It’s like I’ll get closer at any time, but I’ll never get closer

Chapter 13 Hidden in the Heart

After she passed the age of sixteen, she didn't have time to apply for an ID card because of several things happening one after another. She didn't think of it until she was about to sign up for the college entrance examination. The college entrance examination registration should be able to catch up, but the registration of Peking University small language is too late to wait for the ID card, so she had to go home and ask for a household registration book with her grandpa.

Since those things happened, she has reduced the number of times she goes home. Ji Chengyang seemed to understand all her thoughts and personally sent her back to the courtyard on Friday night, but to avoid suspicion, he also went home to visit his brother and sister and Nuan Nuan. The two have made an appointment. Two hours later, we will meet at the original elementary school campus at 8 o'clock. Ji Yi came out according to the time, just to see Nuannuan also reluctantly holding Ji Chengyang's arm out, she turned around quickly. Seeing her back, Nuan Nuan yelled, "Si Xi." Ji Yi looked back, pretending to be an accident. "How long have you not seen my uncle?" Nuannuan's eyes curled, "Quickly speak." "...Xiao Ji Uncle," Ji Yi was a little uncomfortable, "Are you busy lately? "

Ji Chengyang glanced at her flatly, "It's a bit busy, you are about to take the college entrance examination, you have to hurry up and read more books." He said two or three more politely, but most of it was saying that it is warm, until the end Nuan Nuan couldn't stand it anymore. He kept pushing Ji Chengyang and said, "You go, let's go, let you talk to Xixi, how come it became my small banquet?" Ji Yi couldn't help laughing, watching him take out the black car key, and the car was there. There was a sound in the night as he unlocked. Then he got in the car. Going all the way to Nuannuan, knowing that Ji Yi no longer lives in his grandfather's house. Seeing that the time was past eight o'clock, she urged her to test the school quickly. "It's getting dark, I'll see you tomorrow night, and listen to your small language registration, go quickly." Ji Yi walked into the night with his schoolbag on his forehead, and he was also taken away. She was a little weak. After walking for a while, I looked back at Nuan Nuan to confirm that she had returned to the door of the building and finally walked into the small garden next to the building. Passing through here in the dark, no one else will see it, after a few cloisters. This is the old site of the kindergarten. Next to the kindergarten is the elementary school she had studied. Ji Chengyang parked his car at the old station and walked over by himself.It just so happened that she had just walked through the garden.

Two people walked towards each other on a concrete road with no one but street lights, and stopped in front of the small iron gate of the elementary school. I don't know why, she walked over step by step, as if approaching a dream that was beyond sight. She looked at his silhouette under the street lamp, and looked at this man who had already been successful in life. Carrying the feeling of pure nostalgia for him, the feeling that I like but dare not want to possess. Suddenly I was afraid that he would know. "There is no one in this elementary school?" Ji Chengyang reached out to push the small iron door. "Yes, it is said that parents think the teachers in the courtyard are not good enough, so they all send the students out, so it seems that the elementary school is closed." Ji Yi also knows when she listens to family chats. The door of the elementary school will never be locked, even if it is now deserted.

This campus is surprisingly small. On the left is a 400-meter track, surrounded by a basketball court and a few table tennis tables, uneven bars, parallel bars, and in the middle is a small playground, with a bare flagpole standing upright, and a row of green wooden doors on the right. It is the classroom used for class. Very small classroom. "When I was here, I had not opened a primary or junior high school for children," Ji Chengyang recalled. "Maybe no one had this need at that time, only kindergartens. Now they are all closed again. It seems that only eight people have enjoyed this kind of welfare. I’m a kid in the ten’s.” She thought about it and found it fun, “Then you studied outside the courtyard when you were young? How great.” “It’s good for boys.” Ji Chengyang said, “However, girls are still suitable for a simple environment when they are young. "Ji Chengyang looked at the elementary school she had attended as she walked. The wall of the elementary school in the courtyard is only as high as an adult, and it is still a simple iron railing. In the past, when he passed by, he could see the children taking physical education class by just looking at it. Earlier, he could see dozens of children standing on the small playground, singing the national anthem loudly.

At that time, I didn't think it was any different. Now think about it, maybe there was Ji Yi in it, she was small, and she must be standing in the first row. Ji Yi walked through the row of white poplar trees with dark green leaves in front of the classroom, and jumped onto the steps in front of the classroom.When the school raised the flag, there were fewer than sixty people. "Ji Yi walked to the fourth classroom and found that the windows of the classroom were covered with newspapers. She stood in front of the classroom door and felt the crack in the upper door. Only the classroom she had read had this crack. Her fingers Swiping lightly from above, I suddenly remembered the carefree time when I was a child. Just like Nuan Nuan’s mother said, when I was a child, my grandfather sent himself to the elementary school exam. At that time, he was too young and too nervous, and even the principal of the elementary school asked himself about China. Where is the capital city, they all stood stupidly, completely in a state of stage fright to a blank mind.

Fortunately, her Xinjiang dance conquered the principal and agreed to enroll her. At that time, it was really silly, not like it at all. Nowadays, children can surf the Internet at a few years old. Grandpa smiled and said, "It’s okay, it’s okay", but now...she went home just now, and grandpa didn’t say a word to her. Nuan Nuan’s mother said it very sharply. If people get old, their tempers will change. If... the relationship between people and people will always be the same, just stop at the best time. "Want to go in?" Ji Chengyang's The voice seemed to come from outside, pulling her back to reality. She looked at him with twinkling eyes, with some expectation. Ji Chengyang lowered her head and slowly took out a red Swiss army knife with a small cross from her pocket , and then Fiddling with the tools in the palm of his hand, he saw the incident of open lock picking lighter than a feather. Ji Yi breathed lightly and looked around nervously, lest the soldiers patrolling in the courtyard would come over and see such a scene. It seemed that he had found a tool that went well. Within two or three seconds, there was a sound of a brass lock ringing. Ji Chengyang retracted his saber, held the door with his hand, and slowly pushed it open. Moonlight slowly invaded the dark classroom as the door opened.

Standing on the steps of the classroom door, Ji Yi looked at the dark green wooden door with a large crack, and looked at the dark classroom, he was stunned for a moment. There was a light click. There was already a flame around him, floating around Ji Chengyang's finger, illuminating the classroom. "Quickly extinguish. "Ji Yi grabbed his arm and said in a low voice, "There are no street lights in the school. They are all black. If we make a fire, the patrol will be in trouble." "The youngest son of Ji's family took the granddaughter of Ji's parents... privately prying the elementary school classroom... if it were discovered, it would be really embarrassing to be thrown home.Ji Chengyang reacted for a second and released his thumb. The lighter went out instantly. Because he pressed it for dozens of seconds, it was already a bit hot, and he bumped his palm before throwing it back into his trouser pocket. Ji Yi had already walked into the classroom, it was too dark, and had to tear down the newspaper on the window. It's a pity that it went so well, but I forgot that this place has been sealed for more than half a year, and dust has accumulated everywhere. Ji Chengyang frowned from choking and dragged her to his side to avoid the raised dust.

Ji Yi also coughed, retreated to the door with him, and happily pointed to the second seat in the first row, "I used to sit in that seat," she seemed to complain unwillingly, "I want to sleep No way, just under the teacher's nose. I have been sitting in the first row since I was little, and I have never been in the back row." Ji Chengyang looked at the pair of small tables and chairs under the moonlight and smiled, "Why? Because the teacher likes you the most? "It's not...because I'm too short and I can't see the blackboard when I sit behind." Ji Chengyang also smiled, the answer was exactly the same as he had imagined. All these past events fell into Ji Chengyang's ears, as if someone was turning over her childhood photo album page by page, with an old yellow color that was unique to the years. He continued to look at the classroom, and casually asked her: "Did you have a lot of photos when you were a child?" He remembered that Nuan Nuan would take pictures every year on her birthday, recording her growth trajectory from childhood to childhood.

"Not much, I don't like taking pictures," Ji Yi smiled and walked away from Ji Chengyang, walked onto the podium, and found that there was chalk in the wooden trough of the blackboard, "It seems... there are only a hundred days of sunshine. A few of them when they were three or four years old, they all wore small military uniforms and military caps. They looked like boys." "When did you perform on stage before?" Ji Chengyang remembered taking her to dance for the first time, but he forgot to take a photo of her. "No one ever took a picture of you?" "It seems to have...only a big picture," she picked up the chalk from the dust and drew a stroke on the blackboard casually, "It was the year you sent me away. , I skipped the pas de deux once, and then I didn't skip it." She said, going to draw that horizontal line again, but stopped abruptly. Behind him, Ji Chengyang's eyes appeared from under his baseball cap, and his whole body was still in the dark, looking at the stroke she wrote. Ji Yi was also stupid. Oh my God, what am I writing? I'm so used to it.

has become a habit,As long as you pick up the pen, you will write his name on the paper, which is like an inborn habit. Sometimes when I buy a pen with Nuannuan, I will habitually write the word "Ji" to try the refill. Every time Nuannuan laughed that she really loved herself, she didn't write the "Ji" of "Ji Yi", but instead wrote the "Ji" of "Ji Nuannuan". Only she knew that she wrote his last name. The chalk stopped on the blackboard for a few seconds. She bit her lip lightly, pretending not to care, and threw the chalk head in her hand under her feet. Please, don’t see the stroke just now, don’t...if you see it...this idea grows crazily in a corner of my heart, spreads, and tightly entangles her whole Hearts. Anxious and anticipating, the two emotions are entangled, making the heart heavy. There was so much emotion infused there, and pacing was so difficult. "It's almost nine o'clock." Ji Chengyang's voice told her behind him. "Yeah." She didn't dare to turn around inexplicably, her conscience was completely guilty. As a result, Ji Chengyang approached and stepped onto the stage.

He also picked out a yellow chalk from the dust, played with it in his hand, and seemed to want to write something. She looked at him in the moonlight and in the floating dust, her heart beating frantically, but she didn't dare to continue talking, just stared at the third button of his shirt and exhaled softly. She felt that the blood was flowing frantically all over her body and couldn't stop it. The sound of chalk falling on the blackboard. Ji Chengyang didn't say a word, and just wrote down her last name with the stroke she had just made, and then changed the stroke of the pen to add another word in a few strokes. Ji Chengyang kneaded the little yellow chalk head with two fingers, looked down at her, and looked at the slightly parted bangs of her forehead, as if he sighed slightly. That soft sigh, with feelings that I wanted to conceal, seemed very light and heavy. "Do you want to write these two words?" Two? She looked up. In the moonlight, on the blackboard, there are really two pen-style characters. It's... "Ji" and "Ji".

are separated, one is connected. These two words were written on the blackboard in her elementary school classroom. Many English words and mathematical formulas she had learned had been written on this blackboard. Now, only his and her surnames have been written. "Well," Ji Yi exhaled softly, feeling a little pain in his heart beating, "I... just want to write these two words."Ji Chengyang laughed, put the yellow chalk head back into the chalk slot, and then raised his wrist. He was watching the time. She was familiar with this action, and she looked around for the blackboard eraser very cooperatively, but she couldn't find it. How could there be only one Is there no chalk to erase the chalk? She turned to look through the drawer under the podium, but was pulled back by Ji Chengyang, "No need to erase it. I will lock the door for a while and no one can see it. "Don't wipe it? But...

Ji Chengyang patted behind her gently, indicating that she can go. Ji Yi was a little guilty, and finally glanced at the words on the blackboard, and left here obediently. A classroom. Ji Chengyang slammed into the door and snapped the door lock. Everything tonight was like a secret and was locked behind the door. Ji Chengyang drove her to the attached middle school, it was already nine o'clock in the evening. Shall I take you to the gate of the school?" Ji Yi thought for a while, then shook his head, "I'll go over by myself. The flyovers and roads here are very lively and safe. "Ji Yi jumped out of the car, walked around the window on the driver's side, said goodbye to him, and then walked across the street bridge by himself with a backpack on his back. His hand was on the completely open window and he saw it through the windshield. She walked up the red steps of the flyover, and then slowly passed the stalls selling CDs, dolls, and groceries on the flyover, without squinting. , The location of this car. Ji Chengyang took off his hat, threw it on the passenger seat, leaned his head on the back of the seat, and knocked on the metal layer outside the car door with his fingers. People who have experienced war artillery. The journey of one year seems to be a swift journey, able to catch up with ordinary people for ten or even twenty years. He hopes to see peace, and hopes that all deaths in the world have nothing to do with guns. He hopes that one day his own shots The pictures below are simple and happy. Just like this moment, the immature little girl he loves is walking on this ordinary overpass in Beijing, looking at herself frequently. Ji Chengyang watched Ji Yi disappear in the turn At the intersection, he finally left. He arrived at the TV station in half an hour and had a regular meeting. After the routine meeting, everyone laughed and noisy, and each prepared for the next work. Ji Chengyang walked out of the gate, and was caught two steps behind him. The voice called to stop. Liu Wanxia quickly walked out of the glass door, "Oh my God, I chased you all the way and called three or four times and you didn't hear it. "

Someone passing by,They all smiled and greeted Liu Wanxia. She is a gentle and enthusiastic woman. If this kind of person is coupled with a dignified and beautiful face, she will be popular wherever she is. Ji Chengyang remembers that she has been a professional award recipient since high school, but even though she is a high school classmate, in fact, he and Liu Wanxia are not very familiar with each other. Liu Wanxia came up and said with a smile the funny thing she had just encountered. It seemed that something would become particularly vivid and interesting as soon as she described it. Sure enough, she was born as an anchor woman. "I heard that you are going on a talk show?" Liu Wanxia carried her shoulder bag in her hand and followed him to the parking place. Ji Chengyang was surprised, this matter has only been confirmed within a few hours. "I did agree to a program, because the topic they were doing was war reporters, and they invited a few seniors whom I respect very much." Liu Wanxia smiled and said, "Speaking of the battlefield, what are you going to do? You can't run there forever. ?"

"There is no long-term plan for the time being." What he did does not require any long-term career planning. Since he chose a battlefield, it means that he will not think too much about reality. problem. Such as seniority, promotion, or others. "This is...the heroic complex inherited from your family?" Ji Chengyang smiled. He pointed to his car, "I'm here." Liu Wanxia said "Ah", and suddenly he walked so far out of the station and followed him all the way to the parking lot of the neighboring community... "How do I come here? Is it here? I didn't drive here today." She laughed and looked at Ji Chengyang very directly, "I am going to the place very close to your home, and it is also the North Third Ring Road. You can take me on the way? "Ji Chengyang is all right. , Took out the car key from her pants pocket and motioned her to get in the car.

Liu Wanxia is very concerned about the future career plan of Ji Chengyang, an old classmate. When the car was driving on the wide road, she began to analyze the situation in Taiwan that he did not know. Ji Chengyang knew her kindness. Naturally, I could see that when she talked to herself, if there was something like nothing in her eyes, she would go further. It's not that he doesn't know the careful thoughts of Liu Wanxia. Some people like to plan every step of their life unhurriedly. In a peaceful city, they like to use calmness or exudation, whether their parents are still alive, healthy or not, or whether their relatives at home have any burden or ability Supporting background, whether the other party’s work is stable and sustainable, and many other concrete things to choose your own love,Or to put it more directly is to choose a partner.

There is nothing wrong with this. For example, now, at this moment, he feels that the beauty around him is planning a stable job for him in the most universal way. Ji Chengyang has never rejected realists, but he still insists on being an idealist. There is the ultimate reality in this world, there is the ultimate ideal. Even if only one in ten million people adhere to the latter, the meaning of its existence has already surpassed the length of life. ...Ji Chengyang glanced at the road conditions behind him from the rear mirror of the car, hit the steering wheel with his hand, and stopped under the Jishuitan Bridge, "The road in front of my house is very quiet, it is not easy to get a car, let you go. It’s more convenient to get off at this intersection.”

Liu Wanxia is a little embarrassed. At least according to a normal person’s thinking, if she has already said that the place she is going is close to his home, Ji Chengyang should ask politely. The location, if it's close, should take the posture that a man should have and personally send her there. These thoughts glided through Liu Wanxia's mind, but she only smiled lightly on her face, and then went to untie the seat belt, which was a little slow. This talented student, who has been sitting in the last row since high school, will never be the same, and it is still the case today. "My aunt lives here, I might sleep here for one night," Liu Wanxia's voice was soft and watery. "I remember Shangke and they also live nearby. It's not as good as our old classmates make an appointment at noon tomorrow and have a meal together. ? "The lights in the car are very warm, making his eyes clear and bright. He seldom smiled and said with a real smile: "Tomorrow may be really no time, I have to accompany my girlfriend to register for the exam." It should be the kind of aura that Liu Wanxia had left, and wanted to get closer for fear of being seen through. It made him suddenly and strongly remembered that he had only sat in the passenger seat tonight, and when he unlocked his seat belt and got out of the car, he would deliberately go around. The little girl who said goodbye to the car window on his side. Some deliberately, very beautiful; while some deliberately, it makes people feel boring and boring. This assessment standard has nothing to do with anything, only with whom you love. Ji Yi woke up very early the next day. She put the mirror on the windowsill, combed her hair carefully, looked at her face meticulously, and then exhaled slowly.Why are you so nervous? Yin Qingqing walked in with a washbasin and towel behind her back, and was amused, "What are you nervous about? Isn't it just a small language registration? Before the exam, she started to feel like a drum?" Ji Yi sighed, "I don't know."

When she said this, she was a little confused. Even when he performed with the orchestra, he did not have such a guilty conscience and felt no sense of decline. After getting into Ji Chengyang's car, she still did the same, looking at the street view outside the window. The sun was shining, and those people and the scenery slid through the line of sight and then slid past. She pressed her face against the back of the car, and she was dazed for a while, and suddenly she noticed something strange. She gently leaned on the backrest and smelled... it was a particularly sweet smell. She is too used to sitting in this position, and she can notice some changes here, especially after only one night. Ji Yi continued to look out of the car window, and unconsciously began to outline the owner of the fragrance, slowly, his mood lowered. Ji Chengyang parked the car nearby and wanted to send her in.

"I'll go in by myself," Ji Yi said, "I often come here to play and know how to get to the Red Mansion." Ji Chengyang thought for a while, but felt nothing, "I'm going to buy something, yourself Walk in and sign up, and I'll be waiting for you outside the red building in a while." Ji Yi said "Um". She got out of the car and walked along the street. Although I sometimes come here to play, but now as a person who wants to come here to study, my mood is completely different. When I came here for the first time, I looked at this place no different from the compound I had lived in since I was a kid. It is a wall, which surrounds a lot of scenery that is invisible from the outside, or it is no different from the park. but now. It's different. She wanted to pass here, one step closer to him.

The people who signed up have lined up for a long time. Ji Yi stood at the end of the line for less than a minute, and there were more than 20 people behind him. She looked at the back and then at the front, and she saw classmates from other classes in the attached middle school. The other party saw her, and the parents accompanied by the other party also saw her. Ji Yi belongs to the school orchestra, and it is also an experimental class. Sometimes during the parent meeting of the grade, she will give special praise. Most students and parents of the same grade know this name. She suddenly felt flustered, and thought of something for a moment. "Isn't that the one in your school fighting?" The student's parent lowered his head and asked his child, "Why didn't he expel it?" "She..." the student answered honestly."Mom, keep your voice down. She has taken the punishment and said it was specially approved by the principal."

The aunt frowned, but she didn't understand. It happened that there were parents behind her who were asking curiously. He said two or three sentences: "Gathering crowds to fight in groups, and beat a child half to death. It was said that the students and teachers were terrified that day, and the attached middle school has not had such a violent and vicious incident for so many years. I thought this kind of student was early. After being expelled, I didn’t expect that the school would still keep...Isn’t it said that such key universities do not recruit students with bad records?” There are parents and students, all eyes are cast. Curious, inquiring, or looking at her directly, or blinking. She became the focus in an instant. With such a long line and so many people, she became more and more at a loss. "Yes, I just signed up and passed the exam, and finally I was admitted and filed, didn't I just return it?"

She lowered her head. This is not a fact. She did not gather a crowd to fight. She is also a victim. What they said is not the truth.. .... But this is also a fact, it is indeed her who was dealt with. Ji Yi held his right hand tightly with his left hand. It is not a fact to gather people to fight, but the punishment record in her file is. She had forgotten this at all, and forgot that even if she passed the written examination and interview and reviewed the file, she would not be required here. Only... before the college entrance examination, fill in a new file. The principal had promised her that as long as she stayed safe and sound, she would have a new and clean file before the college entrance examination. But for this kind of pre-recruitment major, she is hopeless. There were too many eyes and discussions, curiosity and questioning, and in the end even the teacher who was responsible for maintaining order at the registration point came over to ask about the situation. She heard the voice of someone answering. Hearing the teacher's "Ah", he was also muttering: "Students in this situation have signed up, and there is a disciplinary record in the review file...We really don't want it."

She didn't listen any more, carrying her schoolbag strap with both hands, and left the registered team. She walked slowly along the Weiming Lake , and wanted to go out and leave the campus, but she stopped as she walked, and she didn't know where to go. In the May air,There is already some impetuous heat of early summer. Ji Yi didn't know where he was. There were young men and women around him. Some were wearing short-sleeved shirts and some were long-sleeved shirts, but they also rolled up because of the heat. Only then did she feel hot. She was wearing the school uniform from the attached middle school, the spring and autumn style, with soaked back and sweat on her forehead.

Ji Chengyang approached him until he was in sight. "Have you signed up?" he asked her. She looked at him, her nose was sour and she didn't say a word, in fact, she was afraid that she would cry when she spoke. Ji Chengyang was keenly aware of what was wrong with her, and did not speak, so he led her out of here. He parked the car on a street outside the south gate, "You wait for me here, don’t go anywhere, I’ll go. Drive." Ji Yi didn't say a word, and he didn't move either. After a while, she finally spoke and said vaguely: "I haven't signed up, I can't read a small language anymore...what should I do?" Tears fell involuntarily, and she still stood with some fluke mentality. In front of him, she asked in a low voice, "Should we go to Beijing Foreign Studies University to try? What is the registration number of Beijing Foreign Studies University, do you know? I didn't check..."

She didn't want to cry, but she just saw him Can cry.

She can stop crying in front of so many people, and she can stop crying in front of her family, but as long as she sees Ji Chengyang, she seems to have her tear glands broken, and all the tears gush out. She finally understood that people are just like this, and only when they are really good to them, they are the most vulnerable. There are not many people here, but there are always people who are looking at a girl crying at a man. Never move. "He must take her away from this place immediately, but he dared not move at all. "Well," she promised him, "I'll wait for you." "Get in the car. He can't take care of picking up the car, so just stop. He will take her home now. When he arrived at his house, Ji Yi didn't notice, Ji Chengyang left the car in Haidian District, so he brought her back. After she followed him in, she was thinking, what if there are other influences? What if it is the same when registering for the college entrance examination? What if those people still mention punishment?

followed him, entered the room, put his schoolbag on the small sofa in the porch. Ji Chengyang squatted down, took out the slippers she had been wearing from the cabinet, and put them under her feet.He looked up and finally saw her eyes were swollen and scary red. She murmured, wanting to ask him what to do. Before I could say the words, I felt that his lips had been pressed heavily by him, and she was completely blindfolded with a crash. There were still tears streaming down their faces, moistening the lips of the two people. Ji Yi was ignorant and understood, and heard all the pounding sounds coming from her chest, until Ji Chengyang held her two shoulders and asked herself to slowly move away. She was still blindfolded, all she could see was Ji Chengyang, and she looked at herself unblinking when she saw his dark eyes.

seems to come closer at any time. But it will never get closer.
