2019 Photographed in Hangzhou Part 3 "218549"01 After accompanying the wedding ceremony, the two of us returned to our new home. She sat on the sofa for a while, picked up her phone, shook it at me, and said, "Please accompany me back to my house. My dad said he misses me." I sai

2024/05/2613:06:32 story 1006

2019 Photographed in Hangzhou Part 3

2019 Taken in Hangzhou

Part 3


01 Accompanying

After the wedding ceremony, the two of us returned to our new home.

She sat on the sofa for a while, picked up the phone, shook it at me, and said, "Please accompany me back to my house. My dad said he misses me."

I said, OK, tell me what you want to do in the future, and I will accompany you.

02 consumption

About one minute after the salary is paid every month, I will transfer the entire salary to her.

Accurate to the dollar, one cent is a lot, so that now I only have a few cents of interest left in my bank card.

The first time she planned to buy something for her home, she ordered wall coverings for several rooms, which completely overturned the color styles I was optimistic about before. On the way back, she saw that I was not very happy and said, you know what the heck, the one I picked is much prettier than the one you picked before.

From then on, she decided everything about shopping at home. She would go to different shopping platforms to compare prices when buying things, trying to save money as much as possible, and she would also like a lot of expensive things. Such as gold jewelry. After getting married, I will still take her to the mall to buy jewelry. If she is faced with a choice between two, I will encourage her to buy both, so many of her jewelry are duplicates, rings, necklaces...

She is not She is a person who spends money indiscriminately, so I will support whatever she wants to buy. The most common thing she says at home is "buy, buy, buy."

The deposits at home are all written in her name, and I donā€™t even know what the password is. I don't care about this either, because my desire to spend money is very low.

Before we got married, she asked me how much pocket money I needed per month.

I said three hundred would be enough, but I would have to spend an extra one or two thousand a year on books.

She said thatā€™s okay, but Iā€™ll buy your clothes from now on, and the clothes you buy yourself wonā€™t look good.

I think this situation is very good, because I am relatively bad at buying things. Now I have someone to worry about shopping for me, which is very good.

2019 Photographed in Hangzhou Part 3

03 Commuting

We have different working hours. She teaches in primary school and has to arrive before 7:20 every day, and I go to work at 8:00.

She doesnā€™t like riding electric bikes, and I donā€™t feel comfortable with her commuting by herself, so I get up early every day to cook and then send her to work.

I have always felt that sleep is more important than the sky, but after getting married, I still sacrificed some sleep time in order to keep in step with her. The same goes for after get off work hours. Since extended service is now advocated, I will stay in the office for an extra half hour and then go to pick her up from school.

We will drive when the weather is too cold, and ride when the weather is nice. We both agree that this is the most economical and cost-effective way.

Slowly, a year has passed.

04 ā€œ I love you ā€

Do you usually say I love you?

, we talk to each other almost ten times a day, it feels like a very natural thing.

2019 Photographed in Hangzhou Part 3

05 218549

Back to the topic, I played a plot game called " Death Stranding " a few years ago. The background setting is that the souls of the dead will go to their own exclusive underworld beach. There is a character in the

game called "Heartman". His wife and child have passed away.

His first lines in the plot are as follows:

"I induce cardiac arrest in myself every day, once every 21 minutes."

"Stay in the underworld for three minutes, and then rely on ADS to wake me up and return."

" Die 60 times a day and resurrect 60 times. "

" 60 opportunities, let me search for my dead family members on the beach. "

" This is how I live, this is my life, 218549 times now."

" After finding them, I will die with them to ensure that we will be together in the next life. "

Before I got married, I thought this episode was very sad and touching. After I got married, I watched this episode again. I think if it were me, I would choose to do the same.

story Category Latest News

The stories of ancient and modern wonders are heartfelt, and five thousand years of history are written in chapters. I know the weird stories but donā€™t know the words, so I will read them carefully and speak to you. The story happened during the Tianshun period of the Tang Dynast - DayDayNews

The stories of ancient and modern wonders are heartfelt, and five thousand years of history are written in chapters. I know the weird stories but donā€™t know the words, so I will read them carefully and speak to you. The story happened during the Tianshun period of the Tang Dynast

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