This scale...Do you dare to shoot domestic variety shows?

Na Young-seok , a famous Korean national producer.

is so powerful that it forced other outstanding producers to switch careers (bushi).

His record, presumably the Dean needless to say.

The variety show "Two Days and One Night" directed by him has the highest ratings of over 50% and is a veritable national variety show. " New Journey to the West " has become an evergreen tree of Korean variety shows.

Douban search, all 9+ points.

Most of these variety shows are loved by everyone because they are lighthearted and entertaining.

However, Luo PD does not stick to this, he is always innovating.

This time, he tried a whole new topic - crime.

"Understood a useful dictionary of criminal miscellaneous"

Before watching: Can this also be used as a variety show? After watching

: he really can.

"Understand and Useful Criminology Dictionary", abbreviated as "Understand Criminology" . The predecessor of

is the same high score "Understanding the Words of God" , that is, "The Mysterious Miscellaneous Dictionary of Useless Understanding".

In the form of "Understanding God's Words", it is to convene several doctors of miscellaneous studies from all walks of life, plus a "curious doctor" who is curious about everything, to visit various places in Korea together.

and then gathered in the evening to chat.Does the slow-paced form of

smell like Luo PD when you hear it? The difference between

is that in addition to being slow and fun, the audience can also learn some "knowledge that is useless" in the chat of the doctor of miscellaneous sciences.

topics span a wide range, only you can't think of it, and you can't talk without them.

from eel species and how they spawn...

talks about mitochondrial and its delivery...

from history,

talks about literature.

Listening to the chats of the doctors of miscellaneous science, the audience seems to have met a group of friends from different industries, and they can listen to them share knowledge and broaden their horizons that they seldom come into contact with before.

"Understanding Crimes" gives people the same look and feel -

Doctors include criminal psychologists, on-the-job reviewers, as well as "film doctors" who are responsible for literature and art, and science doctors who are responsible for science.

But the topic of "Understanding the Mistakes" is more focused.

These people with different strengths gathered together in order to let everyone better understand the matter of "crime" from different disciplines and different perspectives.

Compared with the lighthearted and interesting "Understanding the Words", crime is bound to be a heavy topic. Almost all the cases in the show are to the extent that people will "harden their fists" after watching it.

Such as the famous Kim Gil-tae case in Korea.

Kim Gil-tae sexually assaulted children to death , and he was arrested after hiding for a long time, which attracted the attention of the whole Korean people.

This seemingly unremarkable street used to be the scene of the Jin Jitai incident.

The reason why he can commit crimes and hide is largely because the place is full of winding alleys and there is not much monitoring.

After that, the area underwent a large-scale overhaul, resulting in bright, wide streets and a drop in crime.

Of course, even if you live in an ordinary, bright, well-policed ​​neighborhood, you may encounter unexpected things.

Zhang Dongyi , sitting at home one day, suddenly a policeman came to the door.

He was charged with a murder he did not know about, was tortured and was finally forced to sign a confession of the crime...

It took more than 20 years for him to be reconciled.

Before his imprisonment, his daughter was very young; after her release, she has become a mother.

And Zhang Dongyi's own mother had already died while he was serving his sentence. Before he died, his greatest wish was to clear his grievances for his son.

If you feel that you have made some achievements, you are considered to be a middle and upper class of society, and you have a certain ability to resist these unexpected disasters.

Then you are wrong.

There are also people who go to the wealthy area to kill people if they don't do anything else.

The real culprit Liu Yongzhe , he has been complaining all his life.

I was imprisoned for a crime, but blamed society and God for abandoning me, so after I was released from prison, I began to execute the long-planned murder plan.

He first wandered in different wealthy areas, entered the house and murdered him; after being wanted, he hid in his own residence, called a massage girl who came to the house and killed him. After being arrested,

still transferred responsibility. To the victim, he said in an admonishing tone:

"I hope women will not play with their bodies at will, and I hope the wealthy class will wake up."

Ha Jung Woo's acting, I still shiver when I think of it.

Sex, wrongful convictions, burglary... These sound like movie plots, not to mention gangsters, drugs, the dark web...

But when the program team took us to the crime scene, we suddenly discovered that turned out to be the same happens all around us.

True · No matter whether you are poor or rich, sick or healthy, you will never give up.

, as the show's recurring slogan puts it, are "the stories around us".

Because of this, although this topic is very heavy, but we still have to understand -

Because "Understand is useful"Because it is about everyone's happiness.

From crime to deep thinking about the happiness of all mankind, you can also see it in this show. The first stop of the

program group is Busan .

This is where the Brother Welfare Incident , aliased as "Korean version of the Holocaust", took place.

At that time, South Korea was preparing for the Olympic Games, and the new government launched a nationwide campaign to accommodate homeless people in order to win the support of citizens.

This move requires the participation of a large number of people. The government has handed over this task to private institutions, and has also set rigid indicators for public officials.

As a result, in order to obtain government subsidies and meet targets, a large number of citizens were forcibly detained as homeless people in the so-called "brother orphanages".

Because of the lack of supervision, they suffered inhuman treatment in it. Forced labor, abuse, and sexual assault happened all the time, and the welfare institutions received countless money for this.

Kim Sang-wook's point of view is thought-provoking:

Even if they know that homeless people are not breaking the law and should not be caught, people still have a slight disgust towards them.

It is because of this little bit of disgust that people will applaud the forced containment of homeless people, regardless of what happens to them after they are contained.

People will care about criminals who commit heinous crimes; people will care about people with special status.

But for those who have no names, people's neglect eventually embraces evil.

Where we can't see, the gates of hell are quietly opening.

Not only that, but in the past, Busan was a drug production base in South Korea, and it was even called the "white triangle" for a time.

Drugs naturally became the focus of discussion among the doctors.

It turned out that when the predecessor of drugs was invented, it was once considered a "good thing", which was used to make people adapt to the rhythm of the machine's operation and was always in a working state.

They are also commonly used in medicine and on the battlefield.

But just because they think it is a "good thing", people continue to purify it, and eventually is the devil that erodes people's health and mind.

However, the Doctors throw a new question:

If there is a drug that can bring happiness to people without the side effects of drugs, will human beings become happy because of it?

They discussed Huxley 's famous novel " Brave New World ", which envisages a future world where the state creates babies as needed and makes them work step by step, and in this world, the source of people's happiness is Various sensory stimuli.

The country will provide everyone with a medicine that has no side effects, and whoever eats it will be happy.

But is this happiness that comes from drugs real happiness? What is the essence of human happiness?

Maybe each of us should think about it.

"Understanding the Crimes" has both light-hearted passages and thought-provoking interrogations, which made the dean read with great interest.

In addition to relishing it, I can't help but ask:

When will we be able to shoot such an interesting and in-depth treasure show? When will we have a gold medal producer like Luo PD?

Luo PD's inspiration for making variety shows comes from life and from his understanding of people's wishes.

Therefore, the audience often sees the life they yearn for in his programs, and gets healed and grown.

These achievements also come from the spirit of never stopping and pursuing innovation.

After the fire of "Yin's Cafeteria", he felt the pressure from the income was relieved, so he took the initiative to try to give the younger generation some opportunities, hoping to bring more fresh blood to the industry.

Some juniors put forward their own wish-to be a knowledge program.

Although it is difficult for knowledge-based programs to have too high ratings, he finally decided to give this opportunity, so there is the series "Understanding the Words of God", and then "Knowing the Words of Crime".

Compared with the completely lighthearted and funny "New Journey to the West" and other programs, the ratings of "Understanding the Godly Words" are indeed pitiful...

But the team has always insisted, because they believe that mass media should take social responsibility.

Luo PD was ridiculed by netizens that he supported half of the domestic entertainment variety show.Behind the words

is actually the expectation of Chinese audiences for domestic variety shows.

Perhaps, the important thing is not the form, but a true love for variety shows and even people's lives.

This heart is the soul of Lao Luo's variety show.