A child was reluctant to go to his grandma's house and refused to call her grandma when they met. The father immediately got angry and reprimanded the child, but the child cried and said: "I was raised by my grandma, why should I be filial to my grandma?" He heard his granddaught

2024/06/0803:39:33 story 1613

A child was reluctant to go to his grandma's house and refused to call her grandma when they met. The father immediately got angry and scolded the child, but the child cried and said:

"I was raised by my grandma, why should I be filial to my grandma?"

heard When her granddaughter questioned her, grandma returned to the kitchen and secretly wiped her tears.

This is not only a story, but also the lives of many people.

A child was reluctant to go to his grandma's house and refused to call her grandma when they met. The father immediately got angry and reprimanded the child, but the child cried and said:

The child is related to his grandmother, but is a stranger to his grandmother.

There is a child named Xiao Li. When her mother was just pregnant with her, her father had to go out to run business every day. In order to take care of mother and daughter, grandma came all the way here and lived in Went to my daughter's house.

Mom had to go back to work in the company a few months after Xiao Li was born. Xiao Li was taken care of by her grandma every day. Grandma was very kind to her. She also liked her very much. In this way, grandma looked at Xiao Li. Grow up slowly.

A child was reluctant to go to his grandma's house and refused to call her grandma when they met. The father immediately got angry and reprimanded the child, but the child cried and said:

Xiao Li’s grandma lives in the countryside, and her family has to farm. can only visit Xiao Li once or twice a year. Every time her grandma comes, she will bring Xiao Li several bags of vegetables grown at home.

She is not afraid of heavy weight. In order to let her granddaughter eat the vegetables she grew, she took a long-distance bus and carried dozens of kilograms of vegetables under the sun. Every time Xiao Li's parents see her like this, they feel very distressed and tell her mother earnestly:

"Mom, don't bring so many dishes next time you come here. It's so heavy. You can buy everything here."

But grandma never listened to advice. Xiao Li rarely mentioned his grandma, maybe because he met her too few times. Xiao Li felt that his grandma was far away from him.

A child was reluctant to go to his grandma's house and refused to call her grandma when they met. The father immediately got angry and reprimanded the child, but the child cried and said:

Because Xiao Li gets along with her grandma every day, her relationship with her is getting better and better. She will leave any delicious food to her grandma. Grandma always praises Xiao Li for being very sensible.

On Xiao Li's 6th birthday, his parents asked him what he wanted to do when he grew up. Xiao Li replied:

"When I grow up, I must earn a lot of money, buy a lot of gifts and delicious food, and honor my parents and grandparents." "

Dad's face turned bad when he heard this, so he asked Xiao Li: "You gave everyone gifts, why didn't the grandparents? "

A child was reluctant to go to his grandma's house and refused to call her grandma when they met. The father immediately got angry and reprimanded the child, but the child cried and said:

Xiao Li stopped talking, and the atmosphere at the dinner table was not right. He ate with his head down and said nothing.

A child's words hurt his grandma's heart.

Once the school teacher asked him to write down the people closest to him. The other students all wrote down their parents, grandparents and grandparents, but Xiao Li did not write down his grandparents. Xiao Li felt very unfamiliar with his grandparents, and he didn’t even know their names or birthdays.

Today is grandma's birthday, and it happens to be the weekend. Xiao Li's school is not in class. Grandma said that she missed Xiao Li, so her parents wanted to take Xiao Li back to celebrate grandma's birthday.

But Xiao Li was unwilling to go back. No matter how hard his parents tried to persuade him, his grandma came over to persuade him and said that he would wait until she came back to buy her toys. Then Xiao Li was willing to go to her grandma's house.

A child was reluctant to go to his grandma's house and refused to call her grandma when they met. The father immediately got angry and reprimanded the child, but the child cried and said:

Grandma’s house is far away. Xiao Li fell asleep in the car. When he got home, grandma rushed over to greet him. His father woke up Xiao Li who was sitting in the back and said: “Call grandma quickly.”

Xiao Li was dazedly After waking up, felt a little unhappy. She didn't want to say hello . When her father saw her impatient look, he was instantly detonated. He reprimanded Xiao Li and said:

"This is my mother, your grandmother. You must respect her in the future." She is filial to her, just like you are to grandma, don't be so ignorant."

Xiao Li has the same temper as her father. He was very unhappy when he heard this, so he retorted: "Grandma brought me up. "Yes, why should I be filial to grandma?"

A child was reluctant to go to his grandma's house and refused to call her grandma when they met. The father immediately got angry and reprimanded the child, but the child cried and said:

There was a sound of smashing bowls outside the door. Grandma was carrying a plate of candy to the living room for her granddaughter to eat. Just when she heard her granddaughter say this, she secretly returned to the kitchen to wipe her tears. .

Grandma is also very aggrieved. She also wants to play with her granddaughter every day, but she has difficulties. The land planted at home cannot be left unattended, and the chickens, ducks and geese cannot be fed . It is really hard to do so. .

Although grandma cannot take care of her granddaughter every day, she is really kind to her. She knows that it is difficult to buy local eggs in the city. She is not willing to eat the eggs and duck eggs at home . She saves them and asks others to help bring them there. .

A child was reluctant to go to his grandma's house and refused to call her grandma when they met. The father immediately got angry and reprimanded the child, but the child cried and said:

Every time during the holidays and Xiao Li’s birthday, although grandma could not go there in person, she would ride a tricycle every time, go all the way to the bank in the village to transfer some money to her daughter-in-law, and let her mother buy some for Xiao Li. Good food and new clothes.

Grandma doesn’t have a smartphone, but her money is more valuable than any red envelope.

A child was reluctant to go to his grandma's house and refused to call her grandma when they met. The father immediately got angry and reprimanded the child, but the child cried and said:

Xiao Li's words made her father feel very angry. She told her daughter:

"There is no basis, no reason. Grandma is good to you, so you should be filial to her."

Xiao Li said nothing more, but still seemed very unconvinced. The atmosphere during the meal was very strange, and Grandma did not dare to say anything more, so her birthday passed like this.

A child was reluctant to go to his grandma's house and refused to call her grandma when they met. The father immediately got angry and reprimanded the child, but the child cried and said:

Nowadays, it is more and more common for grandma to take care of her children. On the one hand, they are worried about the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. On the other hand, grandma feels sorry for her pregnant daughter and will take the initiative to take care of her.

This is not only a story, but also life. In our lives, children always kiss their grandma or grandma. They usually kiss whoever they stay with for a long time. Maybe the children don't understand.

If both parties love you very much, and you kiss either party, the other party will feel very sad, but they will not say it.

A child was reluctant to go to his grandma's house and refused to call her grandma when they met. The father immediately got angry and reprimanded the child, but the child cried and said:

Parents often compare grandma and grandma, and some parents will let their children compare in front of their parents. They will ask their children:

"Is grandma good to you or grandma is good to you?"

These jokes with children The words may not have any other meaning, but for children, when this kind of question is asked, they who are not mentally sound will definitely give an answer, and the result of this answer is affirmation of one party and at the same time unfairness to the other party.

A child was reluctant to go to his grandma's house and refused to call her grandma when they met. The father immediately got angry and reprimanded the child, but the child cried and said:

Parents are their children's first teachers and play a vital role in the development of their children's character and conduct. Every word and deed will affect their children in a subtle way. So how should parents guide their children correctly?

Guide children to respect their elders and treat them equally.

Xiao Li’s parents did not take the initiative to guide their children. As a result, Xiao Li’s attitude towards his grandmother and grandmother was polarized.

Parents should tell their children that they should treat their elders equally before the family relationship is formed. Everyone is a family, and they are all elders in the family.

No matter adults or children, the attitude towards the elderly should be the same, learn to respect and respect the elderly. If parents set a good example, their children will naturally learn accordingly.

A child was reluctant to go to his grandma's house and refused to call her grandma when they met. The father immediately got angry and reprimanded the child, but the child cried and said:

Learn to guide children to take the initiative to get close to the elderly

The way Xiao Li’s father guides children to get close to and respect teachers may be counterproductive. This stage is when children’s autonomous consciousness is forming, scolding will make children feel more bored.

should sit down and have a good chat with her child, and tell her all the good things her elders have done to her. You can only change a person's mind by yourself.

In fact, every family has problems that are difficult to recite. There are always various reasons that prevent the elderly and children from staying together for a long time.

A child was reluctant to go to his grandma's house and refused to call her grandma when they met. The father immediately got angry and reprimanded the child, but the child cried and said:

Take Xiao Li as an example. On the one hand, because her children have to go to school, and on the other hand, because her grandma is busy with farm work, she cannot see Xiao Li often.

At this time, parents need to take time to take their children home to visit the elderly. As they move around more, the relationship between the elderly and the children will naturally increase.

"Love grows over time" can not only be used in love. Children will naturally become closer to whomever they live with for a long time. Not only do parents need to learn to go home often, but they also need to take their children home often. Look, at the same time, we must also learn to understand both the elderly and the children.

A child was reluctant to go to his grandma's house and refused to call her grandma when they met. The father immediately got angry and reprimanded the child, but the child cried and said:

Companionship is the best way to get close to children

During holidays, the family can travel together, and take the elderly and children to play together. For children who naturally love to play, the best time to enhance their relationship is during play, children Will open your heart with laughter.

At this time, parents can guide their children to learn to treat and respect the elderly equally. They can also discuss with their children how to celebrate the elderly's birthday before the elderly's birthday and let them prepare surprises for the elderly.

A child was reluctant to go to his grandma's house and refused to call her grandma when they met. The father immediately got angry and reprimanded the child, but the child cried and said:

How can children like it?

The elderly at home should also often play with the children. Children like to receive gifts. No matter whether they are valuable or not, the elderly should be kind to their children.Don't be too harsh to the children, otherwise the children will stay away.

You must be careful about how you treat your children. If you impose too many restrictions on your children, your children will naturally not be close to you over time. Secondly, you must understand your children's real needs. Why do your children cry? No matter whether you are happy or sad, only when truly enters your child's heart can your child get closer to you.


Respecting elders has been a traditional virtue of the Chinese nation since ancient times . For thousands of years, the virtues left behind by continuous changes in history are naturally excellent, so respecting elders must start from an early age. In fact, children are more affectionate towards the elderly. There is nothing wrong with that.

is very pure for children to like. If they like it, they like it, and if they hate it, they also hate . It is actually very easy to find what they like and are interested in.

If you don’t have much time to spend with your child, you must grasp the points of interest to your child. Only by letting your child remember you will he always like you.

A child was reluctant to go to his grandma's house and refused to call her grandma when they met. The father immediately got angry and reprimanded the child, but the child cried and said:

There is no need to be too sad if your children are not close to you, because they are still young, and even if you are very kind to them, they may not understand. Only when they grow up will they realize that love is always by their side.

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