It's Raining in the Soul/Sun He It was an ordinary evening, and I was in a cheerful mood preparing dinner at home. When I got home from get off work, my wife made an exception and did not dance gracefully and look in the mirror, nor did she hum a little song as usual, nor did she

2024/05/2311:55:32 story 1708

It’s Raining in the Heart

Text/Sun He

It's Raining in the Soul/Sun He It was an ordinary evening, and I was in a cheerful mood preparing dinner at home. When I got home from get off work, my wife made an exception and did not dance gracefully and look in the mirror, nor did she hum a little song as usual, nor did she - DayDayNews

It was an ordinary evening, and I was in a cheerful mood preparing dinner at home.

When I got home from get off work, my wife made an exception and did not dance gracefully and look in the mirror, nor did she hum a little song as usual, nor did she help me wash the vegetables and dishes. Instead, she was worried and lingering in the living room. His steps lost the firmness of the past, and he looked a little flustered. The wife finally stopped resolutely: "She's here."

"Who?" I had already guessed who was coming from her face, and the most flexible part of her nerves began to beat wildly, but I still pretended asked in a low voice, nonchalantly.

"Who else could it be? That beautiful image that always lingers in your memory." The wife said sourly.

I am still cooking, but my mind is in a mess. She is coming! What did my wife mean by telling me?

"It's burnt! Look at your distracted look. Don't worry. Go see her after dinner and tell her your past feelings. Fortunately, I, the 'big brother', got the address for you. Let her know our sister's address." How broad-minded we are," the wife said in one breath.

How many days and nights have I met her in my dreams, does she still eat so many cherries? Is her skin still that pink? Does she live more freely without me? Why did my wife send the lost kite string to me now?

"Are you telling the truth?"

"Then there are still lies." When my wife said this, she turned her back. I couldn't see her expression clearly, but I could only hear the harsh sound of the dishes and chopsticks.

After eating, I rinsed my mouth, washed my face quickly, glanced at the mirror, and finally ran downstairs. The wife caught up and said, "Don't get excited, bring your wallet."

stopped a taxi, but the wife said: Don't get in, don't get in. The driver looked ugly, so he had to wait for the next one.

Why is my wife, who is usually very straightforward, so troublesome today? I jumped in the car and my wife disappeared in an instant.

Sitting in the car, I suddenly felt flustered. My wife doesn’t know how to drink. She drank a lot today. Who will take care of her if she gets drunk? When she helped me stop the car, her posture was already crooked. No, why should I grab a dream from the past and lose the fruit of reality? So what if I go? The world has been decided, not to mention she didn't let me see her.

I jumped out of the car and hurried home, thinking about my wife's benefits along the way. It was she who gave me medicine and food in front of my sick bed; it was she who spent all her savings when I bought my first house, which was three times what I invested. She does most of the housework and makes my life easy. And where is that illusory shadow? In addition to leaving me with a trace of concern and a trace of confusion, what else is there? My pace quickened, my heart beat faster, and there was a warm current flowing in my heart.

ran upstairs in one breath and opened the door. His wife was drinking again. His eyes brightened when he saw me coming back, but suddenly dimmed again: What have you forgotten again?

"I forgot the address." In the panic, I forgot the note in my hand, not knowing how to round out this lie.

She put down her wine glass and looked around, complaining that I was missing something. Looking at his anxious look, my tears kept flowing.

"What's wrong? We will find it." He grabbed my hand and touched the note. I was stunned for a moment, and then I understood. Without saying a word, she put my hand on her heart. I felt that heart was like a piece of transparent glass reflecting a woman's fragile heart.

It's Raining in the Soul/Sun He It was an ordinary evening, and I was in a cheerful mood preparing dinner at home. When I got home from get off work, my wife made an exception and did not dance gracefully and look in the mirror, nor did she hum a little song as usual, nor did she - DayDayNews


This morning, Director Liu was sitting in the office, a little distracted. He picked up the tea cup and took a sip of Gougunao Tea , but felt that his mouth was astringent and had no taste at all.

It turns out that just a week ago, his eldest sister called from her hometown. His father had been diagnosed with advanced liver cancer and his days in this world were not long. And his father seemed to have a premonition of his illness and eagerly wanted to see him.

However, on the night when he was about to return to his hometown, his purebred Jingha "Little White" who had been with him for four years also contracted a serious illness.This made Director Liu and his wife anxious. Director Liu had no choice but to give up the idea of ​​returning to his hometown. He took his wife and Xiaobai in his arms and visited several well-known pet hospitals in the city. The medical expenses alone cost more than 30,000 yuan. , but Xiaobai’s condition showed no improvement.

Director Liu lit up a cigarette and took a few big puffs silently. He became more and more irritable: the eldest sister had called more than ten times in a row, and Xiaobai's condition was unknown...

"Ding Ling, Ding Ling ⋯⋯" The phone on Director Liu's desk rang again. He picked up the phone anxiously. The call was from his wife from the "Dog Huatuo" Pet Hospital. She choked and said: Xiaobai is no longer able to do it. Come and take a look at it! "

Director Liu jumped up from the sofa, threw away the cigarette in his hand, drove himself, and hurried to the pet hospital. When Director Liu's wife saw him coming in, she threw herself into his arms and started crying: " You're too late, Xiaobai is already dead. Director Liu's eyes were also red, and there were tears in his eyes. He patted his wife on the shoulder and comforted him: "Stop crying, let's bury it properly." "

Director Liu immediately called a friend and asked his friend to buy Xiaobai a high-quality tomb in the Return Garden at a discounted price of 40,000 yuan.

The next day, Director Liu drove the car himself while his wife hugged him. He took Xiaobai's body and buried it in the tomb. Xiaobai's tomb was quite spectacular. The tomb was surrounded by a flower wall made of cement, and Director Liu's wife brought it to Xiaobai. A big bag of his favorite sausages was placed in front of Xiaobai's grave. She stayed up all night and made a shroud for Xiaobai with her own hands. The couple lit firecrackers and burned paper money in front of Xiaobai's grave. Lighting candles and kneeling down to bow.

After taking care of Xiaobai's funeral, Director Liu embarked on the journey back to his hometown. When he walked into the hospital and saw his critically ill father in the ward, his angry father suddenly glowed. A lot of anger.

My father raised his hand with difficulty and stroked Director Liu's face twice. After a long time, two lines of tears flowed from his sunken eye sockets, and then he said intermittently: "Dad... I know." You're busy...I didn't want to disturb you...but dad misses you..."

Director Liu stayed in front of his father's hospital bed all night. At dawn the next day, his father urged him: "Go back quickly... You can't miss work... I have your sister, brother-in-law and sister to take care of you..."

At this moment, Director Liu wanted to stay with his father for a few more days, but his sister persuaded him: "Go back, you also know our father's temper... "When Director Liu left, he left 15,000 yuan to his eldest sister.

However, the day after Director Liu returned from his hometown, his eldest sister called and said in tears: "Our father yesterday He 'left' at one o'clock in the evening... He could survive so many days... I just want to take a look at you..."

It's Raining in the Soul/Sun He It was an ordinary evening, and I was in a cheerful mood preparing dinner at home. When I got home from get off work, my wife made an exception and did not dance gracefully and look in the mirror, nor did she hum a little song as usual, nor did she - DayDayNews

About the author: Sun He, a native of Ji'an City, Jiangxi Province. Bachelor's degree in Chinese language and literature, Jiangxi Provincial Writers Association Member. More than a thousand works are published in various newspapers, magazines and micro-publication platforms across the country.


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