Pressurized water wells became popular in rural areas around the late 1970s. I remember that the pressurized water well was built at my grandma’s house when I was not in the first grade. That autumn, my fourth uncle bought a water press from someone who didn't know where he bough

Pressurized water wells have become popular in rural areas since the late 1970s. I remember that the pressurized water well was built at my grandma’s house when I was not in the first grade. In the autumn of that year, my fourth uncle didn't know where he bought the water press machine . He borrowed well drilling tools, which were actually just a few drill pipes, and started to pressurize the water well.

To the east of grandma’s house is Huangjiawan. At that time, there was still water in the bay. Because it is close to a water source, the water and soil in my home are very shallow. The site is located in the open space three meters in front of the entrance of the small north house on the east side. My fourth uncle, my father and several neighbors came to help. Because the city is full of water, the only way to drink sweet water is to fetch water from the old well beside the moat outside the north gate. Everyone started working together, first digging a small hole in the ground with a shovel, and pouring water into it to make the soil soft and easier to drill. At the beginning, the pole was only three meters long, and the drill bit on the head was still thick, sharp and hard. Everyone worked hard to dig down, and it took more than an hour to drill down, and then connected the second pole. In order to increase the strength and increase the gravity, a wooden stick as thick as a teacup was placed on the top of the pole. I stood on it and grabbed the pole with both hands while the adults continued to climb down. At that time, I only weighed fifty or sixty pounds. Because of the inertia, this really worked well. Then the third one and the fourth one also reached the bottom. The pole also became muddy after being drilled into the water. The total length of the four poles was just over twelve meters, and it took a long time to finally reach the water. So, my fourth uncle used an unused water grinding disc as a water pressure well platform, and forgot who he was looking for to drill the three bolt holes. Assemble the water press: It is actually an old tractor 195 cylinder liner, a long pressure rod, a fixed fulcrum, and a thickened leather cushion on the bottom of the piston. Then plug the head of the one-inch thick plastic water pipe with a wooden stick, and use a thick red-hot iron wire to drill holes within 20 centimeters from the bottom of the pipe to form a dust filter, so that mud will not be brought up, and then The tube was continued. Generally, the water pipes you buy will have a surplus, and only about two meters will be cut off. Then use three square bluestones to make the base of the water pressure well, and sit the water pressure machine on the millstone on it. The adults began to press the water. First, fill the water press with "diversion water" and slowly press the handle up and down. After a while, the turbid mud soup will flow out. After more than two hours of continuous pressure, the water began to slowly become clear. Take a scoop of water and taste it. It's not as bad as boiled water, nor as delicious as sweet water. This is just "half a mouthful". With this pressurized water well, at least it is much more convenient to use water at home. There is no need to fetch water for washing clothes and dishes. Three days later, the fourth uncle used cement to plaster the water press table and it became very orderly. Finally, a cement pool was built below the water outlet to hold buckets.

There is a pressurized water well at home. I am also very curious and go to pressurize the water if I have nothing to do. It turned out to be a coincidence that time. There was water in my hand. It was very difficult to press the water. My hands jumped up and pressed down on the handle. Just when I was about to reach the bottom, my hand suddenly slipped and I missed the rubber cover of the handle. The handle was soaked by the water. The pressure rebounded and hit me on the chin! At that time, I felt that my jaw was numb, and then it started to swell and hurt. I cried and held my chin and went home... The swelling took four or five days to subside. At least, the handle has that layer of rubber cover. If it were a pure iron handle, , I have to beat me up with and ! I still remember this incident more than 40 years ago...