The birth of my sister was unexpected because the whole family thought it was a boy. After the birth, she turned out to be a girl and her grandparents almost gave her away. During the confinement period, my mother cried very sadly because her newborn child was to be given away. M

The birth of my sister was unexpected, because the whole family thought it was a boy. After the birth, she turned out to be a girl, which made her almost given away by her grandparents. During the confinement period, my mother cried very sadly because her newborn child was to be given away. My grandma was a strong woman and firmly disagreed with the idea of ​​her sister being given away to others. She said: How can I dislike my own child? As long as you give birth, you have to take care of it. In this way, at the insistence of grandma, my sister was left behind.

Although my sister and I are girls, as high school graduates in the 1970s, my parents did not favor boys over girls like our grandparents. They treated us equally with our younger brother who was born two years later.

Another two years passed, and the boy that the whole family longed for - my younger brother - was finally born. The third generation was passed down alone, and my grandfather finally got his wish. At this point, our family of five has gathered together.

Thinking about it now, there are so many things worth remembering about the time spent as a family of five. My childhood was extremely happy. Although there have been difficulties and difficulties, the happy times will always remain in my heart. It’s really not easy to get to this point. The three of us have finally left the countryside and have stable jobs, which is what my father expected back then. Why is it said to be what he expected? This started when he was taking the train with his classmates after graduating from high school...