Hello everyone, I am Xiaolong, a high-burning hybrid shear, bringing you the latest information. Recently, on July 12, 2022, in Nanchuan District, Chongqing Province, my country, two suns appeared miraculously, one big and one small, just like brothers. This Such wonders have onl

Hello everyone, I am Xiaolong, a high-burning hybrid shear, bringing you the latest information,

Recently, on July 12, 2022, in Nanchuan District, Chongqing Province, my country, two suns appeared miraculously, one big and one small, just like brothers. , such wonders have only been seen in martial arts novels. With the recent high temperature in various areas, some bridges have been cracked by the sun, and some old people have even baked eggs on the bridges. Could this be related to the two suns?

Could the sun that appeared be a twin brother? According to Xiaolong’s understanding: This is actually like the mirage that we usually hear, which is formed by the refraction of light. Let’s put it this way: there is a lot of water in the sky, and the water is distributed When these conditions are met,

will produce micro ice crystals invisible to the naked eye, the time and place of the sun's orbit, and scientists explain it as: corona , ( sun magic ), but two must appear at the same time. The conditions for a single sun are not enough. First, there must be cirrus clouds. The clouds should not be too thick and have good light transmission. In addition, the angle of the sun, ice crystals, and our eyes must be good, otherwise we will not be able to see it, and it will be like a mirage. No, alas, Xiaolong thought there would be a real-life version of Hou Yi shooting the sun,