Chapter 96 The truth, the origin of the necklace that Mu Yao cares about. Chu Junjie kept staring at the side. Seeing this, he threw a wooden mat from the table into her mouth and said: "You want to die, just die like this, then You are really cheap." Chu Junxue saw Mu Yao's body

2024/07/0300:27:33 story 1123

Chapter 96 The truth, the origin of the necklace that Mu Yao cares about. Chu Junjie kept staring at the side. Seeing this, he threw a wooden mat from the table into her mouth and said:

Chapter 96 The truth, the origin of the necklace that Mu Yao cares about

Chu Junxue kept staring at the side. Seeing this, he threw a wooden mat from the table into her mouth and said: "You want to die, so die like this "That's really cheap for you."

Chu Junxue looked at Mu Yao's body and suddenly trembled. He quickly looked at Uncle Fu and said, "Uncle Fu, you have to handle the next thing."

"Yes." Yes, Master." Uncle Fu nodded.

"Let's go back." Chu Junxue looked at Mu Yao and said softly.

"Yes." Mu Yao nodded, "I also have this plan."

After they left, Uncle Fu asked someone to move Xiaohua to another place and began further interrogation.

Mu Yao and Chu Junjie returned to the room. Without waiting for Chu Junjie to ask anything, Mu Yao grabbed her clothes and went to take a shower.

Chu Junjie looked at the bathroom door and sighed silently.

In the bathroom, Mu Yao soaked her body in the warm water and held the pendant firmly in her hands. Instead of looking at it, she slowly closed her eyes, as if she was concentrating.

The black hair was tied in a circle by a rubber band. Under the two beautiful eyebrows, the long and thick eyelashes formed a small shadow under the light. The thin red lips were quietly pursed into a line at this moment. Wire.

His thoughts began to fly, and the past that Mu Yao had suppressed deep in his memory slowly opened up.

In March of that year, the grass was growing and the orioles were flying, and the mountains and rivers were beautiful.

On this day, the master checked Mu Yao's recent progress. During the break, he suddenly asked her: "Mu Yao, don't you want a necklace?"

"Yes." Mu Yao's eyes lit up and she asked immediately, " "Master wants to give it to me?"

didn't mean anything else. She just knew that the master was very good at carving, so she wanted him to give her one.

The master didn't say anything. He touched his right hand from his pocket and raised his hand. There was a pendant on his hand. There was a green pendant on a hemp rope and a green four-leaf clover in the middle that was as transparent as tears.

At that time, Mu Yao was cutting paper with a pair of silver scissors in her hand. When she saw this, she happily rushed over to get it.

The master dodged away and refused to let her take it.

Mu Yao didn't give up and wanted to grab it. In a panic, the silver scissors slipped over the pendant. The pendant was not broken, but there was a scratch on the side.

Mu Yao was dumbfounded. Looking at the scratches she made by herself, she was about to cry.

The master didn't say anything, but took the silver scissors from her hand and carved out a slender moon, which was like frost flowers on the glass window. It was very beautiful.

Mu Yao was stunned, "Master, why are you so powerful?"

The master asked without answering, "Is this more suitable for you?"

Mu Yao could only nod: "It looks good, it looks so good!"

"This The unique crescent in the world is given to my apprentice, but I have to wait until your birthday to give it to you." The master held it in his hand and said with a smile, "I will also weave a red rope for you, using the most traditional method. Knitting for you."

Mu Yao was naturally very happy and looked forward to her birthday coming soon.

But in the end, the master didn't wait for her birthday at all, and she didn't see the pendant made by the master himself.

The water in the bathtub suddenly moved. Mu Yao opened her eyes with a "swish", and slowly brought her right hand to her eyes, blooming like a lotus. In her white hand, the four-leaf clover was still so green. The pigtail moon on the right side of the pendant seems to be shining.

Mu Yao suddenly slapped it hard into the water with her left hand. Water splashed everywhere, and the pendant seemed to turn into a moon in the water and a flower in the mist.

"Master, I will avenge you." Mu Yao exuded a sinister murderous aura, and her eyes were filled with a sharp cold light, "No matter who the other party is, I will make him pay the price."

Mu Yao at that moment Yao has never appeared before.

She is so cruel. That man actually did so many bad things and even killed her favorite master!

The water in the bathtub slowly calmed down again, and Mu Yao also slowly restrained her murderous aura, and closed her eyes again in the bathtub, leaning against it for a long, long time.

Chu Junxue was sitting in the room outside waiting. He naturally guessed from her expression that the necklace must have a story related to her.

He also knew very well: Mu Yao needed to be quiet at this time, so he waited quietly.

However, this person stayed in there for too long, and Chu Junjie finally felt uneasy.

He got up, walked to the bathroom door, and listened carefully. There was no sound!

As a result, Chu Junjie felt uneasy, but he patiently raised his hand, knocked on the door gently, and called, "Mu Yao."

Mu Yao was thinking about something at the moment. There was no reaction for a moment.

Chu Junjie panicked immediately, his heart was in his throat, and the sound of banging on the door became louder.

He shouted: "Mu Yao!"

When he shouted for the third time, Chu Junjie was about to knock on the door.

Fortunately, Mu Yao reacted and responded quickly: "I'm here."

Chu Junxue's heart finally fell back into his stomach, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

After he took a deep breath, he calmed down and asked her: "Are you done washing?"

He pressed on, and added: "Nothing else, I'm just worried that you took a long time to wash."

Mu Yao knew what he meant and quickly responded to him: "Yes, it will be fine soon."

Chu Junxue was completely relieved.

After Mu Yao came out of the bathroom, Chu Junxue handed her a glass of milk, "Drink some."

Mu Yao took it, drank it and put it down, then heard him say: "Mu Yao, as we expected, it's Fang Yiqun arranged it. "

" Oh! "Mu Yao didn't care about this at all, because she guessed the result the moment she saw the necklace.

Chu Junjie was a little worried about her, so he walked over and sat down next to her, and asked her in a low voice: "Mu Yao, tell me honestly, what's wrong with you?"

Mu Yao sighed slightly, and after a moment of silence, Then she slowly said: "The pendant that this hateful person gave to Xiaohua was a birthday gift my master prepared for me before he died."

She looked at him, not avoiding his eyes, and uttered these words.

For so many years, she has never mentioned her master to anyone, let alone the birthday gift that she should have received but did not receive. Perhaps she has already regarded this as a secret in her heart and kept this secret He tightened it and stuffed it in a corner where no one else could see it, without saying it could be found.

But she didn't know why, facing Chu Junxue, she had the urge to tell her, and she could actually say it easily.

Although Mu Yao still found that when she mentioned the master, her heart felt as if a small piece was torn apart. There was a slight pain, but it was not as painful as holding her breath before.

It turns out that facing these head-on is not as scary as imagined.

Fortunately, he is here!

A simple sentence, but like a bomb, it made Chu Junjie's nerves jump.

Looking at Mu Yao's expression, Chu Junjie decided to do something.

Chapter 96 The truth, the origin of the necklace that Mu Yao cares about. Chu Junjie kept staring at the side. Seeing this, he threw a wooden mat from the table into her mouth and said:

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