The last points of the first and fourth sets were handed over due to very sloppy unforced errors. At the post-match press conference, Tsitsipas took the lead, accusing Kyrgios of being a bully who had been doing things that hurt his opponents and the game.

2024/05/2705:04:33 sports 1526

When faced with the count, he dared to try an underhand serve. The last points of the first and fourth sets were handed over due to very sloppy unforced errors. But he could also win the second set with two consecutive shocking return aces in the tie-break. When it came to the fifth set, he had not had any dispute with his opponent or the referee. He seemed to be focusing on the game, but he would go to chat with the referee because of a failed challenge.
This is him, the one and only Kyrios. The previous match between

and Tsitsipas was turned into a farce by the quarrel between the two. Kyrgios complained to the referee many times that Tsitsipas should be ejected for hitting the ball into the audience, and once asked to change the line judge. At the post-match press conference, Tsitsipas took the lead, accusing Kyrgios of being a bully who had been doing things that hurt his opponents and the game.

While the Greeks were saying this, Kyrios was watching TV in the next room. When it was his turn to appear, the reporter asked him what he thought of Tsitsipas's comments about him just now. Kyrgios smiled indifferently: "It was him who hit the ball toward the audience, not me. I don't know where I hurt or disrespected the game." Kyrgios later claimed that he was more popular than Tsitsipas in the players' locker room.

If you think Kyrios has fallen out with Tsitsipas, you may not know much about this Australian bad boy. He didn't know how many people he had had similar disputes with, and I'm afraid he would have forgotten them when they met again. This is his personality, cynical, perverse, disregarding rules, but also straightforward.

In the last round of live interviews, Kyrios wore a black hat. In Wimbledon , which has always followed the etiquette of white sportswear, it seems a bit strange. After defeating Brandon Nakajima today, he changed into a red hat and a pair of red sneakers. Others take their time when reporters interview winners. Kyrgios likes to carry all his luggage on his back, feeling that he hopes the interview will end quickly so that he can play basketball again immediately.

In the post-match press conference after the verbal battle between

and Tsitsipas, Kyrgios wore a Rodman T-shirt. He has always loved basketball and is simply the best incarnation of Dennis Rodman on the tennis court. .

The last points of the first and fourth sets were handed over due to very sloppy unforced errors. At the post-match press conference, Tsitsipas took the lead, accusing Kyrgios of being a bully who had been doing things that hurt his opponents and the game. - DayDayNews

We often use angels and devils to describe such athletes, Argentina Diego Maradona, Chicago Bulls' Dennis Rodman, oh, and of course Nick Kyrgios.

Their personalities have many things in common. They are simple and direct, and they show off when they are unhappy. They never seem to know what social masks are. They are so talented that they can make you jump off the sofa with incredible performances when you are drowsy, but they can also break out in a bad temper at any time and do something outrageous.

Sometimes we are attracted by Kyrgios' bad temper and ignore that he is such a talented guy who plays so well. In fact, the technical and tactical content of the match against Tsitsipas was very entertaining to watch. Including today's fourth-round victory over Brandon Nakajima, Kyrios's powerful serve, tricky and quick winning points, and crotch hits from time to time can all bring the fun of the game to the highest level.

Maradona can score a goal with the Hand of God in a game, deceiving the referee and teasing the opponent. But you can also immediately amaze everyone and convince them with a solo ride of a thousand miles. Angel and devil are twin brothers in the hearts of such players.
As many people have marveled at Kyrios' talent as there are others who are furious about it. His coach and his elders have all tried to persuade him to focus on the court. People from all walks of life in Australian sports have also severely criticized his cynicism. However, after so many years, Kyrgios is still the Kyrgios we are familiar with.

Maradona is always in trouble no matter where he is.But he helped Argentina win the 1986 World Cup. In Italy, he led the weak Napoli to win the Serie A championship twice. Rodman is not the master of obedient training, but before he won three consecutive championships with Jordan , he defeated Jordan twice with the Pistons and won two championships before him.

Compared with these two, Kyrios is hugely different. He has no achievements and no enough desire for the highest honors.

The last points of the first and fourth sets were handed over due to very sloppy unforced errors. At the post-match press conference, Tsitsipas took the lead, accusing Kyrgios of being a bully who had been doing things that hurt his opponents and the game. - DayDayNews

The last points of the first and fourth sets were handed over due to very sloppy unforced errors. At the post-match press conference, Tsitsipas took the lead, accusing Kyrgios of being a bully who had been doing things that hurt his opponents and the game. - DayDayNews

A reporter from the " New York Times " once asked Kyrios: "If you want to win a Grand Slam, what advice would you give yourself?" Kyrios was silent for a while and said: "Every Train more than 4 times a week. If I want to hit the big time, I can do it. I will train twice a day, go to the gym every day, and eat healthier if I want to. I can win 10 to 20 Grand Slams, but am I happy doing this? "

Kyrgios never stays with any coach for a long time, and his training and even games are very casual. He can go to the training ground with his gaming partner and play two games during the break. You can walk into a game and find that you don’t even have any tennis shoes, and there is only a pair of basketball shoes in your bag. In the 2016 Wimbledon match against Murray , he originally took the initiative, but then lost inexplicably. In BBC's commentary, McEnroe accused Kyrgios of giving up the opportunity to advance. Later he admitted that he had played games all night long the night before.

Even during the interview for the match against Brandon Nakajima, Kyrgios claimed that he would have a glass of wine to celebrate in the evening, which made the whole audience laugh. Maradona also drinks and doesn't care about managing his body. By the end of his career, he was even involved in drugs. The same goes for Rodman. Although he works very hard on the training ground, he cannot sustain it. It is impossible to practice 6 to 7 days a week. One year during the season, even Jordan felt that Rodman could take a break. He communicated with head coach Phil Jackson and said that Rodman should take a vacation. He is not the kind who can train crazily every day. people. As a result, Rodman took 3 days off to go to Las Vegas to party with alcohol, cigars and beautiful women. Three days later, in the morning, he was sleeping on the hotel bed with the beautiful woman when Jordan kicked open the door to the room, pulled him up from the bed and said it was time to go back to training.

The last points of the first and fourth sets were handed over due to very sloppy unforced errors. At the post-match press conference, Tsitsipas took the lead, accusing Kyrgios of being a bully who had been doing things that hurt his opponents and the game. - DayDayNews

The last points of the first and fourth sets were handed over due to very sloppy unforced errors. At the post-match press conference, Tsitsipas took the lead, accusing Kyrgios of being a bully who had been doing things that hurt his opponents and the game. - DayDayNews

Kyrgios was born in Canberra, Australia. His father, George Kyrgios, was a Greek who worked as a plasterer in Australia. His mother Nora Ila is a computer engineer with a legendary life experience. Norayla is from Malaysia . She is from a noble family. She immigrated to Australia with Kirios' grandmother when she was a teenager. Nooraila's ancestors later became the sultans of Selangor, Malaysia, which means Nooraela was the princess of Selangor, but she gave up her royal title after settling in Australia.

Kyrios is the third child in the family. Although his parents are not athletes, all three siblings like sports. Kyrios, in particular, has shown extraordinary talent since he was a child. His explosive power is visible to the naked eye, and he has both speed and control in his swing.

Kyrios' parents doted on him very much and never made any demands on him in terms of training and performance. His grandmother also dotes on him very much and likes to take little Kyrios to eat KFC , so that he has always been overweight. His obesity affects his speed and muscle endurance, but it actually enhances Kyrgios' ability to read the game, because he needs to quickly judge the location of the opponent's return ball, make moves and responses in advance, and try to end the game as quickly as possible , otherwise his own physical energy will alarm later.

After turning professional, Kyrgios became built like an athlete, but according to teammates and coaches on the Australian team, he was amazing when it came to eating junk food. Kyrgios never cared about the calories in food. He could eat two chicken tacos at once.

The last points of the first and fourth sets were handed over due to very sloppy unforced errors. At the post-match press conference, Tsitsipas took the lead, accusing Kyrgios of being a bully who had been doing things that hurt his opponents and the game. - DayDayNews

In the early days of his career, Kyrgios’ mother, Nora Ila, always accompanied him around the world and helped him with logistics. What's interesting is that they didn't stay in the same hotel. Before departure, his mother came to call him. After the game, come to Kyrios's room to help him pick up his dirty clothes and take them to be washed.

followed Kyrios to watch a lot of games, and later Nolayla started learning to play tennis herself. Interestingly, Kyrgios’ mother had a tennis coach during that time, but he did not. People in the industry have advised Kyrgios to hire a stable coach, and some experts, including Murray, have euphemistically expressed that what Kyrgios needs is a psychiatrist.

During the Montreal Masters and Wawrinka match in 2015, Kyrgios told Wawrinka during the break that his girlfriend had slept with many men. He's such an outspoken guy. But maybe the media likes people like this? Do fans like to watch such excitement?

After the game with Tsitsipas, he himself said: "I am the guarantee of the box office. Wherever I go, the stadiums are full, and everyone wants to watch my game."

He may be too arrogant, but just Doesn't it make sense? A very important element of sports competitions is competition, which not only includes competition on the field, but also controversies and disputes off the field. Tennis is a non-confrontational sport, and there is no intense physical conflict. Everyone is a gentleman and treats others with courtesy. Wouldn't it be really boring without Kyrios?

There are many villains in the world of football and basketball. They are not bad people, but they are just too aggressive in specific environments with fierce confrontation. That's just part of their character, but fans love to watch these conflicts, the explosive stories, and even the inside of the locker room. Just human nature.

Kyrios certainly has many shortcomings, which once made people think that his character did not resemble that of a tennis player. But when we accuse him of something he did wrong, are we really sure of what is right? (Source: Tennis Home Author: bobo)

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