It is said that our brigade has four villages under its jurisdiction. Our four villages are close to each other and have a pretty good relationship. Therefore, if there is something new in one village, the other three villages will also hear about it overnight.

2024/05/1706:45:33 story 1857

It is said that our brigade has four villages under its jurisdiction. Our four villages are close to each other and have a pretty good relationship. Therefore, if there is something new in one village, the other three villages will also hear about it overnight. - DayDayNews

It is said that our brigade has four villages under its jurisdiction. Our four villages are close to each other and have a pretty good relationship. Therefore, if there is something new in one village, the other three villages will also hear about it overnight. - DayDayNews

The term "father-beating general" comes from the slang in my hometown. As the name suggests, it refers to those unfilial sons who are disobedient and unfilial, and beat their fathers and scold their mothers.

Today, I suddenly remembered a few anecdotes from my childhood, and I wrote them down for the benefit of readers. I also imitated a certain great writer and criticized today's male protagonist.

It is said that our brigade has four villages under its jurisdiction. Our four villages are close to each other and have a pretty good relationship. Therefore, if there is something new in one village, the other three villages will also hear about it overnight.

I remember that I was still in elementary school in the early 1990s. The social atmosphere at that time was relatively simple. People had relatively positive views and had clear standards for good and evil. Therefore, they often did not have much tolerance for perverse events. Spend.

There were three types of people in our place at that time. They were typical and could be criticized in large numbers for being "unfilial, breaking shoes, and stealing."

Although we were still young at the time, we also had targets for criticism, and that was those from Houzhuang. A guy, let’s call him Niu Er for now.

Niu Er is about one round older than us. He is short and strong, with dark complexion and a sinister expression. Especially with the tumbling dragon tattooed on his chest and arm, he looked even more sinister and violent in that simple era. , so he is also somewhat famous.

In fact, he is not the biological son of his parents, but the child who is to come.

Because his parents had been married for many years and never had a boy or a girl. Since they were eager to have a child, they simply gave up the idea of ​​waiting. Through the help of friends, he was brought home by his parents, who was waiting for food.

As for his parents' love for him, it goes without saying that they poured all their enthusiasm into him, hoping that he could get ahead and shine.

Just like this, he gradually grew up in the honeypot. As soon as he became sensible, he began to show his naughty nature. From the beginning of school, he took pleasure in stealing stationery from his classmates. He was caught many times, but he refused to change despite repeated admonitions. The teacher looked at his dark mung bean eyes and felt powerless.

Until one time, the principal couldn't bear it anymore and talked directly to his parents, hoping that his parents would discipline him seriously at home and correct his bad habits as soon as possible to avoid ruining his life.

But he never expected that his parents would talk so loudly that the principal would be kicked out.

Looking at his doting parents, the principal left in despair.

About two years later, this guy learned a few sets of Three-Legged Cat Kung Fu from someone, and he started to be domineering in school. Many classmates were bullied by him and did not dare to resist.

It wasn't until he had a big fight with my eldest brother that he could restrain himself. Of course, the so-called restraint was only for my eldest brother.

It was a spring afternoon. My eldest brother, who had always been taciturn, was sitting beside the earthen wall in a daze. He came over with a big snot dripping from his nose. He came up and gave my eldest brother a kick. This made my eldest brother anxious. Suddenly the sky was thundering and the earth was furious. , the two people started to fight.

By the way, my eldest brother has a good character. He is famous for being stubborn and accepting death. Once he sees something right, even nine oxen can't get him back. He especially doesn't like to talk, so his father was disappointed. He believed that his future in this life was slim, so he was ignored at home. Because of this, he became even more silent and stubborn, a vicious cycle that continues to this day.

This time, he fought against Niu Er, and he went all out. Niu Er did not expect that my eldest brother would be so tough, and he was not willing to be outdone. He dug his eyes and kicked his crotch, making my eldest brother miserable.

The furious elder brother turned around, found a stone, and struck it on the head. Then a miracle happened. As he screamed, three holes appeared in his head, and blood spurted out like a fountain.

Afterwards, my eldest brother was severely beaten by his father. My mother quickly took thirty eggs, two packets of brown sugar, and two boxes of fruits to apologize.

After a meal of ridicule and reprimand from his parents, it was finally over, and his mother endured the grievance and went home.

Shortly after this incident, the guy's wounds healed and he began to be domineering again.

About a year later, around the third grade, he was already 12-13 years old (at that time, students in his hometown entered school very late, usually between the ages of 8 and 10.)

This guy's bad moves are getting more and more refined. , marching straight ahead on the road that is not human, he had the initial concept between men and women, and actually started to peek at the girl relieving herself.

Whenever he had the opportunity, he would lie down in the gap in the girls' toilet and peek. Because of his lead, many other boys began to follow suit, making the school a mess for a while, and the girls were embarrassed to tell the teacher, so many girls For convenience, they all had to run to the crop fields behind the school.

It wasn’t until much later that the teacher heard about this and rebuilt the girls’ toilet, and this matter came to an end.

He couldn't take advantage of the female students, which made him itchy, but there was nothing he could do about it. The long-lasting desire made him have the audacity to take up the idea of ​​a female teacher.

The teachers’ toilet is at the corner not far from the office. At that time, they were all brick and earth buildings, low and low, so it was not difficult to peek into them.

One day, a female teacher went to the toilet, and this female teacher was also a famous beauty. This guy was eagerly waiting for this moment, so he ran out of the campus, went around to the back of the teacher's toilet, and climbed on the wall to peek.

It was a coincidence that the female teacher was in trouble. She was cleaning things up carefully in the toilet. The guy was so fascinated by the sight that he couldn't help but blurt out: "It's so interesting, it's so tight!"

The results can be imagined. Unexpectedly, this caused public outrage. The principal and all the male teachers became angry in a rare way. They caught the guy, stood upright, and began to take turns slapping his mouth.

When he walked out of the classroom, it could be said that he was beyond recognition and miserable. He held his closed eyes with his hands before he could go home.

This time his parents did not come to trouble the teacher. After all, it was too embarrassing. Moreover, the teachers at that time were powerful enough. As long as the students made mistakes, the teachers had the right to punish them. Unlike now, the teacher has become a decoration and has nothing to do with it. There is no prestige at all, which I feel is also a kind of sadness.

After this incident, the uproar took a long time to calm down. He became notorious. After about half a semester, he dropped out of school.

Since dropping out of school, he has completely let go. Under the protection of his parents, he has done random things and brought trouble to the village. It can be said that he has done almost all the things that animals do.

Unfortunately, the rule of law was lax at that time, which allowed him to reach adulthood peacefully, and it was time to talk about marriage.

But with his virtue, no girl would marry him! Let alone falling in love, especially at that time, the concept in my hometown was relatively traditional, and the free act of falling in love was not yet advocated and had not become popular.

This left him with nowhere to vent his energy. The agitation in his body made him restless all day long. Driven by desire, this guy began to go downhill.

didn’t know where he found a chicken, and then brought it back to us to show off, which immediately caused an uproar in our team.

We didn’t have this kind of thing there at that time. Although the people there were strong and fierce, they hated and despised these things deeply. Moreover, the Ministry of Public Security also took this matter very seriously, so this time he risked the world’s disapproval, which shows his How despicable your heart is!

Suddenly, the city was full of uproar. Those old ladies and young wives were shouting curses, and they no longer had the scruples of the past.

This time, his parents finally got a taste of the power of public opinion and no longer dared to protect him. They began to order him to give away the chicken. Especially his father, who wanted to show off and show his father's dignity, but had long since It's too late.

When his father frowned and spit, he didn't bother to pay attention. He didn't care about his father's tricks at all. He just took the chicken and immersed himself in making rice, and that was it!

The father, who had lost all his dignity, felt that he had lost his face. He was about to go up to teach him a lesson, but he backed away from him. He pointed at his father with chopsticks and yelled: "Get aside and leave me alone!"

looked at his son. The gloomy faces and the viciousness in their eyes made the old couple shiver with chills and fear from their souls. They seemed to suddenly remember what they had done over the years, and regret began to well up in their hearts, but it was already too late!

In the days that followed, the guy and the chickens walked around the streets happily. It was summer, and he and the chickens often went to other people's orchards at night to toss. , after finishing, start eating fruit on the spot.

As a result, people are even more angry. In the past, it was just immoral, but now it has affected the economy, so the villagers pointed fingers and ridiculed his parents.

His parents were forced to chase him all day long and would not give up until the chicken left.

Since then, a strange scene has appeared in the village. There is a pair of young men and women running and stopping in front, and a pair of gray-haired old people behind them are cursing.

In the first few days, everyone was still very interested, but after a few days, it felt like they were acting and no longer watched, but the contempt became even stronger!

A father who was forced to do nothing, and a son who was gradually losing his patience, finally confronted him one evening!

Just when his father caught him and kept pestering him, he knocked him down with a throw. Fucking yelling.

Just when he wanted to continue the violence, he saw someone coming from a distance, so he stopped and walked away with the chicken!

As soon as this incident came out, he poured oil on the already turbulent public opinion. He also went from being a master of all five evils to a heinous one, and he even gained the title of "Father Beater".

But regarding this matter, his father denied it flatly. For the sake of dignity, he refused to admit that his son had beaten him.

But facts speak louder than words, and it is impossible to cover up the confusion of right and wrong in the public eye, so the villagers always teased his father, making his father feel sad and angry.

Another afternoon, villagers who had just finished lunch gathered in front of his house and talked about this matter. His father was also anxious and defensive: "Don't listen to other people's nonsense. I am his father. He dares to touch me. I can beat him to death!"

After hearing this, everyone burst into laughter. At this moment, he came back swaying, and everyone immediately looked at his father. The meaning was obvious, this is your chance to show off. .

His father suddenly fell into a difficult situation, but in order to prove himself in front of everyone, he immediately yelled at him: "You bastard, come home with me and see how I deal with you."

This guy saw that he was so angry that he felt angry. The father just smiled faintly, entered the yard grandly, and then closed the door.

After a while, I heard a "plop, plop..." hitting sound, which could be felt to be very intense.

Everyone looked at each other, a little dazed. Has this guy gotten better? Are you willing to be punished by your father? How strange.

After a long time, the door was opened, and the calm demeanor of this guy drifted away amidst the astonishment of everyone.

"How come there are no injuries at all after being beaten for so long?" someone asked.

"Yes, yes, it's really strange." Someone followed suit,

"Don't get bored, go in and have a look..."

"Go for a walk, go in and have a look..."

Everyone was curious. , pushed the door and entered their dean. Seeing the door ajar, everyone felt that something was wrong.

When he opened the door, he was stunned by what he saw. His father was covered in dirt, lying on the ground with a bruised nose and face, his eyes closed tightly and silent.

"Lao Niu, Lao Niu, what's wrong with you? Wake up..." Everyone shouted urgently, shaking and shaking again.

After a long while, his father woke up. His voice was weak, as if murmuring: "Beast, the guy next door to the hemp class, beat me to death, beat me to death..."

"Why don't you call us?" , we are outside." Someone complained.

"I wanted to call you too, but he covered my mouth and hit me! Wuwu..."

Everyone was stunned and speechless!

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