On May 17, the United States held its first public hearing on UFOs since 1966. During the hour-and-a-half-long meeting, some UFO footage was shown and highlighted how the U.S. Department of Defense had collected at least 400 sightings and 11 near-collision incidents.

On May 17, the United States held its first public hearing on UFOs since 1966.

also showed some UFO footage during the hour-and-a-half-long meeting and highlighted how the U.S. Department of Defense had collected at least 400 sightings and 11 near-collision incidents.

You must know that most of their previous attitudes towards UFO incidents were ambiguous. Why did they choose to discuss the UFO incident publicly this time?

Could it be said that the truth about UFOs has been discovered?

First of all, it should be noted that in this hearing, the term "UFO (UFO)" has been replaced by "Unidentified Aeronautical Phenomenon (UAP)", which seems more serious.

According to Scott Bray, deputy director of the U.S. Naval Intelligence Office, the number of UAP reports has increased in recent years, and this is basically due to the increasing popularity of drones and sensor technology. improvement of.

In addition, many pilots have actually experienced UAP incidents. However, because there are no clues or answers to these incidents, pilots are often laughed at when they report them.

Moreover, officials of the Ministry of National Defense do not pay attention to these reports and will not pay attention to them. As a result, many pilots will avoid reporting related incidents. This situation actually hinders people's exploration of UAP incidents.

During the hearing, Bray also showed some video clips that had never been made public before.

A video shot from the cockpit of a Navy aircraft showed a small, shiny spherical object passing by the aircraft outside the window.

Regarding this incident, Bray said that although the video was relatively clear, due to the suddenness of the incident and the short time, no one has yet been able to explain the true identity of the object.

Another video, captured by a night vision camera, shows a flashing triangular object flying through the air. Bray said that for a long time, this mysterious object was considered a "UFO", but it was later confirmed that it was actually a nocturnal drone.

Regarding this situation, Bray said that although there are many UAP sightings that can eventually be reasonably explained, there are also many incidents that have never been explained.

It is worth mentioning that as recently as June 2021, the Pentagon issued a "UFO report." According to the report, of the 144 UAP incidents between 2004 and 2021, only one could be determined with "high confidence" to be a large deflating balloon.

However, it can also be seen from here that the U.S. government still has not been able to completely clarify the identities of those UFOs. It just illustrates again that this phenomenon occurs relatively frequently.

In addition, only a few opinions were raised during the hearing, and many questions remain unanswered.

Such a result has disappointed many people. They believe that this UFO hearing is a complete joke because government officials cannot give definite answers and some hidden truths are still covered up.

So, are these UFO phenomena possibly related to extraterrestrial civilization?

In fact, judging from the openness of this hearing, although there is no reasonable explanation for most UAP incidents, judging from the currently known information, it cannot be said that they are definitely caused by extraterrestrial civilizations.

It is worth mentioning that, according to data from the U.S. UFO Online Database (NUFORC), since 1947, there have been more than 80,000 reports of strange objects in the sky around the world.

Moreover, from 2007 to 2012, the United States secretly conducted the "Advanced Aviation Threat Identification Program (AATIP)" to explore the identities of these UFOs, costing up to 20 million US dollars.

As for the content of this hearing, former AATIP director Liu Elizondo said that the content displayed this time is only a "small sample" of the UAP incident in the Department of Defense. He hopes that it will be discussed in public hearings in the future. At the meeting, you can also see more "interesting" content.

So, why do U.S. officials want to study these UFO incidents?

Indeed, most UFO incidents, apart from being "scary", basically have no impact on human activities.

But what you need to know is that the ones who have the most contact with the sky are mainly pilots, and more and more UFOs are beginning to appear in the military's sight. If the true identity of the target cannot be determined, no matter what it is, will become a potential threat.

For example, the aforementioned Elizondo once said that the flight speed of some UAPs can exceed an astonishing 20,000 kilometers per hour. According to his estimate, it will take at least 1,000 years for humans to achieve such technology!

It is for this reason that we can feel that the United States seems to be paying more and more attention to "UFOs" in recent years.

Of course, in addition to ensuring homeland security, I personally think that the possibility that they want to divert people's attention and develop new weapons is relatively high.