a golden gong. medal.

As time went by, people who jumped in and came back were popped out one after another, more or less with glorious scars, so they all complimented and celebrated. After three or five years of this, people no longer pay attention to people who have not yet returned. Most of the injured people have established their own sects, claiming to be the orthodoxy of the world. Just like they boasted when they were ejected, they are all kinds of weird and varied.

The few people who were desperate for their own safety fell faster and faster. They gradually became accustomed to the endless emptiness, let go of their vigilant hearts, and began to explore unscrupulously. The liberation of the body leads to the liberation of the heart. The liberation of the heart allows the mind and spirit to fly freely. Spiritual consciousness fills the entire nothingness. Things and I merge into each other, and things and I forget each other. I don’t know how long it took, but this piece of nothingness began to look different. Looking back, I saw that the space where I had fallen was as bright as a galaxy, but the place under my feet that had not fallen was still endless black. Xiao Yu'er wanted to continue to find out, but the strange thing was that he could no longer continue to fall.Soon, several people who got here successfully discovered each other and knew that no one could go any further. They lay on the nothingness and chatted, their eyes admiring the place that was once dark and now as bright as the stars. It turns out that this fallen space is in the shape of a tree. The first place where it fell was the top of the tree, followed by dense branches. The branches stretched out to the entire void space. The impact it received came from From the branches it touches, there is the trunk with very few branches. It was obvious that the void where they lay now should be where the big tree took root.

After a brief reunion, they decided to continue exploring where they wanted to go. Without saying goodbye, they disappeared after a knowing smile. I don’t know how long it took, but Xiao Yu’er has traveled throughout the bright space and seen countless people who fell in the darkness like he once did. He understands that light has nothing to do with the outside world, and that light comes from one’s own knowledge —— Whenever a falling person collides with a branch, the eyes of the person hit will emit a gleam of light. The more painful the collision, the more obvious the light emitted, so when the number of collisions is enough, or the pain is enough, The dark space becomes bright.

Xiaoyuer laughed loudly, sat down with his back against the tree trunk, and slowly closed his eyes. As he closed his eyes, the surrounding space became brighter and brighter. Finally, under the extremely strong light explosion, everything returned to endless darkness. His body gradually disappeared, and finally turned into a trace of consciousness that circled around the big tree and then completely merged with the darkness, disappearing without a trace.