This article is the 56th issue of "Folk Tales". Friends who like to read folk tales, remember to come here often! Author: Little Leaves Tells Stories Last night, the weather here was quite cool. The heavy rain promised two days ago did not come as scheduled. Two old men on the fi

This article is the fifty-sixth issue of "Folk Tales". Friends who like to read folk tales, remember to come here often!

Author: Little Leaves Tells Stories

Last night, the weather here was quite cool. The heavy rain promised two days ago did not come as scheduled. Two old men on the first floor of my house were chatting on the lawn with cattail fans. Because we live upstairs and downstairs, we never see each other when we look up, so I am very familiar with those two uncles.

came back from dinner with my parents, and happened to see them chatting, so I walked over, thinking about some old stories to listen to.

As a result, when I asked, the two old men talked endlessly. Today, Xiao Yezi will tell one of them first.

Before starting the story, Xiaoye Ye first asks: Which judge has seen the black fish that can shed tears? Not only can it shed tears, that black fish can also cast spells. Do you think it’s strange?

Well, without further ado, let’s start with the folk tale:

According to the old man, this story happened in the 1970s. In the old man’s village, there was an old man named Zhang, because he was the second eldest child in the family. , so people in the village call him "Second Master Zhang".

Mr. Zhang used to feed the donkeys and horses in the production team. He was not tired and would go home after dark.

The story happened one summer day. When Mr. Zhang came home from feeding the donkeys and horses, the old woman said to him: "There is no more firewood in the house, so hurry up and pick up grass!"

Although Mr. Zhang and the old woman were arranged by their parents, Marriage, but the relationship between the two has always been very good. Mr. Zhang gave in to the old woman in everything. After hearing what the old woman said, Mr. Zhang walked out of the house without saying a word, carrying the basket and walking towards the north of the village.

The village is far away from the wilderness. There is a long and wide ditch on the right side of the dirt road. At that time, there were reeds growing everywhere along the river. When the breeze blew, the reeds would make a "sand" sound.

Mr. Zhang walked slowly towards the north of the village with a basket on his back. When he was about half a mile away, a strong wind suddenly came up, which made him unable to open his eyes. He could only hear the whistling wind and the sound of the wind. There was a rustling sound from the reeds nearby.

After about half a minute, the strong wind blew over. Mr. Zhang stood up and rubbed his eyes before continuing to move forward. But as soon as he took two steps, he found a black fish in the reeds beside him.

According to the old man's calculations, the black fish was about four feet long, and its whole body was jet black with many yellow spots. There was also a very conspicuous red spot on the top of the black fish's head, just like an eye.

Although there were many fish and shrimps in the ditch at that time, it was the first time in his life that he saw such a big snakehead fish.

Mr. Zhang was overjoyed, dropped the basket and got into the reeds. The black fish lay motionless on the edge of the ditch, just opening and closing its mouth.

"This trip was not in vain. I also picked up a big black fish. I went home and let the old lady stew it." Mr. Zhang thought as he reached out and picked up the black fish, turned around and put it into the basket. Mr. Zhang picked up the basket, turned around and ran towards home.

"Old lady! There are fish to eat tonight!" Mr. Zhang shouted as he walked into the yard.

"Where did the fish come from?" the old woman asked.

"Look at what I picked up!" As he said that, Mr. Zhang put the basket down. When the old woman saw it, she was immediately surprised: "Where did you pick up such a big snakeheaded fish?"

"It's on the edge of the ditch. Don't ask, just stew it!" After Mr. Zhang finished speaking, he took the snakeheaded fish. Throw it into the tub.

"What to stew with? Where's the firewood?" the old woman asked.

"Ouch! I'm just looking after the black fish. I'll go find it right away. You can clean up the black fish first!" After saying that, Mr. Zhang left again carrying the basket. The old woman looked at the snakehead fish in the wooden basin and felt a little scared. After all, she had never seen such a big snakehead fish in her life.

’s hand holding the kitchen knife couldn’t help but tremble a little. Then she squatted down and reached out to touch the snakehead fish.

The black fish seemed to have recovered, and kept beating in the wooden basin with such force that the wooden basin jingled.

"Stop flipping around. Who said you are a fish? You are a dish for people!" The old woman looked at the black fish and muttered in a low voice.

The black fish kept opening and closing its mouth, and stopped writhing. The old woman stretched out her hand to hold the black fish down again, and raised the knife to "disembowel" it.

But the next scene made the kitchen knife in the old woman's hand fall to the ground with a "snap". Why does

appear in such a scene?

Just when the old woman was about to raise the knife and drop it, suddenly the black fish made a sound of "嘤嘤嘤". The old woman was stunned for a moment, and when she leaned forward to look again, she found that the black fish's eye circles were full of water.

"Water? Is it Blackfish crying?" I asked the old man doubtfully. The old man said: "It was summer, the weather was very hot, and the snakehead fish had been out of the ditch for a while. Furthermore, the snakehead fish had never touched the water since it arrived at Mr. Zhang's house, so it must not be water, it should be Tears. "

"How is this possible? Fish can still cry?" I said with a smile.

"Young man, believe it or not, I'm addicted to this lecture, don't interrupt me!" the old man said.

"Yes! You keep talking!" I sat on the lawn and listened carefully to their stories. It felt really good.

The old man said that the old woman heard the black fish making a "squeaking" sound, and tears came out of her eyes. She was scared, and the kitchen knife in her hand fell to the ground with a "snap".

"What kind of fish is this? Why are you crying? Oh my god! You are not a fish, are you?" The old woman said in a panic, her voice trembling.

Where can Blackfish speak? It just kept screaming "嘤嘤嘤" and kept tumbling in the tub.

"My old man didn't mean it, and neither of us hurt you. Just stop making trouble, and I will let you go." After saying that, the old woman picked up the wooden basin and left.

Before, the old woman did not dare to touch it because she was surprised that the snakehead fish was too big. Now she picked up the tub and left without any fear. That was because she was afraid that it was not an ordinary snakehead fish!

The old woman trotted all the way and soon reached the edge of the ditch. Without hesitation, she carried the wooden basin to the edge of the ditch. After exerting her strength, the snakehead fish rolled into the river.

"Go away quickly! We didn't hurt you, I hope you won't torment us!" After the old woman finished speaking, she got up and ran away.

After running out a few steps, a strong wind suddenly blew up, which made the old woman unable to open her eyes, and the wooden basin in her hand was blown away.

She squatted on the ground and covered her eyes, and heard a loud "rustling" sound coming from the reeds behind her. After a while, the strong wind stopped. The old woman turned around, picked up the wooden basin, and ran back home.

When it was almost dark, Mr. Zhang came back.

"Where is the fish?"

"I released it."

"What? Released? Why?"

"That is not an ordinary fish. It can cry, bark and cast spells. In order not to cause trouble to our family, I released it." "

" Where did it go? "

" In the ditch! "

Mr. Zhang threw the basket on the ground and ran away. After a while, Mr. Zhang ran back in a panic.

"Old lady, thank you for releasing me, otherwise I would have been in trouble!"

"What's wrong?"

"I saw that snakehead fish again, good guy, it was tumbling in the river, and the big waves stirred up the reeds on the shore. It's all washed down, it looks like it's not an ordinary fish! "

" Let's let it stir. Let's not take advantage of it. It's always better to be careful. "

" Well, I'll listen to you! , Mr. Zhang started to light the fire, and the old couple began to work hard to cook.

"Uncle, what happened to that black fish?" I asked curiously.

"It only appeared once, and no one has seen it since. What's even more strange is that later the river dried up and the black fish didn't come out. I don't know where it went." The uncle said.

"He can cry, scream, and cast spells. Didn't Blackfish fly away on Aladdin's magic blanket?" I said with a smile.

"What blanket?" the uncle asked in confusion.

"Nothing, is this true?"

"Then it's still false. I don't know what happened in our village?"

"It's interesting!" After saying that, I left.

Xiaoye said a few words:

When I went upstairs, I was thinking about it. I also caught fish when I was a child, so I am not unfamiliar with snakeheaded fish. But I have never seen a snakehead fish over four feet long.

I estimate: There must be such a thing. Perhaps people exaggerate the storyline when passing it down by word of mouth. This is also possible.

Although this old story is a bit exaggerated, the moral of this story still exists anyway. Xiao Yeye still has to give a thumbs up to Mr. Zhang and his wife. The practice of releasing animals is indeed very good.

As the old woman said: When encountering unusual things, it is always good to be careful. As the old saying goes: When things go wrong, there will always be monsters. If you handle it carefully, you will not be deceived!

Dear readers, what do you think?

This article is finished!

statement: Folk stories are intended to convey positive energy to the world and must not be linked to feudal superstition. If you like it, please like it and support it, thank you!