Du Feng has a lot of problems, he talks dirty to players, he likes to be clever, and he even has what many fans call nepotism. But you have to deny that he is capable and is currently the best coach in the country. Although I don't quite agree with his style of doing things, I do

Du Feng has many problems. He talks dirty to players, loves to be clever, and even has what many fans call nepotism. But you have to deny that he is capable and is currently the best coach in the country. Although I don't quite agree with his style of doing things, I do recognize his coaching ability.

Du Feng has been very smart in playing since he was a player. Although he is not as brilliant as Yao Ming, Dazhi, and Wang Qi and Zhu Ba in the national team, he is very stable and will never let you down when he seizes the opportunity. He is also the well-known Boss Du in the Guangdong team. He has led the team to multiple championships and is also one of the historic figures of the Guangdong team. However, Du Feng, who was still at the end of his prime, chose to retire when he was only 30 years old.

After serving as an assistant coach for two years, Du Feng quickly became a full-time coach and became the head coach of a dynasty team at the age of 32, which is unique in history. In the past few years, Du Feng was indeed too young, lacked adaptability, lacked experience, was not calm at critical moments, etc. It can be said that he was terrible. Coupled with the fact that Beijing was invincible under the leadership of Marbury in those years, Guangdong's main lineup is aging and has lost its former glory.

With the accumulation of learning inside, Du Feng has made great progress now, and is no longer the young boy he was before. It is very admirable to be able to lead Guangdong to win three consecutive championships without Arab League and Brooks in the third year. As for the national team, it cannot be said that he is not good when the Red and Blue Team lost the competition with Li Nan. At that time, his lineup was never complete. Many of the main players were unable to play due to injuries. In the end, he did not even have a 12-man roster. Can't get it all together. In desperation, he had to recruit young Hu Mingxuan, old Zhang Zhaoxu and others, and was scolded as selfish and nepotistic.

Now the spirit of the men's basketball team is completely different. Du Feng has tried his best in the limited time by daring to fight and fight hard. However, a player's confrontation, basic skills and shooting ability cannot be changed overnight, and it is even difficult to change. The Chinese men's basketball team should start from youth training to strengthen basic skills, instead of acting like amateur players in professional leagues or even the national team.

Our CBA league has a big problem. Many potential players have stopped moving forward and their talents are wasted. The entire environment is like this and they cannot get training at all. Look at how much progress Zhou Qi has made after playing in Australia for one year. Young players with strong abilities should go out and go to higher-level leagues to learn and train. Otherwise, they will be like a frog in the well when they meet the world's top teams. They will be beaten by others in a few rounds. Sieve. To put it bluntly, there are only a handful of capable coaches in the country. In addition to technical and tactical abilities, the execution and energy of the players are also crucial. CBA There are many coaches who are dawdling, and there are many old coaches who have been famous for a long time.