The former coach of Porto, Chelsea, Inter Milan, Real Madrid, Manchester United, and Tottenham Hotspur, and the current coach of Roma, a special "Specia l One" who once dominated the world with high spirits, has been gathering flowers among thorns. Now in trouble in Rome, he is p

The former coach of Porto, Chelsea , Inter Milan, Real Madrid , Manchester United , Tottenham Hotspur, and the current Roma coach is a special "Specia l One" who once dominated the world with high spirits. ", has been picking flowers among thorns, and now is in trouble in Rome, planning carefully and facing "five major difficulties" . Looking back at myself, what’s the reason not to be happy and struggle? Let’s move forward together!

Roma Mourinho

The first difficulty: media consumption is a double-edged sword

I remember the British " Times" , "London Football", Sky Sports, BBC and the Italian media chasing Mourinho with both guns and short guns. There are many disputes and mixed reviews. disparagingly said , "His tactical concepts are outdated and he is no longer a first-class coach; he is at odds with the club management and various celebrities; he helped him catch all kinds of moles...", praised. Saying "It's not easy for Mourinho. From grassroots to top coach, he has broken through so many worlds and obstacles. Chelsea flew on both sides, a group of old boys at Inter Milan realized their dreams Champions League , Real Madrid efficient and quick reaction, and Manchester United won on crutches. The Europa League and so on have left many classics and examples. Modern players do not have the hard work of the older generation..." Of course, also has news that deliberately fabricates topics and creates contradictions to ride on the traffic.

"King of traffic" and "King of topics", how many media reporters in world football are born for this. Of course, the main reason is Mourinho, the magic bird, who has his own strength and value. Of course, sometimes Mourinho deliberately diverts pressure from players to attract firepower. considerations.

Media former Mourinho

The second difficulty: The Roma club is financially strapped and it is difficult to buy people

Due to the tactics of former Roma director Pinto to buy people, transfer expenses and salary expenses have increased sharply, which violates UEFA Financial Fair Play. Moreover, "high salary supports idle people, but cannot sell people." Rome has difficulty in balancing its financial balance , so when Pinto buys people, there is a ridiculing saying of "one Roman coin" , and it is often because they cannot get millions of euros. Arsenal Xhaka and other powerful players who want to join...

Pinto and Mourinho

Italy's "La Repubblica" reported that Roma boss Friedkin is preparing to inject 460 million euros into the team before the end of the year. , to help the team meet the requirements. If this report is true, I have to say that Friedkin definitely loves Roma.


The third difficulty: The players are not as hardworking as the older generation

Serbia Midfielder Matic , leaving Manchester United as a free agent and officially joining Roma, which will bring a certain upgrade to Roma's overall strength and championship attributes. , this is the third cooperation between Matic and Mourinho. As long as the players are capable, Mourinho does not mind "turning back".

Matic said in an interview that "working with Mourinho is not easy." It is well known that Mourinho requires players to be self-disciplined, executed, diligent and unwilling to admit defeat, and the formation requires players to speak with strength. It's not the right person, can the players understand? For the new generation of young players facing the temptation of money and beautiful women and their unstable mentality, this is no small test. As Matic emphasized: This is exactly what he needs to learn and grow from the head coach. He hopes to do big things with Mourinho..

Matic follows Mourinho for the third time

The fourth difficulty: Italian football suppresses Roma and Mourinho

Serie A Roma in the 2021-2022 season, 18 wins, 9 draws and 11 losses. There are reports that Roma has been hacked. 10 points, misjudgments are inevitable, but if the frequency is more than 10 games, it is unjustifiable. Mourinho has also been sent off. Everyone knows that Serie A is currently dominated by Juventus and Inter Milan. If some teams want to ensure the top four, it will inevitably be bloody. This infighting may also be one of the reasons for the decline of Serie A.

Roma and Mourinho are also crying for injustice. Although the direct misjudgment of points may not be many, but anyone with a discerning eye understands that such misjudgments are fatal to the team's morale, especially the rising young Roma, indirect points Maybe more than 10 points. Serie A double standard, the UEFA Cup is advancing normally, fortunately, I won the first championship trophy, but also Roma complained about Mourinho's injustice with !

hopes that in the new season Serie A will consider the future of Italian football and have a relatively fair and just law enforcement environment so that it will not continue to decline?

The fifth difficulty: Fans are intellectually unstable, and it is difficult for Roma to reach the top

I remember that Mourinho had just arrived in Rome. In the Italian capital, he received the highest praise: Mourinho-themed ice cream, known as " Special One". Pinto once said: Friedkin and his son are the leaders of the club, Mourinho is the leader of the team, and he is doing his job.. Mourinho's status in the team is still very high.

I remember that during the Manchester United period, under the guidance of celebrities and the media, many fans still did not understand much about Mourinho. Mourinho was portrayed as a "stereotypical and outdated coach who only knows how to defend but not attack, and has no offensive gene". , Mourinho's defense is the foundation, "cooking according to the food", watching the first phase of Chelsea, Inter Milan, Real Madrid and other mature teams, his team's offense is frightening in Europe!

After Mourinho led Roma to win their first European championship, fans are looking forward to Roma going further and creating a more brilliant record. However, the team's lineup only has Pinazzola, Abraham, Pellegrini and a few other main players. It is too difficult to achieve the goals of Serie A championship, Champions League and Europa League championship. Since the team is currently facing debt pressure and unable to increase signings, it can only make partial repairs.

It takes time to build a team. Fans need to be more understanding, stay patient and rational, and work with Mourinho to create the future of Rome. Serie A also needs popularity and traffic, otherwise it will only be left behind by French Liga , Bundesliga , and La Liga .

Credits: Internet pictures and news.