The main national team uniforms of the Olympic Games are exposed! Japan and South Korea are sweet and age-reducing style, Chinese pajamas are fancy and rustic

With the countdown to the Tokyo Olympics, in addition to the preparation teams that make everyone look forward to it, the costumes of the delegations from various countries have also been exposed. Compared with the past, the biggest change in the delegation uniforms this time is definitely China. We all use bright and bright colors to design. Although netizens have repeatedly complained about "scrambled eggs with tomatoes", the bright and atmospheric colors just show the great country style, giving the shape full of vitality and youthful publicity. It fits the theme of the Olympic Games very well.

However, on the newly exposed Chinese delegation uniforms, it has a low-key and restrained style, giving people a sense of dullness. On the contrary, it does not have the visual impact of the previous "scrambled eggs with tomatoes", so it is still popular with everyone. Tucao, through the element of "blue and white porcelain", it has formed a messy sense of sight, and the color and pattern challenge our unprecedented aesthetics!

1. Dark colors with red stripes and floral skirts create a cluttered visual sense It comes out, or it is decorated with small details, but this time the color itself belongs to the dark color, and it also uses Chinese red elements to embellish it, but only the color of the border does not bring out the essence at all, so it will give people a sense of Visually bloated or rustic.

Second, the use of the national quintessence "blue-and-white porcelain" element has formed a large-scale paving but formed a casual and sloppy style I hope that the upper body itself focuses on color saturation, and the lower skirt is made of floral skirt elements, which makes the whole shape seem pointless and extra casual, without adding beauty at all, and the temperament is also pulled down. !

3. The styling of the American delegation focuses on sporty and wild styles.

In fact, compared with the more simple and elegant style of China, the styling of the United States is more wild and visual, which also fits their own style. Matching the above is clean and neat, using pure white color for embellishment, combined with the blue small neckline design, quite a school uniform, but the fluffy design shows a sense of atmosphere and heaviness, which is similar to rock climbing clothing. , but wearing such a thick layer in this hot summer, is it really not afraid of heat?

Fourth, the Japanese delegation's uniforms tend to be youth-reduced school style.

As the country hosting the Olympic Games, Japan has adopted a small and fresh style, which is also in line with the Japanese sweet style, using black and pleats to complement each other, Forming a classic and fashionable atmosphere, red is used for small embellishments. Under the representative of light colors, red is particularly dazzling, showing a brighter atmosphere.

5. Korean delegation uniforms tend to be girly in the workplace.

When you look at the Korean delegation uniforms, it is easy to substitute them into idol drama series. The use of cyan is simple and elegant, but this cyan can also be different from refreshing, which is also in line with summer. The combination of the suit, using the elements of the suit, shows the ability, but then uses the sports pants to match, so that the shape is more inclined to the sports style, rather than the rigid workplace wear.

Six, the Russian delegation clothes, the color forms a strong visual effect The collision of the four colors of black and white will not give people too single or complicated, it is very good to highlight the beauty and vitality in the freshness, and the overall shape is still very online!

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text / clear sky bird