2021 high-scoring variety show "Drama New Life" will continue to chase the glory of dramatists

2021/01/2208:03:02 shows 1091

Produced by iQiyi, Jiabei Aite goat milk powder exclusively named the drama life production reality show "Drama New Life" once it was broadcast, and the praise from all parties continues! The debut of Douban scored 9.3 and Zhihu scored 8.7, making it the first word-of-mouth dark horse variety show in 2021. After the first episode of the program was broadcast, seven dramatists became the focus of discussion. The story of "Xiaolan Watching the Sea" on the stage also sparked heated discussions. Social issues in various drama industries were also discussed first by critics and WeChat KOLs.

The fearless "Xiao Lan" dream of the drama person at the beginning of the stage brings tears to the eyes

"Drama New Life" is the dream machine of the dramatist, and seven dramatists gather together with passion for drama The show, the first repertoire they presented to the audience, also showed everyone's different business abilities. In "The Story of the Chicken Farm", the fearless and brave chick "Xiao Lan" crosses the desert and goes through difficulties persistently chasing dreams and "seeing the sea". His unremitting pursuit of dreams shocks people's hearts and awakens the audience's "poetry and distance." While tears filled his eyes, his beautiful yearning ignited the fire hidden in the audience to go to the "dream".

2021 high-scoring variety show

2021 high-scoring variety show

2021 high-scoring variety show

In addition, Douban scores soared by 9.3 in just 19 hours after the launch, which is undoubtedly the "dark horse" variety show for Douban 9+ in 2021. Many KOLs and drama critics have discussed the "drama people" again, and they have once again put a bright spotlight on them, and various issues of the nature of the drama industry continue to appear.

2021 high-scoring variety show

2021 high-scoring variety show

2021 high-scoring variety show

The current situation of drama people’s life is far worse than we thought.No attention, no attention, no traffic... but they still stand straight on the stage of the drama, full of hope for the drama. "Drama New Life" is a combination of drama and variety shows to create a "testing ground". It is also an art promotion that helps niche culture to move toward mass life. It allows audiences to pay attention to the theater people and feel the drama people's influence on life and works. Love.

2021 high-scoring variety show

2021 high-scoring variety show

2021 high-scoring variety show

2021 high-scoring variety show




Eating, sleeping, rehearsal, showing the most authentic side, and each person's unique place also comes from their reality. Although the first episode of the show has ended, the popularity of "Drama New Life" is still on the rise. This Saturday night at 8 o'clock will usher in the second episode of exciting content. With the current mass base and network attention, I believe "Life" will hit a new high! What surprises will there be in subsequent programs? For more exciting content, stay tuned to iQiyi's "Drama New Life", every Saturday at 20 o'clock!


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