As Messi's bodyguard, how much salary can "black boss" Dani take from the club king every year?

2020/12/1315:50:29 sports 1902

Messi has been in trouble recently, Barcelona's record is not good, and his personal role in the team has become awkward. It can be said that the fate of Messi and Barcelona seems to be coming to an end, but for the majority of fans, Messi does A deep mark has been left in the memories of Barcelona and ours. No matter where he goes in the future, these memories will become classics.

As Messi's bodyguard, how much salary can

Barcelona made Messi, and Messi also created Barcelona. In the 16 years of playing for Barcelona, ​​he has brought 10 La Liga trophies and 4 Champions League trophies to the team, and he has been awarded many times by the European Footballer, World Footballer, Golden Globe, Golden Boot. Awards and other awards. It is no exaggeration to say that, with the exception of Ronaldo, Messi has already become an unsurpassed legend in current football. The success of

As Messi's bodyguard, how much salary can

on the court has brought immeasurable fame and profit to Messi. Up to now, Messi's assets have reached more than 2 billion yuan. Such strong assets have allowed Messi and his family to live a very wealthy life. Perhaps because of this, Messi needs multiple bodyguards to escort each time he travels, and one of the queen bodyguards is Dani. So the question is, as Messi's bodyguard, how much salary can Dani get from Messi every year?

As Messi's bodyguard, how much salary can

In fact, Dani, like Messi, is a figure with an extremely legendary life. Before working as a bodyguard, Dani was a gang boss in Spain. He once led his subordinates to rob many banks, involving more than 40 million pounds. Before being arrested by the police, Dani had fled abroad and lived a "king-like" life. Later, due to the unbearable long-term departure from home, Dani finally decided to return to his native Spain. In 1993, Dani was arrested in Spain and subsequently sentenced to 20 years in prison.

As Messi's bodyguard, how much salary can

In prison, Dani decided to change his past, so he turned over all his stolen property to the country. As a result, he was only released from prison after 7 years in prison. After he was released from prison, Danikin washed his hands and staged a scene of the prodigal turning back. He first found his playmate when he was young (this person later became a famous Spanish rock singer). After learning about Dani’s plan, his friends were very happy and made him his own bodyguard, and then gave him Introduced other singer employers.

As Messi's bodyguard, how much salary can

One day five years later (2005), Dani was sent to serve as a bodyguard for Messi. Messi had just started his Barcelona career at that time, and the two became a year-end friendship. Since then, Dani has become Messi's bodyguard and driver, accompanying Messi in competitions and training, and attending various business activities.

As Messi's bodyguard, how much salary can

When he first started, Dani’s annual salary was only about US$400,000 to 500,000. As Messi’s reputation grew, Dani’s tasks and orders became heavier and his salary increased year by year, reaching 10 Around 2000, Dani’s annual salary has reached a million dollars; when he retired in 12 years, Messi generously offered Dani a sky-high cost of 2 million dollars, including both salary and Messi’s treatment of the big brother. Thanks.

As Messi's bodyguard, how much salary can

Now, Dani is 73 years old. Thinking back to his experience in his youth, this elder brother is also very excited. I have to say that as a former bodyguard of Messi, Dani’s experience is indeed legendary, and his life is something that many people have never dared to imagine!

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