Hall of Fame·January Calendar丨Multiple Variety Shows Ending in January These shows are lively

2021/01/2819:06:16 shows 2709

Cover News Correspondent Xun Chao

January 28, January 2021 enters the "closing" countdown. In the past month, rich variety shows have provided viewers with more choices. From "Chasing Light! "Big Brother" caused controversy, to "Span3span: Sister Riding the Wind and Waves 2", and then to "Drama New Life" became a dark horse of the year, music, drama, speech, audition and other various themes of the show for the audience. A variety show dinner.

"Sister's Span3span Philharmonic Journey" is not very popular.

Hall of Fame·January Calendar丨Multiple Variety Shows Ending in January These shows are lively - DayDayNews

As everyone knows, "Sister's Philharmonic Journey" is a variety show continued from the program "Sister Riding the Wind and Waves". Taking advantage of the remaining heat of "Sister 1", the seven sisters in a group chose to slow down and relax their minds, travel all the way, listen to songs and feel the charm of music. However, after the show was broadcast, netizens found that the show did not seem to be in line with its own intentions, and its post-editing was also complained of "making things". In the show, the strangeness the sisters showed at the beginning also disappointed many viewers. Although the friendship between the sisters continues to escalate as the show progresses, the popularity of "Sister Riding the Wind and Waves" is still far behind. On January 27, "Sister's Philharmonic Journey" ended early, with a score of 4.9 on Douban.

"Hello Life 2" has always been a fan

Hall of Fame·January Calendar丨Multiple Variety Shows Ending in January These shows are lively - DayDayNews

As a slow life variety show, "Hello Life 2" has attracted many viewers with its relaxed program format and extraordinary themes. In addition, there are surprise guests in each issue, which mobilizes the attention and enthusiasm of many audiences, and the Douban score is 9.0. Some netizens commented: "This show is not a show for the sake of making a show. In fact, it can be said to be a documentary with a slightly plot design. There is no gorgeous vocabulary, and there is no very inexplicable lens language. It is approachable and in-depth. To the inner world of the spectator."

"Follow the light!" "Brother" has twists and turns

Hall of Fame·January Calendar丨Multiple Variety Shows Ending in January These shows are lively - DayDayNews

"Follow the light!" brother",It has faced considerable controversy since its inception. From the "greasy" complaints caused by the expressions and dancing gestures of the brothers, to their efforts to change their appearances in the show to attract netizens all the way to follow, to Zheng Shuang's post coordination and exit from the recording, the program group issued an apology, and then Zheng Shuang’s “surrogacy incident” triggered a storm. The program group deleted his back-recorded footage. The word-of-mouth and popularity of “Brother” can be described as “a twists and turns”. The current Douban score is 5.0. Someone commented: "The show "Brother Chasing Light" is the best explanation of the word'Go High and Go Low'."

"Drama New Life" became a dark horse of variety show

Hall of Fame·January Calendar丨Multiple Variety Shows Ending in January These shows are lively - DayDayNews

after two episodes , "Drama New Life" with a Douban score of 9.2 points, locked in the 2021 "new year variety show dark horse" reputation. Although there is no traffic, no beauty, and no deliberate topical hype, it has brought the "cold" drama in the eyes of many people into the public. Through the display of the production and life of the "unknown" dramatist, the audience witnessed this group of drama People's love and confusion, pain and sweetness were "deeply shocked", and the drama gradually broke the "circle".

"Sister Riding the Wind and Waves 2" strikes again

Hall of Fame·January Calendar丨Multiple Variety Shows Ending in January These shows are lively - DayDayNews

After half a year of waiting, the second season of "Sister Riding the Waves" kicked off in January 2021. The show continued the popularity of the first season. The first episode was broadcast for 4 hours, and it won 12 hot searches on the same screen. Among them, #那英问 张馨予 李菲儿你两谁啊# Topic rushed to the first place in one fell swoop, with 240 million readings. Moreover, compared with the guest lineup of the first season, the cast of the second season is significantly higher. Na Ying, Cecilia Cheung, Yang Yuying, Hu Jing, Zuo Xiaoqing, Jin Qiaoqiao and other singers and movie stars gather, and the sister’s topicality And traffic, also a lot of fans for the show. However, compared with the 7.0 points in the first season, the Douban score in the second season is currently only 6.1, and many netizens have given 3 stars.

Next, the new season " Variety Big Coffee Show ", the old comprehensive N-generation "Ace vs. Ace", "Tucao Conference" and other programs will also come strongly.Bring more excitement to the audience.

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