My aunt's family was very poor. Whenever it rained heavily, there would be light rain in her house. I heard that being a sailor could make a lot of money, so my cousin decisively applied for Dalian Maritime University. Four years after graduation, my cousin made a lot of money! W

My aunt's family was very poor. Whenever it rained heavily, it would rain lightly in her house. I heard that being a seafarer could make a lot of money, so my cousin decided to apply for Dalian Maritime University. Four years after graduation, my cousin Sure enough, I made a lot of money! With a monthly salary of 20,000 yuan and a small three-bedroom apartment in the suburbs, we envy him very much.

My cousin went to sea for 10 months and we rarely saw him. When he came back, he invited us to his home for dinner.

The dining table at my cousin’s house was covered with all kinds of green vegetables. I said dissatisfiedly: "You asked us to eat this? Are you feeding the rabbits?"

My cousin smiled and said, in their ocean life, vegetables Food and fruits are rare items that are only available when the ship docks. 90% of the food on the ship is frozen meat.

My cousin likes to eat meat, and he had the freedom to eat beef and mutton on the ship. The chef fed his cousin a 240-pound fat man with the beef and mutton.

His huge body seriously affected his dating experience. He met many girls, but none of them fell in love with him. We laughed at his lack of luck with women, and he calmly joked: "I am also in the Pacific after all." I have passed urine and fished in the Atlantic Ocean"

While we envy our cousins' high salary, we sympathize with their life as seamen.

It has been 10 months since they left the ship. After boarding the ship, there was no signal on their mobile phones. They were completely isolated from the world. They were almost in solitary confinement and had to stay in a shift room. When they were docked, they could only spend money on data traffic to report to their families that they were safe. Sometimes I am jet lagged and it is not always possible to contact my family.

During an ocean voyage, there are no holidays or Sundays. There is nothing but work and overtime. The days are monotonous and boring.

When they arrived in a foreign country, they could only get off the ship and walk around. They didn’t dare to move around because they didn’t understand the language. They really looked like international vagabonds. Later, because of the epidemic, for safety reasons, they didn’t even have the freedom to get off the ship.

When they first came home from vacation, they looked very stupid and stupid like prisoners who had just been released. When chatting with them, they didn't understand anything. They were not on the same channel at all. After staying at home for three or four months, they finally adapted to the land. In my daily life, it’s time to go to sea again.

My cousin just took a three-day vacation and ate very little lunch. We were surprised. My aunt told us that my cousin just came back because he was not used to the local environment and was having a stomachache. I was anxious to take him to the hospital to see a doctor, but my cousin said calmly: "You don't have to go to the hospital, it'll be fine in a week. It's like this every time you go home. You're used to it."

I was wondering if this was the sequelae of sailors going to sea. ? This is simply overdrafting your health to make money!

's cousin regretfully told us that the divorce rate in their line of work is very high, and some people may suffer from psychological problems if they are drifting at sea for a long time. I wasn't surprised at all.

Although it is better to say goodbye than to get married, if husband and wife have not communicated well for a long time, marriage is prone to problems.

Various relationships such as children, mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, aunts-in-law, and sisters-in-law have changed. The trivial things in life, and the husband is not at home all year round. Once such trivial things are not handled well, it will be the last straw that breaks the camel's back.

The monotonous life of seafarers at sea has caused them to stay away from the intrigues on land. Their growth is extremely slow, and they may not be able to keep up with the rhythm and frequency of their wives.

The most indispensable thing in marriage is communication and growth. If one party grows too fast, the balance of the marriage will tilt.

Although my cousin has achieved an annual salary of 200,000, I don’t envy him at all! It’s not easy to do anything! The high salary of seafarers is only superficial. The effort and risks behind the high salary are even more daunting!

It’s a three-point risk to travel around the country. If you weren’t short of money, who would be willing to do this?

# Riding the Wind and Waves of Life#