14 Douban high-scoring variety shows, save the drama! (Recommended collection)

Hello, sisters,

, hoarding, and knowing that all the sisters, , college, high school, and junior high school

, have been at home recently.

remembered that when I was hoarding the summer vacation,

lived the days of lying down and watching

. drama wild !

, after all, when there are variety shows, I am still happy salted fish

if the drama is freaked out, I will lose my happiness

only salted fish is left

zz0. Douban's high-score variety show

everyone should collect!

"Exciting Offer" is produced by Tencent Video, 's first domestic legal and workplace observation reality show , left campus, entered the workplace, and came to China's top law firm internship , youth and youth The brave bloom of dreams. Real fairy fights, debate scenes are classic , and many cases are thought-provoking .

"Z79z China Central Radio and Television Headquarters 2019 Host Contest" is the first TV competition launched after the establishment of China Central Radio and Television Headquarters, with Sa Beining as the host , Kang Hui and Dong Qing as guest commentators, Jing Yidan, 17 professionals including Lu Jian, Zhu Xun, Yu Hong and Li Hongyan served as professional reviewers.

CCTV's programs have always been at the level IQ , the rank is really high , every episode is amazing, aura, typhoon, charm, language expression ability, on-the-spot reaction ability, and every smile is touching. is not only watching variety shows, but also learning knowledge.

" Informal Talks " has six seasons so far, with an average score of 9.1, and a score of 9.7 in the second season. The first hosted by Yang Di, Da Zuo, Chen Ming, and Chen Chao is done by foreigners in Chinese. Cultural talk show . With the help of station B, the counterattack was successful, and the reputation was obvious to all.

The host’s strong field control ability, the unscrupulous among the guests, familiarly joking and chatting and discussing with each other and even black, a little bit of capture people’s hearts.

"Z79z Star Detective " is China's first celebrity reasoning variety show. The creative idea of ​​the show is derived from South Korea’s " Crime Scene ". The content includes "30% upset plot + 40% variety show funny + 30% intelligent reasoning ". All kinds of stalks in the

show have been on hot searches, such as "NZND Combination", "Shandong Chicken" , etc., He Jiong and Sa Beining's "Double North" CP contracting rhythm, each guest double business online, every In one episode, there will be a social topic that is worth thinking about , which is very worthy of N brushing.

pitch up the world and look at life. Ten travellers, ten journeys, from Africa to the polar regions, using the world to measure the spiritual dimension. "Adventure Life" uses the way of exploring the world to explore yourself . Let go of work, get rid of the shackles of life, and come on a trip that just walks away.

is now in its fourth season. The protagonists are Huang Lei, He Jiong, Liu Xianhua, Peng Yuchang, Zhang Zifeng, entertains self-sufficient friends from all over the world in the beautiful Jiangnan village. The happy "slow life".

The originator of the “slow variety show” in China, here you can see celebrities join the farming team, experience experience away from the hustle and bustle of life , really live like a family.

TV series " please answer 1988" ended successfully, the drama is very popular in Korea. It is precisely because of this that PD Luo Jinxi "kidnapped" the "Brothers in Shuangmendong" without knowing it to to record the show in Africa. The

program group will give the brothers pocket money. They need to use the money to solve all the expenses of eating, drinking, living, and traveling . The Luo PD team is very caring and basically produces high-scoring variety shows.

" Hyori's Homestay " is a variety show of South Korea's JTBC, hosted by Lee Hyori. The background of the show is the guesthouse opened by Lee Hyori and her husband Lee Sang-sun in Jeju Island, South Korea, and invited IU as a guest house staff.

Korean reality shows are getting more and more bold. There are three cats and five dogs in the big park house in Hyori Jeju Island. The requirement of the program is that changed Xiaoli's house into a homestay , and really recruited some guests from the Internet to stay in . Each episode of the program will record all the interactions and stories between Li Xiaoli, Li Xiaoli's husband, IU and the residents.

"Friends of Coffee" is a donation project Yeo Yeon-seok and Son Haojun participated in. The two will open a coffee shop in an orange farm on Jeju Island . The proceeds will be used for donation, and the two will be the owners of the store. Appeared as a part-time student in the first recording of the program. The

cafe was transformed from an old warehouse in an orange garden in Jeju Island. The meals of the guests are paid in the form of free donations and will be used for public welfare projects. Quietly, , Wu Se-hoon, , will be a flying guest~

Korean super-healing slow variety "Three Hours Three Meals" "Fishing Village" Season 5 is back ! What did the chef of

make delicious? Sun Cheliu's abalone gathering trip in the evening; get rid of the masks and enjoy the long-lost and precious life in the fishing village ! The content of the reality show

is that each episode of consists of five gay guys to save a straight man who does not pay attention to the external image. The original version was stopped for various reasons.

The new season of has changed five young and fashionable gay men as the host. Like the original version, he is responsible for the image management of a man from the inside out, including hairstyle, dress, home, diet and temperament.

"New Journey to the West" is a variety show where N members travel to various countries and complete various tasks. The first three seasons were filmed in China.

The various collisions between the main MCs, you can't guess how the PD team will play, and the fool MCs who can't eat as long as they play games, the god-level reversal of the plot , provides a large number of expression packs for the majority of netizens.

American billionaire Glenn Stearns accepts the challenge, truly reproduces how from poor man to president of a million-dollar company . Glenn concealed his surname in the show, started with only $100 and a truck, and completed the task in 90 days and . Although

is a reality show, the significance of this reality show is not that it can replicate his success, but that it contains many successful people's ideas and methods that can be used for reference and thinking.

through the whole journeyIn the way of follow-up shooting, the program expands from patrol to the frontier of city management such as police station window reception, law enforcement, and community policing. The

program also has many wonderful collisions. The police guys are called "Caojiadu Boys" . The police station is a microcosm of social life, and various life stories are staged here every day.

. Are there any variety shows that my sisters have seen? Z1z

, whether you have seen or have not seen

, or if you want to recommend

, you can share it with the stock in the comments~
