tomorrow! Another national sports event kicked off in Shaanxi!

2021/10/0918:58:02 sports 1558

tomorrow! Another national sports event kicked off in Shaanxi! - DayDayNews

The 11th National Paralympic Games and the 8th Special Olympics

will officially start on October 10th!

tomorrow! Another national sports event kicked off in Shaanxi! - DayDayNews

The reporter learned from the Organizing Committee of the Paralympic Games: A total of more than 4,000 athletes from across the country participated in the 11th National Paralympic Games and the 8th Special Olympics. Among them, more than 3,000 athletes participated in the Paralympic Games. More than 1,000 athletes participated in the Olympic Games. The archery, taekwondo, wheelchair fencing, and kayaking events of the Paralympic Games hosted by Shaanxi will start on October 10.

tomorrow! Another national sports event kicked off in Shaanxi! - DayDayNews

The Chinese sports delegation debuted at the Tokyo Paralympic Games

This Paralympic Games has 43 major events and 47 sub-items. Among the 29 Paralympic Games hosted by Shaanxi, the Special Olympics football event was completed in Baoji City in May this year. Among the remaining 28 events, in addition to the Paralympic Games Marathon event time to be determined, 7 Paralympic Games events will be held before the opening ceremony, and 20 Paralympic Games events will be held during the opening and closing ceremonies. The 7 Paralympic Games events held before the opening ceremony include shooting (including UFO), wheelchair basketball and boat racing in addition to the 4 events that started on October 10th. The start time is October 19th and October 12th. , October 15th. The competition venues for the 7 Paralympic Games events held before the opening ceremony involve the Chang'an Changning Ecological Sports Training and Competition Base, the Cultural and Sports Building of the Lintong Campus of Xi’an Polytechnic University, the Xi’an Urban Sports Park Gymnasium, the Shaanxi Olympic Sports Center Gymnasium, and the Shaanxi Water Sports Management Center. The 20 Paralympic events held during the opening and closing ceremonies include 12 Paralympic events and 8 Special Olympics events, of which 8 Special Olympics events are held in Baoji City.

At present, the preparations for the Paralympic Games have entered the sprint stage. The preparations are centered on athletes, focusing on competition organization, epidemic prevention and control, comprehensive security, and reception services. The competition committees of various Special Olympics projects are organized by Baoji City. The overall structure of the Competition Committee of the Paralympic Games is basically the same as that of the Fourteenth National Games. It is organized according to the model of "director + executive director + deputy director + functional office".

tomorrow! Another national sports event kicked off in Shaanxi! - DayDayNews

Xi'an Olympic Sports Center will once again welcome athletes

In terms of epidemic prevention and control, the Paralympic Games will adhere to the prevention and control concept of "preserving points, promoting points, and catching everything". All personnel involved in the competition shall complete the full vaccination of vaccines, "Shaanxi All Express" real-name registration, 14-day continuous health monitoring and check in before October 8th; hold a certificate of negative nucleic acid test within 48 hours at the time of registration; conduct 1 nucleic acid test immediately after registration Closed management is implemented for testing, and nucleic acid testing is performed every 2 days. The Executive Committees of the Fourteenth National Games and Paralympic Games Xi’an, Baoji, Weinan, Tongchuan and Yangling Demonstration Zone Executive Committees follow the requirements of “one event, one plan, one venue, one plan, and one event, one class”. Improve the prevention and control implementation plan and strengthen the prevention and control work force.

This Paralympic Games is the first comprehensive sports meeting for the disabled in Shaanxi hosted by Shaanxi with the highest specifications and levels, and the strongest radiation driving effect. The tenacious, hard-working and courageous sportsmanship for the disabled demonstrates the self-reliance, optimistic and progressive spirit of the disabled, and demonstrates the new development of my country's sports for the disabled and the new achievements of the people's livelihood.


tomorrow! Another national sports event kicked off in Shaanxi! - DayDayNews

tomorrow! Another national sports event kicked off in Shaanxi! - DayDayNews

To celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China,

@三秦青年specially launched

_strong_strong_strong17p18 Show the glorious course of the party leading the people

unremitting struggle,

relive classic events,

pay tribute to heroes, look back at the historical moments,

, let’s learn with Qin Xiaoqing!

tomorrow! Another national sports event kicked off in Shaanxi! - DayDayNews

2021 Nian 10 May 9 day

1936 Nian

On October 9th, the Red First and Fourth Front Army joined forces in Huining, Gansu.On the 22nd, the Red One and Red Second Front Army joined forces in Jiangtaipu (now Xiji, Ningxia), Longde, Gansu. At this point, the three main forces of the Red Army successfully joined forces. The Long March is a great feat in human history. It is a great expedition for ideals and beliefs, testing the truth, awakening the people, and opening up new ground. The victory of the Long March is the key to turning the crisis into peace in the Chinese revolution. The Long March has created the great Long March spirit, which is: to put the fundamental interests of the people and the Chinese nation above all else, strengthen the ideals and beliefs of the revolution, and firmly believe that the just cause will inevitably win; in order to save the country and the people, we are not afraid of any difficulties and obstacles. The spirit of not hesitating to make all sacrifices; adhere to the spirit of independence, seeking truth from facts, and proceeding from reality; the spirit of taking into account the overall situation, strict discipline, and close unity; closely relying on the people, relying on the people for life and death, sharing in adversity, and struggling hard.


The first meeting of the First National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference was held on October 9. The meeting elected Mao Zedong as the chairman of the first National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference.

1978 Nian

October 9, "Shaanxi Province 1978-1985 Science and Technology The Outline of the Development Plan was issued in the form of a "Notice". The "Planning Outline" emphasizes responding to the call of the Party Central Committee to "build ambitions, set up ambitions, and march towards the modernization of science and technology."


On October 9, the opening ceremony of the Bao (tou) Shen (Wood) Railway Daliu Tower was held in Shenmu County.Li Peng, then member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Premier of the State Council, cut the ribbon for the opening to traffic. The railway starts from Wanshuiquan Station on the Bao (tou) Lanzhou Line in the north and crosses the Yellow River in the south to Daliu Tower. The total length is 171 kilometers. It is of great significance to ease the shortage of coal supply in my country and change the backwardness of northern Shaanxi and southern Inner Mongolia.


October 9-11 The Fifth Plenary Session of the 15th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China was held. The plenum passed the "Recommendations on Formulating the Tenth Five-Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development." It is pointed out that the people's living standards have generally reached a well-off level, and starting from the new century, they will enter a new development stage of building a well-off society in an all-round way and accelerating the advancement of socialist modernization.


October 9-12 The Third Plenary Session of the Seventeenth Central Committee of the Communist Party of China was held. The Plenary Session passed the "Decision on Several Major Issues in Promoting Rural Reform and Development" to give farmers more adequate and guaranteed land contracting management rights. The existing land contracting relationship should remain stable and lasting unchanged.


The completion ceremony of Huayang Lighthouse and Chigua Lighthouse was held in Huayang Reef, South China Sea on October 9th, filling the water area of ​​my country's Nansha navigation aids Whitespace. Since then, the Zhubi Lighthouse, Yongshu Lighthouse and Meiji Lighthouse have been built and put into use one after another, safeguarding my country's South China Sea sovereignty and maritime rights and interests.

calendar history moment

2 pstrong





2p9The Red Army’s response unit and the Red Army of the Fourth Front joined forces in Huining, Gansu.

tomorrow! Another national sports event kicked off in Shaanxi! - DayDayNews

Pictured Huining County gates

important discussion

1985 Nian 10 Yue On the 9th

Deng Xiaoping expounded his views on war issues when meeting with Romanian Communist Party General Secretary and President of the Republic Ceausescu. He pointed out: Over the past years, we have always emphasized that war is inevitable. After this period of observation, it seems that the danger of war still exists and cannot be taken lightly. However, the force of peace and the force of restraining war have developed gratifyingly. Every superpower launching a war has a restrictive effect, making them afraid to launch a war easily. On this issue, we are a little more optimistic than in the past. Therefore, our series of measures, including the reduction of one million troops, are all decisions made based on this consideration. Only with this kind of judgment can we use all our strength to develop the economy.

October 9, 2016

The Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China conducted the 36th collective study on the implementation of the network power strategy. When presided over the study, Xi Jinping emphasized to accelerate the independent innovation of network information technology, accelerate the promotion of the digital economy to economic development, accelerate the improvement of network management, accelerate the enhancement of cyberspace security defense capabilities, accelerate the use of network information technology to promote social governance, and accelerate the improvement of my country The right to speak internationally and the right to make rules in cyberspace, and make unremitting efforts towards the goal of building a cyber power.

He pointed out that in today's world, network information technology is changing with each passing day, fully integrated into social production and life, and profoundly changing the global economic structure, interest structure, and security structure. Major countries in the world regard the Internet as the focus of economic development and technological innovation.Take the Internet as a strategic direction for seeking new competitive advantages. Although my country's network information technology and network security guarantees have made considerable achievements, there is still a big gap compared with the world's advanced level. We must unify our thinking, raise awareness, strengthen strategic planning and overall planning, and accelerate the advancement of various tasks.

He emphasized that network information technology is the technological innovation field with the most concentrated R&D investment, the most active innovation, the most extensive application, and the largest radiation driving effect in the world, and it is a competitive high ground for global technological innovation. We must follow this trend, vigorously develop core technologies, strengthen the security of key information infrastructure, and improve the network governance system. It is necessary to hold fast to the "bull nose" of independent innovation in core technologies, to break through the cutting-edge technologies of network development and key core technologies with international competitiveness, accelerate the promotion of domestically-made independent and controllable replacement plans, and build a safe and controllable information technology system. It is necessary to reform the input-output mechanism of science and technology research and development and the transformation mechanism of scientific research results, implement the strategy of tackling the core technology and equipment in the field of network information, and promote major breakthroughs in the research and development and application of high-performance computing, mobile communications, quantum communications, core chips, and operating systems.

He emphasized that the world economy is accelerating the transition to economic activities with the network information technology industry as an important content. We must seize this historical opportunity to cultivate new kinetic energy with informatization and promote new development with new kinetic energy. It is necessary to increase investment, strengthen the construction of information infrastructure, promote the deep integration of the Internet and the real economy, accelerate the digitization and intelligentization of traditional industries, enlarge and strengthen the digital economy, and expand new space for economic development.

He emphasized that we must defend our country’s cyberspace sovereignty in a straightforward manner and clearly declare our propositions. At present, leading cadres at all levels, especially senior cadres, cannot carry out their work effectively if they do not understand the Internet and are not good at using the Internet. Leading cadres at all levels must learn, understand, and use the Internet, and actively plan, promote, and guide the development of the Internet. It is necessary to correctly handle the relationship between security and development, openness and autonomy, management and service, and continuously improve the ability to grasp the laws of the Internet, the ability to guide network public opinion, the ability to control the development of informatization, and the ability to ensure network security. The building of a powerful country is constantly advancing.

Source: Shaanxi Communist Youth League New Media Center comprehensively compiled from the Central Rights and Interests Department of the Communist Youth League of the Communist Party of China, the CPC Central Party History and Literature Research Institute, website magazine's official website, the masses News

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tomorrow! Another national sports event kicked off in Shaanxi! - DayDayNews

◆Source | Shaanxi Daily, the Fourteenth National Games and Special Olympics Official Website, First News _strong182

◆Review | Yixiu, Xiaohong

◆Review| Yan Bo

Cheer for the athletes!


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