Death turns out to be happy? Where will people go after death? Big data statistics: death may not be the end

According to statistics in 2018, 1.8 people die every second in the world. In 2020 this year, due to the raging new crown epidemic, this number will be even greater.

Death, this sensitive and familiar word.

We usually talk about death without any sense. Human beings accept death passively from a cognitive perspective.

But I don’t know if everyone will have that moment when we suddenly think about our appearance and state after death, imagine where our consciousness will go, these imaginations will continue to expand, and we will be terrified.... .. We will tell ourselves very confidently that death will come at some point in the future, and then our heart will be filled with emptiness, helplessness and loss... But it will not last for too long in this state and return to peace again. , Come back to normal life.

So, how does death feel? Is death the end or a new beginning? Is death painful or happy?

The essence of death

Death in a narrow sense: refers to biological death, which means the loss of all life characteristics. In the case of human beings, the criteria for judging are the stop of heartbeat and breathing, and brain death as the identification signs.

Philosophical death: refers to the irreversible and permanent termination of all the attributes of the life system that originally maintained its existence.

Generally speaking, death is an irreversible change in the state of life.

Starting from the near-death experience-the closest experience to death

If you want to understand what happens after death, study those who have had near-death experience Is the best choice.

Studies have shown that when the human heart stops beating, although the brain loses its function due to hypoxia due to blood no longer being transported, the brain will continue to function for a period of time. Some cardiac arrests have been found in clinical trials For the lucky person who recovered later, what happened around him during the cardiac arrest, when he recalled, he knew clearly what happened around him during the cardiac arrest. In other words, human brain has the opportunity to realize the fact that it has died.

Another study conducted in 2018 showed that the brain activity can last up to 10 minutes after cardiac arrest. The brain waves presented at this time are the same as when we were in deep sleep.

Near-death experience record-the coexistence of inconceivability and commonality

The earliest near-death experience in the world can be traced back to the 18th century, the anthropologist Philip Charlier The doctor discovered a near-death experience report in 1740. The report described some vivid feelings of patients when they were about to die. It is currently the world's oldest near-death experience study. The author was French military doctor Pierre du Monchau at the time. .

The near-death experiences recorded in in the report all have very similar descriptions, and some incredible things have been discovered . Next, let’s look at some cases of near-death experiences.

Tennis shoes from "God's perspective"

In 1977, Clark Sharp, who worked as a social worker in a hospital, experienced a near-death case. The heart patient Maria was in She suffered a cardiac arrest on the third day of admission. When the doctor rescued her, she found herself floating outside the hospital office building. She saw a tennis shoe on the windowsill on the third floor. She also gave a detailed description of the shoe. Later, the social worker personally went to the window sill that Maria said, and not only found the shoe, but also found that it was impossible to see the details of the shoe in the ward where Maria was.

Blind person, can see the world

A doctor named SkuenmakerDuring her tenure as the cardiovascular director of a hospital in Colorado, she reported that one of his female patients had experienced physical separation during a near-death experience. After the rescue, the patient recalled that she felt her body floated and "saw" 14 people in the room, and was able to describe exactly what happened in the operating room in detail. Dr. Schoonmaker said that the woman The patient's description is in full agreement with the facts. The most inexplicable thing is that this patient is blind.

World famous people have similar near-death experiences and feelings

If you think the previous examples are not convincing, then if I say that some world famous people have also With similar experiences and feelings, how would you think about it?

The famous American writer who won the Nobel Prize in Literature for "The Old Man and the Sea" 海明威, at the age of 19, once experienced a "soul out of the body" experience, at that time in the frontline ambulance team in Italy Hemingway in service, at midnight on July 8, 1918, a shrapnel hit Hemingway's legs and was seriously injured. Later, he described to his friend:

At that time, he felt his soul had gone from his body. Come out, just like holding a corner of a silk handkerchief and pulling it out of your pocket. The silk handkerchief was floating around, and finally returned to the old place and put it in the pocket.

In addition to Hemingway, German poet 戈德, French critical realist writer Maupassant, Russian 19th century famous writer Dostoevsky, famous British writer Herbert Lawrence, etc. Had a similar experience.

Classic summary in popular science articles

With the development of medical technology, more and more people can be rescued from the state of death, so Produced a lot of near-death experiences. According to the anthology "Handbook of Near-Death Experience: A 30-Year Survey" published in 2009, as of 2005, dozens of studies on near-death experiences involving a total of 3,500 subjects have spawned about 600 academic articles. There are 240 articles mentioning near-death experiences.

Many near-death experiencers said that their experience is neither like a dream nor an illusion. They often use "more real than life" to express this feeling.

Near-death experiencers generally expressed some of the same experience:

  1. Serene feelings (about three-fifths of the near-death people feel extremely emotional and physical Comfortable)
  2. The feeling that the soul is out of the body (the soul is pulled out of the body, can overlook one's body, and can observe the surrounding environment)
  3. Feels like entering another space or dimension (usually religious belief People will appear)
  4. panoramic life review (1/7 of the dying people look back at their lives in flashbacks)
  5. through the tunnel (feeling to be walking through a time-space tunnel) to see the dead The relatives of
  6. face a choice (at the end of the near-death experience, there will be a choice, whether to return to the flesh or to the light)

Do these incredible conclusions show that consciousness will continue and exist in another way?

Scientifically guess the phenomenon after death

From a scientifically guessed, every person will secrete 12 kinds of chemicals including dopamine when they die. These chemicals can produce strange hallucinations. This brain secretion is related to human lust and feelings, and can convey information of excitement and happiness. Those happy feelings may be caused by chemicals such as dopamine.

But this can’t explain why the soul can get out of the body, and the tennis shoe incident mentioned earlier, everything has become confusing...


Maybe where we will go after death, we may never know, because the dead cannot be resurrected, they cannot convey the feeling after death to the living. Studying the experience of dying patients only gives us an idea, because it is difficult to use evidence to prove the truth and principle of what they said.

Where will human consciousness go after death? Maybe people will enter a so-called heaven or hell and live with a surreal ideology, maybe reincarnation, maybe our current world is false, when When we die, we will go to a real world...All of these possibilities may only be known after we die.

People say that long is not long, and short is not short. We should cherish the people around us. We are all beings for the first time. Treat others with gentleness!