It was completely dark outside the window, and the bean-like raindrops pattered on the sealed window, making people upset. Mom was not at home, so my dad and I took the opportunity to let ourselves go. Each of us held a mobile phone, he watched his videos, and I played my games.

2024/06/2320:10:33 story 1283

It was completely dark outside the window, and the bean-like raindrops pattered on the sealed window, making people upset. Mom was not at home, so my dad and I took the opportunity to let ourselves go. Each of us held a mobile phone, he watched his videos, and I played my games. I don’t know whether it was because the rain was too loud or because we were really hungry, but we both raised our heads at the same time and looked at each other in a tacit understanding: "What are you going to eat tonight?"

Dad reluctantly put down his cell phone and opened the refrigerator door, only to find that it was empty. He looked out the window and then at me, and then said slowly: "It's raining too much, why don't I order takeout?"

"Okay!" We hit it off immediately.

After ordering the takeout, we continued to play on our phones. About half an hour later, the takeaway hadn't arrived yet. I was empty in my stomach and had no energy to play games. An unknown fire quickly ignited: "Why hasn't it arrived yet?"

"Don't worry, I'll get it. Call me and ask, what's going on?" Dad quickly switched the phone to phone mode. It seems that he is as hungry as me! After the number

was dialed, there was a busy tone first, and then the call was connected: "Sorry, the rain was too heavy, and I accidentally slipped on the road! I spilled the food, I'm really sorry!" The voice on the other end of the phone was full of apology and helplessness. Make my heart move.

"It's okay, slow down and be safe!" Dad's voice became much softer, "I'll order another one and you can bring it over!"

"Okay!" The voice was grateful and the phone hung up.

"Hello, your takeaway has arrived!" The banging on the door accompanied by the eager baritone entered my eardrums, and my taste buds were activated as if by conditioned reflex. I swallowed my saliva and hurriedly opened the door. However, the moment the door was opened, I was shocked by the scene in front of me: the yellow safety helmet was tilted, the hair wet by the rain was messy, the eyes were full of fear, tension and exhaustion, and the face even There was a new scratch, and there was a big dirty mud mark on the butt.

"Why is this happening?" I asked in surprise, forgetting my hunger for the moment.

He grinned apologetically and said, "When I was delivering your first order, I accidentally fell down on the road!"

I took the lunch box, feeling a little heavy in my heart. He looked a few years older than me.

"Come on, young man! Come in and sit for a while, take a rest!" Dad also came over.

"No, no! I'm covered in mud!" The little brother waved his hand quickly.

"What does it matter! They are all working people!" The father patted the boy on the shoulder. The little brother lowered his head shyly, shook the water on his body a few more times before shyly moving through the door.

Dad poured him a glass of water, and he leaned over and sat on a small bench.

The boy told his story. The two of us were happy to be the audience for a while.

"I dropped out of school as soon as I graduated from junior high school. I neither entered high school nor wanted to work in a vocational school. Alas! The key is that I didn't have the heart to go to school. At that time, I was young and energetic. I just wanted to find a job, earn a lot of money, and work hard to get out. "This is a small county." The boy took a sip of tea carefully and continued: "I didn't expect that there is a lot of work, but it is not easy to make money. I went round and round, but finally chose to deliver food. You see, There has been no improvement after two years of delivery, and I haven’t delivered your order today..."

I suddenly felt a little ashamed. I didn’t get into high school a year ago. If my family hadn’t repeatedly insisted that I study vocational high school , I may be just like him today. In the midst of despair, the boy turned around and said: "But I believe that as long as we keep our feet on the ground and work bit by bit, we will be able to get out!" He raised his head, with hope shining in his tired eyes.

The father smiled and nodded. The boy carefully put down the disposable tea cup, put on his helmet, blushed and said, "Thank you! It's time for me to go!" and went out!

Outside the window, through the dim light in the rain and fog, I saw his yellow back riding a motorcycle quickly disappearing at the gate of the community.

After dinner, I consciously put down my phone, walked into the study, turned on the lamp and started working on the test paper. yes! In this society, dreams may be big or small, abilities may be big or small, and contributions may be big or small, but every striver deserves to be respected.

It was completely dark outside the window, and the bean-like raindrops pattered on the sealed window, making people upset. Mom was not at home, so my dad and I took the opportunity to let ourselves go. Each of us held a mobile phone, he watched his videos, and I played my games.  - DayDayNews

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