Late one night, Grandma Wang was sleeping soundly in her house when she suddenly heard a rapid knock on the door from outside. She quickly got dressed, got out of bed, carried a lantern, and walked out of the house. She shouted out the door: "Who is it so late?" "Grandma, please

Late one night, Grandma Wang was sleeping soundly in the house when she suddenly heard a rapid knock on the door from outside. She quickly dressed and got out of bed, carrying a lantern and walking out of the house. She shouted out the door: "Who is it so late?"

"Grandma, please open the door quickly. I am Song Qinghe. My wife is about to give birth." Grandma After hearing this, he took two steps to open the door, and then followed Song Qinghe and disappeared into the vast night. After about a cup of tea, the two of them stopped in front of a house.

As soon as Grandma Wang walked into the yard, she heard a heartbreaking cry coming from the house. She hurried into the delivery room, while Song Qinghe stood alone outside the door, waiting anxiously. With a loud cry, a new life is born.

After a while, Grandma Wang walked out of the delivery room and said with a smile: "Congratulations, mother and daughter are safe." When Song Qinghe heard the word "mother and daughter", his head buzzed. He wanted to have a son to carry on the family line, but he didn't expect that his wife Zhang was so unlucky that she gave birth to a daughter.

He took out a few copper coins from his arms and handed them to grandma, and then sent the old man out of the door with a forced smile. The couple was prejudiced against their daughter and randomly named her Dalian. Three years later, the Song couple's second child was born, and the couple finally got their wish for a baby.

A few years later, the young Dalian gradually became wiser and her parents were busy making ends meet, so she began to take on the responsibility of taking care of her younger brother Bao Lu. It is inevitable for children to bump into each other, but whenever Baolu cries, Dalian will inevitably be punished, which makes her feel very aggrieved.

Under the influence of his parents, Baolu naturally did not take his sister seriously, and sometimes even deliberately made things difficult for her. Dalian couldn't feel the warmth of home and seemed to feel a little redundant. She had nowhere to express the pain in her heart, and could only bury her inner dissatisfaction and grievances deep in her heart.

One morning, mother Zhang happily led her son back to her parents' home, leaving only fourteen-year-old Dalian alone at home washing clothes. About 6 o'clock in the morning, a man in Tsing Yi came outside the gate. He looked to be in his thirties. He stood at the door and kept looking in.

After a while, the man walked straight into the yard, claiming that he was thirsty and wanted to go inside to ask for water. Da Lian was kind-hearted and unsuspecting of strange men. She put down her work and led the man in green directly into the house.

The man came to the water tank, scooped up a ladle of water and drank it all. Seeing that there was no one else in the room, he took out a box of rouge and gouache from his arms and gave it to Da Lian to express his gratitude and praise her greatly.

Dalian was so flattered that she refused but had to accept it happily. She was young and had no trouble, so she didn't know that the man had evil intentions. For a moment, a scent of fragrance hit her nostrils, and Da Lian felt dizzy, her legs went weak, and she fell to the ground. The man in green showed his bestiality and took the opportunity to defile her.

At noon, my father came back from working in the fields with a hoe. As soon as he entered the yard, he shouted several times but no one answered. He walked into the house and saw his daughter sitting by the bed with tears streaming down her face. He was shocked and quickly asked why, but she remained silent.

From then on, Dalian became taciturn and often sat alone in the corner in a daze. The mother didn't take it to heart when she saw her daughter's change. It wasn't until one day when she saw her vomiting that she realized something was wrong.

Mrs. Zhang took Dalian to see the doctor, only to find out that her daughter was pregnant. She didn't dare to have an attack in front of outsiders. When she got home, she scolded her daughter, saying that she was shameless and disgraceful to the family tradition.

After repeated questioning, Dalian cried and told the truth. The Zhangs were so angry that they did not dare to go to the government office to report the matter to the government because they were laughed at by others, so they had no choice but to go out and buy miscarriage medicine for their daughter. As soon as this incident came out, her parents' attitude towards Dalian worsened.

Women in ancient times valued chastity very much. If they lost their virginity before getting married, they would not only be ridiculed by others, but their parents would also be disgraced. Even if they got married, the engagement might be annulled. Da Lian was depressed and shed tears all day long.

One day, while her parents were not at home, she came to the Jinghe River at the head of the village and jumped into the river. This scene happened to be seen by neighbor Qi Hongshan. He quickly ran over to rescue, and Dalian barely escaped death.

Qi Hongshan asked with concern the reason, and Dalian burst into tears. He patiently enlightened her and finally found out the hidden truth. If someone else asked about this matter, Dalian would definitely not tell the truth, just because she grew up with Qi Hongshan, and the two of them have an extraordinary relationship as close as brother and sister.

Under Qi Hongshan's persuasion, Dalian returned home safely. For many days, she had lost her appetite and was in a trance. Mrs. Zhang was afraid that her daughter would suffer from something bad, so she planned to take her to the temple to burn incense and pray for the Buddha's blessing.

There is a Fushou Temple thirty miles east of the city. It is said that the incense is very popular, and there is an endless stream of people coming to burn incense and worship Buddha. One morning, Song Qinghe got up early, hitched up his carriage, and took his wife and daughter to Fushou Temple to offer incense.

A family of three came to the main hall and knelt down devoutly in front of the Buddha, praying for everything to go well and the whole family to be safe. To show her sincerity, Zhang also specially donated money for sesame oil. They walked out of the main hall and came to the door, and happened to see a monk cleaning the fallen leaves in front of the temple.

Dalian glanced at him casually, and suddenly said in shock: "You perverted thief, I have to kill you today." The parents were shocked when they heard this. They were really enemies. They didn't expect that the pervert who insulted Mo's daughter's innocence was right in front of them.

Song Qinghe stepped forward and punched and kicked him without any explanation. The pilgrims and monks in the temple heard the sound of fighting and ran out to check the situation. After a while, the abbot master came to the door and was furious when he learned the cause of the matter.

He pointed at the monk Huijing and said: "It's all because I know people are not good and accepted you as a disciple. What you did is really insulting the reputation of Buddhism and you are not worthy of being a disciple of Buddhism." After that, he asked people to take you as a disciple. Monk Huijing was tied up with five flowers, and then accompanied Song Qinghe to the Yamen to report to the official.

The county magistrate opened court to hear the case, and the yamen gate was packed with people. The common people were curious and wondered what the monk had committed. Wang Zhixian slapped the wooden door in the hall and shouted loudly: "Who is kneeling in the hall, please tell me your name quickly?"

Monk Huijing's face was ashen, and he said tremblingly: "Report to your lord, my name is Liu Hongchang." "Hearing this name, the county magistrate was shocked. Six months ago, the Shunde magistrate issued an official letter to assist in the investigation, claiming that a murder occurred under his rule. The murderer was named Liu Hongchang. After the crime, he fled overnight and his whereabouts are unknown.

Thinking of this, Wang Zhixian They began to interrogate him severely. After being beaten to pieces, Liu Hongchang finally confessed to the heinous crime he had committed.

Six months ago, he was discovered committing a burglary and committed a murder in desperation. Silence. Since ancient times, Liu Hongchang was worried that sooner or later the incident would be revealed, so he fled Shunde Mansion overnight and lived an unpredictable life.

Not long ago, he came to Dahe County and happened to pass by the door of Song Qinghe's house. Dalian was washing clothes in the yard, and suddenly he made a big mistake.

Later, he ran to Fushou Temple and became a monk. Because of a murder case, he just wanted to find a quiet place to temporarily escape the pursuit of the government. As everyone knows, the earth does not contain evil, and the sky does not hide evil. Anyone who commits crimes and commits crimes will be severely punished.


Liu Hongchang has a sinister nature, and he always does evil things but never repentes. Naturally, he cannot escape, and he will eventually have to pay with his life for the crimes he committed.

As the saying goes: "You can do good things, but don't do evil things." You must accumulate more virtues and do good deeds in this world, and believe that God will do it. Favor the kind people. How good people are, how good they are!