There was an official in Guangxi, everyone called him Li Tongpan. He was very rich. There are seven wives and concubines in the family, and there are mountains of treasures. Li Tongxuan contracted the disease and died at the age of only 27. There was an old servant in Li Tongpan'

There was an official in Guangxi, everyone called him Li Tongpan. He was very rich. There are seven wives and concubines in the family, and there are mountains of treasures. Li Tongxuan contracted the disease and died at the age of only 27. There was an old servant in Li Tongpan's family who was usually very loyal. Because his master passed away, he was very sad, so he and Tongpan's seven wives and concubines held a funeral for Tongpan. At this time, a Taoist priest suddenly came to ask for alms. The old servant scolded the Taoist and said, "My master unfortunately died early and I don't have time to give alms to you." The Taoist smiled and said, "Do you want your master to be resurrected? I can do it to make you happy." He came back to life." The old servant was very surprised, so he ran into the house and told Tong Xian's wives and concubines, who were surprised to hear the news. He hurriedly came out to see the Taoist priest and found that the Taoist priest had left. The old servant and Tongpian's wives and concubines all regretted that they had slighted the gods, causing the Taoist priest to leave, and each felt very guilty.

Not long after, the old servant went to the market and met a Taoist priest on the road. The old servant was very surprised. He held the Taoist priest tightly and asked him to apologize and beg him to resurrect Tongxuan. The Taoist priest said: "It's not that I won't bring your master back to life. It's actually the rules of the underworld. When a dead person returns to his soul, he must exchange one life for another. I'm afraid no one in your family is willing, so I left." The old servant said: "Please You and I go home, and I will discuss it with the ladies."

took the Taoist priest back home and told the ladies what the Taoist priest said. The ladies were very happy when they first heard that the Taoist priest had arrived, but later they became silent when they heard that someone was going to exchange one life for another. The old servant said firmly: "Ladies and gentlemen, you are still young. It is a pity to die like this. It is not a pity to die when I am old." When he went out to see the Taoist priest, he said, "Can I take my master to die?" The Taoist priest said, "You Just don’t regret or be afraid.” The old servant said: I can! "The Taoist priest said: "Sincerely think of it, go out and say goodbye to your relatives and friends. Wait for me to do it. It will be successful in three days, and your master will wake up in seven days. "

The old servant settled the Taoist priest at home and went to greet him every morning and evening. In his free time, he went to so-and-so's house and told him that he was going to die and cried goodbye. Some of the old servant's relatives and friends laughed at him, while others respected him. , some pitied him, and some did not believe in him. The old servant passed by the Guan Gong Temple that he always believed in. He knelt down in the temple and prayed: "I want to die in my master's place. Please protect the Taoist priest from my master's death." Put the soul back. "Before I finished speaking, I saw a barefoot monk standing in front of the table and angrily yelled: "You have a demonic look on your face, and you are about to die!" I'm here to save you, don't tell anyone else. He gave the old servant a paper package and said, "Open it when needed." "As soon as he said these words, he disappeared. After the old servant returned home, he secretly opened the package. There were five claws and a rope inside, and he put them in his arms.

Soon after the three-day period, the Taoist priest He ordered the old servant to lie on the bed facing Tongben's coffin, locked the door with an iron lock, and cut a hole in the wall to bring food and drink to the old servant. The Taoist priest and his wife opened an altar not far away to perform rituals and recite incantations. Apart from living in the place where the corpse was placed, there was nothing strange about it. Just as he was about to move, he heard a sound coming from under the bed, and two black men with green eyes jumped out of the ground. , with short hair on his body, about two feet tall, and a head as big as a wheel. He stared at the old servant with four eyes as he walked, walked slowly around the coffin, bit the coffin with his teeth, and heard the coffin being bitten open. The cough sounded very much like the master's voice. The two little ghosts opened the coffin and helped Tong San out. At this time, Tong San looked like he was seriously ill and dying. There was a voice. When the old servant saw that the body was Tongpan, and the voice was indeed that of a Taoist priest, he was frightened and said, "The Holy Emperor is indeed right." "Hurryingly taking out the paper bag from his arms, five claws flew out, turned into a golden dragon, several feet long, grabbed the old servant and tied him to the beam with a rope. Before the old servant could realize what happened, he saw The two little ghosts helped Tongjian out and walked to the old servant's bed and found that there was no one there.The judge loudly said: "The spell failed!" The two little ghosts looked ferocious and looked for the old servant in the house, but in the end they couldn't find it. The judge was so angry that he picked up the old servant's bedding and tore it in half. At this time, a ghost looked up and saw the old servant on the beam. He was overjoyed and jumped up with Tongsuan to catch the old servant. Before they could reach the beams, there was a sudden thunder and they all fell to the ground. At this time, the coffin was the same as before, and the little ghost was nowhere to be seen.

When the ladies heard the thunder, they all ran to the old servant to check the situation. The old servant told the ladies what he saw. Everyone hurriedly ran to see the Taoist priest. At this time, the Taoist priest had been struck by lightning and died on the altar. On his body were written: "The devil's way of refining the method changes shape, greed for wealth, and the rule of heaven is like the law.