On the evening of July 15th, Beijing time, the International Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) issued a judgment rejecting the appeals filed by the Russian Football Association and four clubs against FIFA and UEFA's bans, and upholding the decision to ban the Russian national

On the evening of July 15th, Beijing time, the International Court of Arbitration for Sports (CAS) issued a judgment, rejecting the appeals filed by the Russian Football Association and four clubs against the FIFA and UEFA bans, and upholding the Russian national Team and the club’s ban decision.

On February 28, 2022, FIFA and UEFA successively announced bans on the Russian national team and club teams in their respective competitions. Subsequently, the Russian Football Association and Zenit, Sochi , CSKA Moscow , Dynamo Moscow Four clubs appealed to CAS. After two video hearings on July 5 and 11,

CAS decided to reject the appeals of the above five parties and maintain the decision to ban the Russian national team and club teams. The

CAS expert group believes that the decision to ban the Russian national team and clubs is within the discretion of FIFA and UEFA. The expert panel also believed that the verdict should not consider the nature of the Russia-Ukraine conflict, but should focus on the impact of the conflict on the relevant competitions. The

expert group pointed out that although the Russian teams and players were not responsible for the conflict and it was unfortunate to be affected by the conflict, the safety and order of football events in other parts of the world need to be guaranteed, so they made the decision to reject the appeal. .