Chapter 32 of "Infatuated Lover": Wasted growth, youth in prison. Niba had just arrived. Although it was a prison, he felt that the police officers were very kind to him and the young prisoners were very kind to him, especially Junwei and Agui, two very powerful central figures

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Chapter 32 of

It’s true that people feel refreshed during happy events!

Niba has just arrived. Although it is a prison, he feels that the police officers are very good to him and the young prisoners are very good to him.

Especially Junwei and Agui in front of him, two very powerful central figures among the young prisoners in the prison area. Showing kindness to him made Niba very happy and comfortable physically and mentally. They talked happily, as if they were friends who had known each other for many years, chatting all over the world.

They were chatting happily, and soon it was time to eat. I'm lucky today, as I catch up with the once-a-week meat-eating day in the prison area.

After a while, groups of young offenders filed in, holding large iron bowls, and lined up in the canteen to get food and meals in an orderly manner. Every young offender's face was filled with joy.

Junwei took Niba's hand and said loudly:

"Let's go eat together."

Niba followed Junwei to the organizing committee , where they sat on the iron chairs and smoked cigarettes. During the time of a cigarette, a dexterous young prisoner brought the food from the canteen and placed it on the desk. Junwei took out a box of canned cloud legs sent by his family from the drawer, and the young prisoner quickly opened it.

A big bowl of large pieces of fat meat, the fragrant smell of cloud legs, and the mud that has been hungry and thirsty for a long time, I can't help but chew it first.

Junwei squinted his eyes and smiled to see how greedy he was eating. The young offender obediently took the bowl outside to eat. In the office of the Preparatory Committee, there were only Junwei and Niba, and no one dared to come in.

This is the characteristic of the prison. The Labor Committee is the highest level place among prisoners in the prison. Prisoners who have made mistakes will tremble all over when they are called in.

At the same time, this is also where prisoners are assessed, rewarded, recorded and made materials, and reported and responded to the prison captain and cadres. Prisoners cannot enter privately without a summons.

Niba was eating vigorously. After a while, Agui from the cafeteria brought another large bowl of meat and a bowl of white wine.

Niba hadn't eaten such rich food in more than a year. He couldn't stop eating without caring about his appearance.

The three of them ate and talked, and the more they talked, the more interesting and speculative they became. Before long, they seemed to have become friends for many years, trusting each other, admiring each other, and determined to get together.

From the conversation between Junwei and Agui, Niba learned more about some of the conditions in the prison area.

It turns out that there are two team leaders in the prison area, one is responsible for vegetable planting and breeding, and the other is an intellectual named Bin, who is a teacher and team leader and is responsible for teaching and cultural promotion.

Bin has an old-fashioned character and looks like a scholar. He shows both the loftiness of culture and the arrogance of a Kunming city dweller.

These prisoners with positions are all prisoners trusted by the captain and have certain powers.

The team leader in charge of production is relatively low-key and cooperates with Junwei in everything; but Bin has a more flamboyant personality and is arrogant in front of Junwei, which makes Junwei and Agui dislike him and find it difficult to get along with him. Even hate him and exclude him.

"Niba, Bin has class tonight, go and see if you can beat him and replace him in the future."

Junwei said loudly, a pair of sharp eyes aimed at Niba, his handsome Chinese character face Show a meaningful smile.,

The grumpy Agui said angrily: "Here's the four-eyed dog ghost and the sun-eyed one. You can defeat him and leave him alone to dry out."

Listening to them talking like this, Niba was speechless. Just smile.

Niba saw that Junwei was kind-hearted, very smart, very aggressive, and very concerned about face. No wonder, at a young age, he maimed people and committed crimes, and then fought for dominance in this warlike place.

Agui is brave enough but not intellectual enough. In the prison area, young prisoners are afraid of him, but in the eyes of the police, he is more successful than successful, so they keep a close eye on him.

Two years later, they were in the free world. When Niba went to visit Agui in Spring City, he was fighting with the police and was arrested again.

On a spring night on Eighth Street, although the moon in the sky is very bright, a hazy cold mist floats in the sky, the breeze brings coolness, and the earth becomes dim.

The young offenders practiced over and over again on the playground. The nineteen o'clock bell rang, and people couldn't help but enter the classroom.

Bin, who has been teaching here for more than two years, slowly walked up to the podium. He had a pair of gold-rimmed glasses on his broad face, and his expression showed the arrogance and shamelessness that Kunming people are accustomed to.

Bin, who has acne on his face, is about the same age as Niba, and looks strong and old-fashioned. He introduced Niba to everyone on the podium and began to give a demonstration lecture.

Listening to his lecture, Niba concluded that he was a stickler for rules and a bit stiff. No wonder he was offensive.

It is said that he once worked in a bank and came here through corruption and bribery. Junwei and the others didn't like him and wanted to exclude him, so whenever he gave a lecture, Junwei and the others would smoke below and make fun and cause trouble.

Bin talked about the word "pan". He only talked about the stroke order and the meaning of the word, which was not vivid enough. This suddenly reminded Niba of the wonderful lecture by Teacher Li Zhi on the word "pan" in elementary school.

So Niba quickly raised his hand and said:

"Teacher Bin, can I add something?"

Suddenly hearing what Niba said, Bin was surprised for a moment, and then said: "Okay!".

Niba walked quickly to the podium, and used colored chalk to draw several trees, a group of birds, and several beauties on the blackboard.

There was silence at first, and then someone laughed again.

Niba wrote the word "pan" again in a big size, and gestured with a smile and said:

"There are many woods on both sides, and the birds are nesting in the middle. The eldest sister spreads her hips, and the second sister touches them with her hands." There was laughter and laughter in the classroom. It's applause.

Afterwards, there was silence in the classroom. Niba explained the meaning of the word "pan" in detail, and asked several young prisoners to come up and use the word "pan" to form words and sentences...

The rest bell rang, and the young prisoners went back to the dormitory to sleep. Jun Wei approached Niba, took out a cigarette, handed it to him with a smile, patted his shoulder, and then went to sleep happily.

Niba knew in his heart that Junwei was very satisfied with his performance tonight.

When dawn first appeared, the wake-up bell rang loudly. People got up quickly, tidied the room quickly, and cleaned the house. Everything was done quickly and orderly. After a while, the cell was scrubbed spotlessly clean, and the quilt was neatly arranged.

Junwei called Niba, and together with several team leaders, he evaluated and graded the hygiene of various places.

Afterwards, all the young offenders gathered on the court for training. After the training, Junwei made work arrangements.

Before leaving work, Niba asked Junwei to take him for a walk outside the prison area.

Bajie Bazi is a narrow and irregular small Bazi. The mountains on the east and west sides are not tall and straight, more like a hilly area.

On the hills, there are woods all over the mountains and plains. Most of them are shrubs and miscellaneous trees, and the rare green pines are also fluffy.

Various trees still decorate the Eight Streets with lush greenery, making the land verdant.

There is a large man-made reservoir near the prison area of ​​the squadron with rippling water. There is ample water here to irrigate thousands of acres of fertile soil in the prison.

The hills on both sides of the road in the prison area are full of blooming peach blossoms, pear blossoms, , which make people who see it have to believe that this is a rich fruit production area.

The Dangshan plow produced here is not only beautiful in appearance, rich in nutrients, but also tastes fresh and sweet, and is well-known abroad. Different varieties of peaches, grapes and other fruits are famous here.

Bajie Bazi is another treasure land with beautiful scenery and rich products in Yunnan!

Chapter 32 of

After a while, they walked into the soy sauce factory. Junwei arranged the work of the young offenders and took Niba around to look around.

This is a small brewery with dozens of employees and several production workshops. The Jinma brand soy sauce produced in the factory is made from natural ingredients and artificially made. It is really fragrant and very famous in Yunnan.

walked around the entire production workshop, and Niba, who studied economics, found that the production costs here were too high, and the original manual work was inefficient. If a large number of young people were not working at no cost, it would be difficult for such a factory to survive and develop.

Later, Junwei and Niba checked the breeding team in the prison area. In the pig pen of the breeding group, dozens of pigs are kept well.

In the vegetable fields, a variety of vegetables are growing green. It seems that the vegetable team's work is also in order and the results are very good.

In the ravine behind the soy sauce factory, the squadron also has a small deep water reservoir.

Xiaowei, the young offender who was responsible for guarding the reservoir and raising fish, was filled with joy when he saw Junwei and Niba arriving. He quickly brought the fishing rod, and the three of them chatted and fished.

The water in the reservoir is clear and transparent. The spring breeze blows through, causing cheerful ripples. The reflection of the sun makes the water surface shine.

On the hill next to the reservoir, there are orchards with flourishing peach blossoms to the south, and green tea gardens to the west. The female prisoners are picking tea, laughing and singing loudly.

In the few days since Niba arrived in the prison area, he has become familiar with the area and has found and settled into his position.

Niba, although he lost his freedom, he could bathe in the bright sunshine and breathe fresh air. At this time, Niba was satisfied and full of joy.

Niba, he is in the peak season of youth. His abundant energy and constantly beating heart make him want to work hard even in this prison.

After that, his aunt's family, relatives and friends from her hometown, his partners in Chuncheng, his best friends from college...

 came to visit one after another, bringing family affection, help, encouragement and care.

He has a wealth of things, including thousands of his beloved books. He is full and busy, and time flies by.

In the blink of an eye, Niba has spent half a year here. His body has not only recovered, but has also become stronger.

He is full of energy and full of ideas. In this small world, he displays his talents and expresses his emotions.

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