In Shiyongfang, the capital, there was a woman hawking with a girl. The girl looked pitiful. Xiaolian Zhang Zhiwen met Zhang Zhiwen by chance, so he bought the girl for 30,000 yuan and named her Lihua. The pear blossoms gradually grow up and become more and more beautiful. It is

In Shiyongfang, the capital, there was a woman hawking with a girl. The girl looked pitiful.

Xiaolian met Zhang Zhiwen by chance, so he bought the girl for 30,000 yuan and named her Lihua. The pear blossoms gradually grow up and become more and more beautiful. It is always suitable to wear heavy makeup and light makeup. Just insert a small flower or break a piece of grass, and it will look like the beauty in the painting.

Other women in the mansion tried to imitate her, but they didn’t look good. Lihua is smart and clever, and is loved by everyone in the house.

Zhang Zhiwen has a daughter named Jiaojiao, who has been betrothed to the second son of the Li Hanlin family since she was a child.

When Jiaojiao came out of the palace, she brought two maids with her, one was Lihua and the other was Begonia. Begonia was also very beautiful.

Jiaojiao likes pear flowers more, and Mr. Li also likes pear flowers very much. She wanted to have close contact several times, but Lihua escaped carefully. Although Mr. Li said sweet words, Lihua ignored them. (In ancient times, a maid who was given as a dowry could be a concubine, as long as she wanted to.)

Li Hanlin happened to be promoted and went to Huizhou to be the county guard, and the Li family moved to Huizhou.

The Li family arrived in Huizhou for the first time, and it was difficult to get things done in an unfamiliar place, so they asked Zhao Sen for help. Zhao Sen was related to the Li family and the Zhang family. He recommended a counselor to serve as an adviser to the Li family.

Three years later, Li Hanlin went to Guangdong to work as a supervisor.

In the cold winter of November, the counselor was going to Beijing for business. He passed by Zhao Sen's house and was warmly entertained by Zhao Sen. The counselor talked about many interesting things about his stay at Li's house.

By chance, they talked about the little maid Lihua, and the counselor said with a serious expression: "Lihua, that beautiful maid in their family is really shocking. You are a relative of the Li family, and you don't even know it!"

Zhao Sen shook his head, he really didn't know, Let the counselor talk about it. The counselor said: "This is really bizarre, and I need wine to explain it."

So they cooked a pot of wine, and the two gathered around the stove and began to tell the secret of pear blossoms. Zhao Sen was shocked at first, then laughed, then sighed, and slapped his thigh. This was really unheard of and unseen.

Another lecture that made the counselors beam with joy was really interesting.

The thing is like this :

Li Hanlin went to Guangdong to take office, so he bought four boats in Zhangjiawan. Li Hanlin and his wife took one; the counselor took one; the servants took one; Mr. Li and Jiaojiao, Pear Blossom and Begonia take a boat.

line up in a row when sailing, and stay together when resting.

One day, everyone passed by Wucheng by boat and rested at the pier at night.

There is a bright moon hanging in the night sky at night. The counselor couldn't bear the heat, so he simply got up and went out of the cabin to get some fresh air. The surroundings were extremely quiet at that time.

The counselor suddenly heard a sound from the third boat, as if someone pushed open the window. The counselor was worried about robbers, so he quietly hid in the dark and observed. He only saw a woman walking out of the cabin and standing on the bow of the ship to urinate!

Although there was a boat in the middle, the moonlight was bright, and the counselor was sure that he saw a woman standing and peeing, and there was a cow. After carefully identifying it, it should be Lihua. The counselor felt strange, thinking that Lihua was only ten years old when she went to Zhang's family, and she is eighteen years old now. When I was at Li's house, I often chatted with Lihua. Isn't it the same person?

Take a closer look at the boat. It should be Mr. Li's boat. The person who peed is indeed Lihua, but Niuzi is also absolutely true.

The counselor really can’t understand it, it goes against common sense!

Early the next morning, everyone finished breakfast and returned to the cabin to rest. Only the old butler sat on the bow of the boat, sighing and saying to himself: "I have lived for most of my life and have seen a lot, but I can't understand it this time!" The counselor came up and asked him what was going on?

The old housekeeper said: "Young servant Lihua, she is obviously a woman, but she speaks with a male voice! I can't understand.

The counselor said: "You have rich social experience. There is one thing I don't understand. I want to ask you for advice."

The old butler asked what was going on, but said it was okay.

The counselor looked around and whispered about the strange things he had seen last night. The old butler was shocked and said, "Why didn't you tell my master?"

The counselor said: "Originally, I also thought about doing this, but then I thought, it is inappropriate for me to be a guest, and I am also a person in Mr. Li's room, so I can only pretend that I didn't see him."

Old housekeeper: "What are you talking about? If you don't say it, sir, something big will happen!" "

Counselor: "How about you tell Mr. Li first?

Old housekeeper: "Okay, I'll report to the master now!" "

The old steward said to Master Li, "Does the Second Master know that there are monsters in the house?

Mr. Li smiled and said, "How do you say this?" "

The old butler said: "The monster is on the second young master's boat. "

The second young master thought it was a joke, so the old housekeeper put it in Mr. Li's ear and explained Lihua's problem in detail. Mr. Li almost dropped his jaw, got up and entered the cabin, and asked Jiaojiao what was going on. Jiaojiao was also shocked. Thinking back, After waiting for a long time, he said: "No wonder she keeps her virginity as if she were a virgin, and she is eighteen years old and has never seen menstruation. When you say this, it becomes even more problematic." "

Mr. Li called Lihua and asked her to tell the truth. But Lihua didn't say a word. Mr. Li closed the cabin door and wanted to check it in person. Lihua tried her best to resist, but when she wasn't paying attention, Mr. Li caught her. Mr. Li was so angry that he tied up Lihua and brought him to his father. Li Hanlin was really shocked. Seeing that Lihua didn't do anything, he took out the torture tools and wanted to be tortured. Lihua was very frightened and cried: "When I was a child, my family was poor, so my parents wanted to sell me for money. At that time, girls were ten times more expensive than boys, so they dressed me up as a girl in order to sell me for more money." Since it has been exposed today, and the crime deserves death, I hope that the master will save my life, and I will act like a cow in the future to repay your great kindness. "

Li Hanlin saw that he was pitiful and asked someone to examine him. He was still a boy, so he cut his long hair, changed his clothes, and became a boy.

Li Hanlin called the counselor, asked him to examine him, and said: " Unexpectedly, such a strange thing happened. Lihua was a man disguised as a woman. Fortunately, he had good intentions and was still a boy, so he was exempted from punishment. Sir, look, it's not a monster.

The counselor smiled and checked, and said to Lihua: "Don't blame me for being troublesome. In my hometown, roosters can change into female chickens, and female chickens can also become male. It's a good thing that you can regain your male body today. Don't forget it in the future." its me. "

Lihua blushed and was shy and silent.

The counselor presented a pair of shoes and a fan.

After returning home, Master Li asked Lihua to be the manager of the nursing home. Lihua fulfilled her duties and the master also valued her more. Li Hanlin accepted him as his adopted son. , and married Begonia to him.

Mr. Li was bored. On the night of Lihua’s wedding, he quietly broke the window and saw Lihua’s wedding night, which was really a beautiful scene of Lihua’s wedding.

Mr. Li was very happy. With a knowing smile, a year later, Lihua and Begonia had a son.

(End of story.)
