Original 4 hours ago · First-level teacher at Yuhong Middle School in Xinji City. In the old rural areas, if a family had a large population and few laborers, food would be a problem. This was the case for Liu Qingqing's family.

xinyu reading

original4 hours ago · A first-level teacher at Yuhong Middle School in Xinji City

text/Xixiansu Heart Picture/Network


In the old rural areas, a family, if the population was large and the labor was small, eating was a problem, Liu Qingqing's family that is.

Liu Qingqing's father, Lao Liu, was a college student in the 1950s. He was a talented person. Although he was full of economics, he was also proficient in poetry and painting. Especially his calligraphy, everyone praised him, but in those days, he could not be used as food. He is full of literary ink, but he has no use for it. Mother Wen Biye is an intellectual in the city. Judging from the photos, she was the star of the school when she was young. After graduation, they were both assigned to very good units in the provincial capital. When she married Lao Liu, she was so talented and beautiful that people envied her.

In 1957, a cultural revolution turned their destiny upside down overnight, like a drop of rain falling from the sky to the ground. Both of them are the pride of heaven, and they are also well-known highly educated talents in the workplace. The replacement workers and temporary workers all look up to this pair of senior intellectuals. However, because of Lao Liu's upright nature, he was labeled as a rightist because of one sentence. The couple, their son Liu Linyi, and their daughter Liu Qingqing were sent to their hometown in the countryside. The whole family worked with meager work points and very little food. Therefore, the family often did not have enough to eat.

In order to avoid starvation, Liu Qingqing and her brother Liu Linyi often stayed with relatives nearby for two or three months to alleviate the family's food problem.

In these difficult days, their family became the butt of jokes among their neighbors. The others were all native farmers who had the strength to work and earned two points each. However, in their family, Lao Liu and his wife were both good at writing and writing, but when it came to farming with hoes, they were resigned to being inferior. There was a time when they were so hungry that they lost their dignity as intellectuals and went begging for food on the street. Later, the village learned about their family's situation and distributed some relief food to their family, which gradually alleviated the problem of these mouths. People all talked about it teasingly: hiding at home all day long, writing calligraphy and painting, can this be used as food? ! "Yes, the upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked. Look at Lin Yi. He is not very energetic at work all day long. After work, other people's young men can bulldoze earth, buckle bricks, burn bricks to build houses and marry wives. , It’s better for him to hide in the house and paint plum blossoms. Good times are not created by painting!” “Hahaha, hahaha” bursts of laughter.


Liu Qingqing has a lively personality, doesn't like to study, and is a bit awkward. She doesn't keep her mouth shut and can't explain what words come out. Her parents were both talented people, but she was so mutated that she really didn't look like a child of her parents. She had small eyes, a long pointed face, and thick lips. She spoke in a low voice, like a boy.

Liu Qingqing doesn’t like studying, let alone writing or drawing. She has not inherited any of her father’s hobbies. She doesn’t study well and didn’t graduate from junior high school, so she works in the fields with her sisters in the village, chatting, laughing, and playing. She liked the fuss these days. Moreover, she is very energetic and good at work. She is good at cutting wheat6, picking cotton, pinching millet, and breaking sticks. In the rural areas of the old days, in order to make a living, there was no effort in finding a wife. A capable girl just had the ability. As a result, matchmakers from far and near came and went in an endless stream. But because at that time, it was obvious that the children of rightists were not upright and they might be punished one day. Therefore, the people they introduced were either poor or not good-looking. When girls are looking for a partner, they are always looking for someone who is somewhat similar to their father, consciously or unconsciously. Liu Qingqing's father is handsome, and her other conditions are relaxed, except for her appearance, which is meticulous. It is said that marriage is fate, and her marriage went smoothly. Soon, she chose Wei Dong from a neighboring village according to her own standards.

Wei Dong is good-looking, well-spoken and able to please people.However, he is the youngest at home, his sisters have already married, and he and his parents are the only ones left at home. When other young men marry their wives, they renovate their houses to make them spacious and bright. However, their house is still a low-rise red brick house. Due to its age and disrepair, the wall tiles have fallen off in spots. , the only thing that is a little angry is the wormwood on the eaves, which is upright and lush.

Not long after the engagement, Liu Qingqing’s soul was taken away by Wei Dong. Both at home and outside, my thoughts are with him. However, in today's rural areas, people are very conservative. Only during the New Year and holidays can a man legitimately visit his wife's home. In the hut, two people sat far apart, one with a red face and the other with a shy face. The two were coy and wanted to speak but dared not. The woman took out the shoes she had made for him, with new inners and uppers, thin stitches, and a pair of fully stretched shoes, and placed them on the kang, like a pair of lovers in love. Sometimes, a man can't help but secretly hold a woman's hand, or even hug her, and the woman's face will instantly become red and her heart will be filled with honey. Sometimes, a man's wisecracks will make a woman smile sheepishly. Whenever someone's new son-in-law comes, the surrounding families come to have a look, as if watching the fun. Especially the young and innocent children are more willing to come here, because the target must put two colorful candies in their hands. Like the wind, they ran away in the blink of an eye. As for the appearance of the new son-in-law, they had long been blurred.

Liu Qingqing lives in a family of intellectuals. Her parents are both knowledgeable and educated. They fell in love and got married freely when they were young. Their thoughts are different from those in contemporary rural areas. They don't pay much attention to their children's love issues. Liu Qingqing was naturally different in a relaxed family environment. She was not as conservative as the women in the village. She often secretly walked with Wei Dong in the fields in front of the village, dated in the grove behind the village, and even held hands together. , went to another village to watch a movie. Wei Dong took Liu Qingqing and stood on the edge of the crowd. Young people standing together to watch a movie in public and holding hands were considered monsters in the countryside. So, the movie started, and people who were doing good things were sending messages to each other. Look at who was with so and so. They were like orangutans and monkeys in love in the zoo. Their eyes were sharp and dense like sharp swords. Some curled their lips, some were envious, and some were jealous. After the movie, people were not talking about the plot of the movie, but they were talking about the two of them, saying that they were shameless and shameless. However, Wei Dong and Liu Qingqing didn't care about this. They still held hands, talking and laughing, as if no one else was around. People watched them gesticulating and talked a lot. However, she doesn't care at all. You look at me, and I look at you. It's not illegal to hold hands, just look!

didn't get along for long, so they registered their marriage. After marriage, the two people were loving and harmonious.


As the saying goes, "Blessings do not come in pairs", but this blessing really comes in pairs.

1978 implemented the household contract responsibility system . With the land being guaranteed to each person, the farmers have changed from the old days of eating from a big pot and scrambled to operate responsible fields. Although farming is a weak point for Lao Liu's family, with the help of his daughter and son-in-law, the land he cultivates is not much worse.

In autumn, there are a few leisurely clouds floating in the endless blue sky. In the fields, there is endless golden color, filled with a mature atmosphere. The farmers who dug their food in the soil beamed with joy when they saw the millet bowing its head and the corn laughing, and the cotton spinning and the soybean filling up. imagined that in two days, his family would be full of grain, and everyone would feel happy.

Lao Liu's family, although Liu Qingqing is still the main laborer when working, Lao Liu is tired from writing and has trouble reading, so he and his wife go to the fields where they are responsible. With hands behind their backs, they looked like veteran cadres going to the countryside to inspect work. Sometimes, he also learns from his fellow villagers to grow seasonal vegetables in his private plot near home.He works carefully, watering frequently and pulling weeds frequently. The leeks are green and shiny, the tomatoes are growing like emerald braids, and the beans are like emerald braids. Lao Liu's family no longer has to worry about food, and their family can be regarded as a family with enough food and clothing. Liu Qingqing and Wei Dong, as soon as spring planting and autumn harvest came, went to their house to help until the work was completed. This year is a bumper year, and Lao Liu's family also has a great harvest. Lao Liu's heart feels like honey, and his smile is much brighter. He and his wife were sincerely grateful to his uncle for helping them a lot.

It was in the autumn of this year that the central government issued a document to rehabilitate these rightists and restore them to their original positions. Lao Liu and his wife can return to their original unit and enjoy the benefits of retired veteran cadres. The post office where he used to work restored his salary and allocated a house. Overnight, they rose from being farmers to becoming state cadres, and received favorable treatment. All this was like pie falling from the sky, and their family couldn't help but rejoice.

Intellectuals like them finally lived the lives of city dwellers again, and it all seemed like a world away. They received a fixed salary every month and had enough food and clothing to support two people. They thanked Deng Xiaoping from the bottom of their hearts and thanked the Party Central Committee for its wise decision, which allowed them to go back to living with their tails between their legs and return to the past, proud and full of flowers. Compete for beauty.

Life is not perfect, and there are regrets everywhere. Elder brother Lin Yi took his father's job and stayed at the post office in the provincial capital, while Liu Qingqing's family had no choice but to stay in the countryside, destined to be full-fledged farmers for the rest of their lives. The old Liu couple, who had no worries about food and clothing, felt sick every time they thought about this. I always feel that I have been indebted to my daughter Liu Qingqing in this life.

So, the mother came up with a way and said to Lao Liu: "Old man, you see, our salary is quite high and we can't afford a house. Qingqing and Xiaodong, two children, are suffering and tired in the countryside. Although they don't have to worry about food, But it’s too hard. Lin Yi stayed in the city, and we came out again, leaving them alone. They are both young and in their 20s. When will this hard life end?”

"Yeah, but what can you do?"

"How about this, let them plant some crops that are easy to grow and harvest easily. For the rest of the time, they can live and eat with us and let them find a factory to work in. We can't afford to support them with our salary."

"What a great idea!"

In this way, Wei Dong and Liu Qingqing lived a half-farm, half-city life with their parents.


Brother Lin Yi has already started a family in the city, and has also been allocated a house in the work unit, which is very close to the public house allocated by his parents. The old couple cooked something delicious, opened the window, and shouted to their son's floor, which was clearly heard.

Lin Yi's lover Xiao Xu also replaces his father and works in a factory. Xiao Xu is beautiful and likes to dress up. He is a well-known activist in the factory. She loves to sing and dance, and when the factory holds cultural programs, she is both the announcer and the lead singer of the chorus group. Even Sister Wu, the chairman of the factory's labor union, said, "Xiao Xu, a literary and artistic person, is very unqualified to work in the factory. It's a pity that this talent was buried in the factory."

Women are like this, and they seem to have an illusion of superiority. No matter how ugly she looks, she still feels good about herself, not to mention a beautiful woman like Xiao Xu. Xiao Xu is well-dressed and tasteful. Not only does she remain charming, but she also adds a bit of mature charm.

On weekends, Mr. and Mrs. Liu always like to gather their son and daughter’s family together for a reunion dinner. Lao Liu likes to go shopping for groceries, but when cooking, he likes everyone to work together and everyone cooks their own special dish.For example, the pickled fish made by Liu Qingqing is full of color and flavor; Liu Yi’s spicy shrimp is full of fragrant flavors and endless aftertaste; although his son-in-law Wei Dong is thin, he is still very particular about eating. He stews The house is filled with the aroma of pork ribs; Xiao Xu is the most particular about cooking. She pays attention to both color and nutrition. Her turtle soup has white, tender meat and delicious soup. Everyone enjoys it. My mother-in-law often happily drinks turtle soup and praises with a smile: We Liu Yi are really lucky to have a daughter-in-law who is a leader inside and outside.

Wei Dong also admired this sister-in-law who was only two years older than him. Sometimes, he would always talk to her when she had nothing to say and make some warm little jokes. Every time after dinner, Xiao Xu always takes the lead in washing the dishes. After all, my sister-in-law and the others are guests, and she is the host. She washes the dishes in the kitchen for a while, and Wei Dong always comes to show his attentiveness, "Sister-in-law, let me do it." "No, no, you go watch TV in the living room." In fact, Xiao Xu said this, but in his heart he still wanted someone to accompany him and talk while working, so that the work would not be boring. However, Wei Dongfei not only did not leave, but stood beside her, helping Xiao Xu squeeze out the dishwashing liquid or turning on the faucet for her. Sometimes, inadvertently, their bodies would rub against each other, and Xiao Xu's heart would break. Just trembling with happiness, this feeling has not happened in many years. A kind of warmth spreads quickly throughout the body. She secretly thought: Although Liu Yi is a cultured person with delicate feelings, he has never accompanied her to wash the pots and dishes like this. A woman actually does not need a man to do anything for her, as long as he gives her the most considerate care and the warmest love. Need is the greatest happiness. Sometimes, as she thought about it, she actually imagined Wei Dong as Liu Yi, standing next to her. This companionship is not only steadfast, but also indescribably sweet.

As time went by, it became a natural phenomenon for Wei Dong to accompany his sister-in-law Xiao Xu to wash the dishes. They were all eating snacks, watching TV, and chatting casually. No one had done anything. Notice the emotional soup cooking in this kitchen. One time, Xiao Xu was washing the dishes, and suddenly she let out a soft voice. Wei Dong, who was telling her gossip about his workplace and wiping the kitchen counter, hurried over and asked with concern, "What's wrong?" "Ah, it's okay. "It's okay." Xiao Xu pinched the index finger of his right hand, and it turned out that it was accidentally pierced by the iron pin used to wash dishes. Wei Dong quickly took her finger, wiped it gently, and blew it exaggeratedly, as if coaxing a child, "It doesn't hurt, it doesn't hurt, it doesn't hurt anymore!" Wei Dong helped clean up the remaining dishes and chopsticks. . Xiao Xu still pinched the belly of his fingers delicately, and then looked at Wei Dong's busy figure. This seemed to be a warm picture that stayed in Xiao Xu's heart for a long time. Sure enough, after a while, the pain in her fingers disappeared, but her heart was still pounding.

Sometimes, Xiao Xu is busy by the pool, and Wei Dong is not here to accompany her, cleaning the range hood or the stove while talking. Anyway, at this moment, for the two of them, it seems like a paradise in the world, with gentle breeze and calm clouds. The flowers are full and the moon is full. The two of them silently enjoyed this warm moment, but they knew it tacitly.

On New Year’s Eve dinner, the whole family gathered together. Of course, the Eight Immortals cross the sea and show their talents. Because it was a special festival, Lao Liu specially ordered two dishes from the restaurant. The whole family drank together and ate with gusto. During the dinner, Wei Dong respected his parents and his eldest brother Liu Yi. Liu Qingqing, who had a cheerful personality, was not far behind. He called him this and respected him, and laughed heartily from time to time. What Wei Dong dislikes the most is Liu Qingqing, who has no feminine restraint at all. Unlike Xiao Xu, who is gentle, elegant, mature and graceful. The family was full of wine and food. As usual, they exited the restaurant and gathered in the living room to watch TV and talk about the mountains. On this New Year's Eve, people who had been busy for a year completely relaxed physically and mentally.Xiao Xu was busy in the kitchen as usual. Today there were a lot of large plates small butterflies, and the plates were covered with oil stains. She would not go to work tomorrow, so she opened the small faucet slowly, as if appreciating the water flow. She was washing the dishes and chopsticks slowly and leisurely, wearing a tight-fitting light pink sweater and a short skirt that covered her hips, outlining her graceful curves. Wei Dong glanced at her quietly, feeling itchy in his heart. Her slow movements were demure and calm, as if washing the dishes was a very beautiful and interesting thing. Wei Dong watched and couldn't help but put his arms around Xiao Xu's waist from behind and gently put his head on her back. "Sister-in-law, you are so beautiful!" He murmured softly. Xiao Xu was like a frightened little animal, not caring about the water drops on his hands. He turned around hurriedly, pretending to be angry, and pushed him away. He also whispered, "Don't, don't, don't let others see you!" Wei Dong stood stunned. There, I immediately started washing the dishes absentmindedly. But it was like a stone had been thrown into her heart. She no longer had the previous peace and happiness, and ripples of joy circled in her heart. Her heart was intoxicated, confused, happy, or scared. Muddled emotions filled her heart. Wei Dong's heart was even more confused.


Wei Dong and Liu Qingqing became the envy of people in the village. Usually they work in a factory respectively. During the busy farming season, they fly back to the village like migratory birds. Wei Dong's originally handsome face has become more mature because he has seen the world. He originally didn't like doing farm work and dressed up all day long. Now, he is even more well-dressed and looks like a young man. He was riding a shiny Flying Pigeon bicycle, and next to him was Liu Qingqing on a red bicycle. Rural people who work outside all year round have been cultivated in the city for a period of time. Even Liu Qingqing, who gained weight after getting married, exudes a foreign style. She has a fashionable Momoe Yamaguchi haircut , although her facial features are still arranged in a very ordinary way. She wears the popular jacket and jeans. Compared with the people in the village, she is clean and refreshing. Although she is not beautiful, she looks like a city person.

They are not like the farmers in the village. They are not idle all year round, and the crops they plant are very troublesome. After harvesting the leeks and cutting the green vegetables, and after selling the green vegetables and planting the radishes, people are always working hard. They go around the fields every day throughout the year and have something to do every day. As for Wei Dong and Liu Qingqing, they are only busy twice a year in spring and autumn, harvesting wheat and planting corn, and harvesting corn and planting wheat. After harvesting and planting, I went back to the city to go to work.

The two of them live with Lao Liu and the others. They don’t have to rent a house, the food is produced by their own family, and most of the vegetables are grown by Lao Liu himself. In addition, they can eat whatever they want. Lao Liu and his wife can’t spend their pensions. Although the monthly wages Wei Dong and Liu Qingqing earn are not high, apart from buying some snacks or adding some clothes, they can save the rest. The elder brothers Liu Yi and Xiao Xu are both regular workers with relatively high wages. They live a peaceful life. Every night, Xiao Xu goes dancing in the park on the street. A small square, with the dim light of street lights and an old-fashioned tape recorder, surrounded by many people watching the excitement. These people who can dance dance gracefully in the sound of music. People stared intently at these people, following the music, raising their arms, turning in circles, holding hands, stepping back, and stepping forward, every move was beautiful. The people on the dance floor were all dressed up. The men were all in suits, and the women were mostly in long skirts and dancing shoes. Their hair was pulled up high, and their graceful figures were singing and dancing under the lights. People were fascinated and envious. Sadly, the song ended, and people were still immersed in the wonderful feeling just now, and it took a long time to recall it.

Xiao Xu is the most beautiful dancing star here. Most of the onlookers here followed her figure and kept wandering around. In her thirties, she has become more mature and charming, with skillful movements and swaying figure. This hot figure makes those little girls feel inferior. Especially when she dances, her eyes are always smiling, her mouth curves into a moon, and her expression is natural and beautiful. Appreciating her dance is like appreciating exquisite works of art, and they are dynamic and elegant works of art.Men are willing to dance with her, firstly because she is skilled in dance, and it will be much easier to dance with such a person. Secondly, dancing with her, her body is light, her movements flow naturally, and her movements are in tacit understanding. Dancing with her, It looks like you are a good dancer and adds color to your dancing.

So, on the dance floor, Xiao Xu was the focus here, attracting a lot of attention. She is the proud goddess of dance and attracts a lot of attention. In people's envious eyes, she was like a proud peacock, taking all the glory.


In the early summer weather, there is still a hint of coolness in the air. The trees on both sides of the avenue are already lush and green, glowing with the green of life.

The post office where Lin Yi worked selected two business backbones to visit Beijing for a week. Lin Yi was the leader of the unit, so he was naturally one of them. For this study, Lin Yi started preparing two or three days in advance. ID card , notebook, razor, change of clothes, etc. are all available, as if I have to live away for a year and a half. Xiao Xu, too, is as meticulous as silk, and he has a water cup, a small round mirror, a small comb, and even motion sickness medicine and cold medicine, all stuffed into a bulging package. Lin Yi felt sweet in his heart when he saw his wife working so hard for him, feeling that he was really happy to have a thoughtful wife.

On Friday, when Lin Yi left home, he kissed his wife gently on the forehead, pulled her close to his arms, and whispered: "I'm not at home, you must have a good meal. If you really don't want to do it, just go to us Don’t go hungry after eating at Mom’s place. You must close the doors and windows before going to bed at night, and draw the curtains tightly before going home to change clothes..." After he said all this, He glanced at his wife affectionately, and when he saw Xiao Xu's loving eyes, he felt a little attached to her. However, a man must put his career first. Thinking of this, he picked up his luggage and went to the train station.

The evening sun no longer had the enthusiasm of noon. The golden sunset slowly set shyly in the west, elongating his figure, swaying on the street, and walking straight towards the train station.

Lin Yi got off work, and his father-in-law had already taken his child Lin Xi home. Because the regular meeting lasted longer, the street lights were already on when she left the unit. She dragged her tired body, parked her bicycle, and called Lin Xi into the house when she saw the whole family eating. Sister-in-law Liu Qingqing greeted her enthusiastically; "Sister-in-law, it's really late to get off work, and my brother is not at home. Let's eat here. It just so happens that we cooked a lot of rice today." As she said that, Liu Qingqing moved the stool and greeted loudly: "Wei Dong, go and serve rice to your sister-in-law." Wei Dong hurried to the kitchen, and in a blink of an eye, a bowl of mung bean and rice porridge was placed in front of Xiao Xu. Xiao Xu smiled at Wei Dong and whispered: "Thank you!" The family talked and laughed while eating dinner. After dinner, Lin Xi and her cousin Linda were having fun together. Xiao Xu said, "Xixi, let's go home. Do your homework tonight and go to the sky garden to play tomorrow." Xixi jumped up and down. He said, "Oh, oh, oh, that's great, I'll go to the Sky Garden tomorrow!" Xixi's shout aroused Linda's enthusiasm, and he said, "Don't let sister go, don't let sister go!" I am going to do my homework with my sister tonight. My sister promised me that after I finish my homework, she will teach me how to talk about electronic keyboard and !" When Wei Dong and Liu Qingqing saw that their son stubbornly refused to let Xixi go, Liu Qingqing said, "That's it. "Sister-in-law, let Xixi and Dada do their homework tonight. After finishing the homework, I will let Xixi teach Dada to practice the electronic keyboard. I will send her back tomorrow morning." Xiao Xu looked at it. She didn't want to leave either, so she said, "Okay." She picked up her bag and walked out.

Under the night, the dim street lights looked down at the people coming and going. Because it was the weekend and because the weather was getting warmer, there were more people on the street. There are clusters of street stalls here and there, like flowers blooming at the evening market. Xiao Xu returned home and followed Lin Yi's instructions. He first closed the curtains, then changed into his pajamas, and then went to the bathroom, wanting to take a hot bath.After a busy weekend, the child was not around. She was stretching in the bathtub, soaked in hot water, and her muscles relaxed. She closed her eyes and let the warm water gently caress her skin, and she relaxed inch by inch. She looked like a royal concubine taking a bath.


When she put on her pajamas and walked out of the bathroom. Looking at herself in the mirror, her fair skin is covered in pink pajamas. The exquisite pajamas gently wrapped her plump body. Especially under the low-cut lace, the mountain peaks are tilted up, ready to come out. Her hair, which was pulled up casually, was fluffy on the back of her head. She was extremely charming and had all kinds of charms in it.

She turned on the TV, reclined on the sofa, and ate an apple. At this moment, there was a knock on the door, and she quickly stood up. Through the peephole, she saw a familiar face, Wei Dong. A flash of thought flashed through her mind, foreshadowing what was going to happen tonight. She opened the door and quickly closed it. When she returned to the sofa anxiously, Wei Dong smiled unnaturally, "Sister-in-law, look, in the evening, I went to the night market and saw someone selling fresh lychees. I remembered that you like to eat this, so I gave it to you. Bring some." Xiao Xu smiled unnaturally: "Thank you, thank you." Then, as if she suddenly remembered something, she said, "Sit down, eat an apple." She picked up the fruit knife. , However, Wei Dong stretched out his hand and stopped Xiao Xu's hand. Before Xiao Xu could recover, Wei Dong had already pulled her into his arms, "Sister-in-law..." Xiao Xu was startled, his heart was beating fast, and he pushed him hard, "No, no, no..." However, the more she struggled, the more excited Wei Dong became. He was like a tiger, embracing Xiao Xu completely. Her face was burning, and she didn't know whether it was from nervousness or happiness. In her blurred eyes, waves of eager light flowed slowly...

In the dimness, there was a knock on the door. Xiao Xu looked at his phone and saw that it was only a quarter past nine in the evening. She couldn't help but wonder, who is it? Those who charge water bills must be closed! However, the knock on the door became louder and louder, so she put on her pajamas and quietly walked to the door, "Oh!" She took a breath, it turned out to be Lin Yi! Why did it suddenly turn back? She suddenly panicked, took off her shoes, tiptoed to the bedroom, and woke up Wei Dong who was lying on the bed, "What are you doing? I'm tired!" Wei Dong seemed to be coquettishly saying, "Lin Yi is back!" These words, like a cold and hard stone, suddenly hit Wei Dong's heart. He suddenly returned to reality from the land of gentleness. He quickly dressed and got out of bed. Looking here and there, "Where is it hidden?" Xiao Xu was also anxious, her heart was about to jump out of her chest, she didn't know what was waiting for her!

Time was tight and he couldn't think about it in detail, so in desperation, he opened the closet, which was full of baggage and clothes. He quickly took out a package, then hid inside and closed the cupboard. In a hurry, Xiao Xu touched his chest, calmed down for two or three seconds, and walked towards the door. When she opened the safety cover, Lin Yi was waiting at the door with her bag in hand. Seeing the door open, he quickly walked in and sat down on the sofa. Before Xiao Xu asked, Lin Yi complained himself,

"What a bad luck. At five o'clock this afternoon, the train had an accident in the middle of the Beijing-Guangzhou Line . It can't go today! Hey, I waited at the station for a long time in vain."

"Have you had dinner?"

"Yes, let's have a simple meal with my colleagues."


"Have a rest quickly, the train will be at 2 o'clock tomorrow morning."

She hesitated, feeling confused.She was absent-minded at this time. As for Lin Yi's words, she didn't listen to a word. She just thought about what would happen to Wei Dong? Lin Yi changed his slippers and walked to the bedroom. When he saw the baggage piled on the floor, he was in a bad mood because of a bad trip, so he complained, "Look at you, I haven't left home for two hours, and you are too lazy to pack anything." , This baggage has been used, can you put it back? How dirty it is when it is piled on the floor!" As he said that, he opened the cupboard and was shocked to see Wei Dong dancing in it! After a temporary short-circuit in his thinking, he quickly reacted. He pulled Wei Dong out and punched and kicked him, "You kid, you are nothing!" Wei Dong knew that he was in the wrong and did not dare to say anything. He just parried and did not dare to fight back. In fact, if he really fights back, Lin Yi, a young student, is no match for him. At this time, Xiao Xu opened the door and deliberately shouted "Ouch! Ouch!" in the kitchen. As soon as Lin Yi was distracted, Wei Dong turned around and ran away in a hurry.


The scandal between Wei Dong and Xiao Xu was finally known to the Liu family. Liu Qingqing was naturally crying and fussing, and scolded Wei Dong to death. Wei Dong, who was so eloquent, just smiled and said nice things, and never hit back or scolded back. He was thinking about his own little calculation in his mind. Unless he followed his father-in-law here, life would be difficult wherever he went. There are people taking care of him here, and he has no worries about food and clothing. He is used to being lazy in the city, and he can't bear to go back to the countryside! However, Xiao Xu's father is Liu Yi's boss. If this matter spreads, it will be good or bad, and it will make the matter bigger, which will not benefit anyone. After careful consideration, Lao Liu decided to let Liu Qingqing and Wei Dong return to the countryside together to live a stable life in order to eliminate hidden dangers.

After what happened, Xiao Xu became more virtuous. She swore in front of Lin Yi that she would turn the page and start a new life. Lin Yi was also reflecting on himself, whether he had trusted his wife too much in the past, and he was a bit idealistic and could no longer muster the energy to go out to study. He thought: No matter how good he is, what’s the point of losing his family? Therefore, he gave up the opportunity to study abroad and settled down to live at home. He didn't have any ambitions. His wife and children were on the hot bed, he had no worries about food and clothing, and he was stable in this world.

Liu Qingqing and Wei Dong returned home, and they seemed to be back to the past. The low tile-roofed house has broken tiles and ruins. The old trees in front of the house are thick and lush, almost covering half of the roof. The days of eating three meals a day without doing anything and making the food smell delicious are a thing of the past. Liu Qingqing, on the other hand, took out her anger on Wei Dong at every turn, cursed and became even more irritable. Finally, Wei Dong went to a distant relative and went to a distant city to start an aluminum products business. Not long after the reform and opening up, business opportunities are everywhere as long as you use your brain.

Liu Qingqing takes care of her children to farm at home. She works from sunrise to sunset every day. Although Liu Qingqing is not critical of work, after living in the city for two years, she has become more concerned about food and clothing than work. The house is clean and neatly dressed. She still grows some crops that are easy to work on, and spends the rest of the time playing small cards and playing mahjong with the old ladies in the village.

Wei Dong has a quick mind, and his money bag quickly bulges like a balloon. Two years later, the family built a duplex building with beautiful decoration and exquisite furniture. Their family became the first nouveau riche in the village. Wei Dong was full of joy and became a well-known figure in the village. Liu Qingqing, who always liked to dress up, began to wear gold and silver. With her fat body, people praised Liu Qingqing for her good fortune.


Sanxi from the village works in the aluminum products factory in Weidong. After he came back, the villagers asked about this and that, asking about the situation of the wealthy Wei Dong. This kid had a quick mind and was born with "a lot of money". After drinking too much, Sanxi said that Wei Dong Factory hired a pretty girl to take care of the accounts. She was pretty, probably only in her early twenties. The two of them often go out as a couple, and when clients come, they all think they are a couple. People were silent and had their own thoughts in their hearts.

However, within a few days, Sanxi’s words were flying all over the world. It’s true that good things don’t go out, and bad things spread thousands of miles.

On this day, Wei Dong was very noisy as soon as he came home. He simply threw his clothes in a mess on the sofa and went into the bathroom. Liu Qingqing felt that it was not easy for him to work hard outside alone, so he quickly put away his clothes and prepared to wash them for him. When she dug into her pocket, she found a receipt for a hotel room inside. Look at the date on the payment slip, it’s yesterday. Liu Qingqing was full of questions. When he came out of the bathroom, she put the payment slip in front of him.

The truth is revealed.

Liu Qingqing, who was proud and proud, went to the Civil Affairs Bureau with Wei Dong and got divorced without telling anyone.

One person's giving up means the fulfillment of another pair of people. Liu Qingqing was furious and chose to divorce, but Wei Dong was like a fish in water and was finally able to straighten out the little girl. The two of us love each other and live happily together. Liu Qingqing, heartbroken by her marriage, completely lost confidence in men, and she no longer married.

Mother’s body deteriorates with age. Coupled with Liu Qingqing's incident, she was exhausted mentally and physically, suffered a heart attack, and was hospitalized. Liu Qingqing stayed by her mother's side day and night. With her home gone, she lost her thoughts and devoted herself to taking care of her mother. People said that my mother's salary was high and it was more than enough to hire a long-term nanny. They could also replace Liu Qingqing and let her go to work. However, Liu Qingqing always felt shy to meet people, so she told her mother that instead of hiring a nanny, why not take care of you. Of course mother is willing.

Haruki Murakami said: I believe that the so-called fate is nothing but the final result of a person's actions caused by a person's physical, psychological, emotional, personality and other factors.

Character determines destiny, it is true.