Bow is an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, an expert in neuroscience, a first-class professor, and one of the founders of modern neuroanatomy in my country. He proposed the hypothesis that the anterior lobe of the mammalian pituitary gland is dually regulated by ne

Bow (1929-) academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, neuroscience expert, first-level professor, one of the founders of modern neuroanatomy in my country. He proposed the hypothesis that the mammalian anterior pituitary gland is dually regulated by nerves and humors, revised He has established the international "Humoral Regulation Theory" for more than half a century. He served as the director of the Neurobiology Teaching and Research Office of the Basic Department of the Air Force Medical University (formerly the Fourth Military Medical University) and the director of the Army's Neuroscience Institute.

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Bowing is not originally named Ju. His father gave him such a name, which means bowing and working hard, hoping that he can contribute to the country and the nation.

As an influential literary figure in the publishing industry, his father gave him important guidance on the life choice of Bow. Under the influence of his father, Bowing was admitted to Class 27 of Xiangya Medical College in 1947 and started his medical career. Teachers and classmates did not know that when he was a child, Bao Bao was forced to transfer schools because he was naughty and did not study hard. However, since he entered Xiangya Medical College, Bao Bao suddenly became a different person and became a proper "student master" and "night train". clan". Is it that Xiangya has some magic power, or does medicine itself have an unusual appeal? I can’t explain the reason myself. I just remember that in Changsha, which experienced the baptism of during the Anti-Japanese War and , even power supply became a luxury, but the students still stayed up late to study at night. At the beginning of the school, Dean Ling Minyou’s teachings of “Don’t open a business for the pursuit of money” were often given. Lingering in my heart. I bowed and said that it was the brave and diligent school spirit of Xiangya that improved my realm of life and gave me a noble feeling of dedicating myself to the country.

In 1953, after graduating from Xiangya Medical College, Bowen entered the military camp and became a teacher in the anatomy teaching and research section of the Fourth Military Medical University. From then on, he began his unremitting pursuit of faith and truth.

"Loyalty to the Party must first be reflected in telling the truth to the Party." When he first came to the Fourth Military Medical University, he only wrote two words when filling in his social relations: "My father is in Taiwan, and Hu Shi is mine." Uncle." In that era, no one was willing to mention such social relations. Over the past 30 years, I can’t remember how many times I wrote application forms to join the Party, but I never gave up my love and following the Party. Finally, in 1987, I He joined the Communist Party of China as he wished.

Life is about burning

In the early 1950s, school operating conditions were extremely difficult. Located in the northwest, "the roads are uneven, the electric lights are unclear, and the telephones are not working." When I go to the city on a rainy day, I step on my feet and the mud fills the shoe sockets; the "canteen" has no tables, chairs, and benches, and the teachers squat on the mud floor to eat after buying food; The office is only 4 square meters, and the bookshelf stands on the desk. In addition to the desk and chairs, a small sofa can be squeezed in for visitors to sit, but is it necessary to maintain a "safe" distance? Sorry, it's not possible...

anatomy, the basic foundation of medicine. Obtaining the key to getting started in basic research requires basic hardware support. However, the only scientific research equipment in the teaching and research office is an old Zeiss monocular microscope. There is no "gun" or "cannon", just bow and make it yourself. He became good friends with the masters at the repair shop, and was even allowed to use the drilling machine and the lathe on his own. Not to mention, more than a dozen homemade soil instruments came in handy in his initial scientific research exploration.

The central nervous system has a large number of neurons, forming a complex three-dimensional connection network. To trace these dense spider web-like fiber connections under a microscope, the key is the staining method. After repeated trials, as early as the early 1960s, Bow was the first to master the then internationally advanced dyeing method in China, conducted an experiment and published the first domestic paper, which caused great repercussions in the academic world.

However, the political movement forced the budding bow to interrupt his research work. After the Cultural Revolution, he was nearly fifty years old and had no choice but to work hard.

He created a new method of DAB staining during scientific research. He caused a sensation after reporting at the first national anatomical meeting after the "Cultural Revolution", refreshing the then silent domestic anatomy community...

He studied the fibers of central nervous system Contact, discovered the local positioning relationship of raphe nucleus projection to the spinal cord, the direct projection of the spinal cord to the hypothalamus...

is engaged in neuroendocrinology research, combined with immunohistochemical technology to explore various of the posterior pituitary gland. The origin of nerve fiber , it was found that third ventricle and the interventricular foramen have nerves that project to the posterior lobe of the pituitary gland, and the hypothesis that they monitor the components of cerebrospinal fluid and regulate the function of the posterior pituitary gland is proposed.

has been a lecturer for 21 years. In 1983, he was finally promoted to associate professor due to his outstanding teaching and research performance. Soon after, he was specially approved by the country to be awarded the qualification of doctoral tutor. Comrades from the school told him that this was the first of its kind in China. Two years later, he was promoted to professor. Life seems to have suddenly changed, but I understand in my heart that behind the wonderful moments are my decades of silent hard work and dedication.

In 1986, after giving an academic report at the Philadelphia University School of Medicine in the United States, he visited the university museum. When he saw the two stone carvings of the "Six Horses of Tang Zhaoling" that had been exiled overseas, his feelings were indescribable: "Motherland! How many horses? Century of corruption and backwardness have resulted in a large number of cultural relics being plundered by foreign powers!" This incident further strengthened his belief in serving the country scientifically.

International academic circles accept the theory that mammalian pituitary gland is regulated by hormones in the brain. In research, Bow found that there are many nerve fibers around the anterior lobe gland cells of the mammalian pituitary gland. Further research found that their number varies with the state of the body. Changes due to changes in the body, can form synapses with gland cells and regulate the secretion of gland cells. In other words, the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland can also be directly regulated by nerve fibers.

Based on this discovery, Bow put forward the hypothesis that the anterior pituitary gland is dually regulated by nerves and humors. This not only broke the international conclusion for half a century, but also opened up a new direction for research on the cause and treatment of endocrine diseases.

His findings attracted worldwide attention, and he was invited to give 33 reports at 30 universities in 13 countries. He is the first Chinese editorial board member of the internationally authoritative magazine "Neuroscience" and was invited to attend the Nobel Prize award ceremony. He has been teaching for more than 60 years and has published 515 papers and 107 articles in international magazines, which have been cited by him more than 4,000 times. Among them, only one paper published in the internationally renowned magazine "Cell and Tissue Research" in 1987 has been cited more than 600 times internationally and has become a classic in international sensory nervous system research... The name "Bow" has become an international neuroscientist. A prestigious Chinese business card in the scientific community.

Illuminating the military journey of comrades

In 1991, Bow was elected as an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Some people said, "This is back to the top." But he said: "The higher the status, the heavier the mission!" Spinal cord injury is a common polytrauma on the battlefield and military training. In mild cases, movement is limited, and in severe cases, paraplegia. It has always been a focus and difficult topic in military medical research in various countries. Beginning in 2000, Bow shifted his research focus to spinal cord trauma and repair.

I learned from the literature that as early as 3,500 years ago, ancient Egypt had records that spinal cord injury was an "untreatable disease." The ancient city of Xi'an, where the Fourth Medical University is located, also has many profound historical exhibitions. When he visited the Shaanxi Provincial History Museum, he saw a stone relief from the Western Han Dynasty in my country around 100 BC, with the back of a stag carved on it. The center of his spine was hit by a cluster of arrows. His upper body was upright but his lower body was paralyzed.Bowing didn't know how the ancient Egyptians judged spinal cord injury, nor did he know what the injured deer on the reliefs of the Western Han Dynasty meant, but from these Chinese and foreign archaeological discoveries, he truly felt that ancient humans had a profound fragility towards life. Deep helplessness and confusion.

Time has passed, time has entered the 21st century, and medical science has made rapid progress. However, spinal cord injury still seems to be an unsolvable and insurmountable problem in the world.

It is well documented that in 2001 at the beginning of the century alone, 250,000 people in the United States were paralyzed due to spinal cord injuries. A 2015 paper estimated that there are approximately 39 spinal cord injuries per million people in North America each year, and the incidence rate in Western Europe is approximately 16 per million people. The number of injuries in China has no statistical significance because remote mountainous areas and vast rural areas are not included in the statistics. But judging from the frequency of spinal cord injuries caused by car accidents, mining accidents, collapses, falls, and various natural and man-made disasters including sports and adventures, this number would be staggering. In military training exercises, missions and even actual combat, this type of spinal cord injury is the hardest hit area. What is particularly regrettable is that most of the injured are in the prime of their youth and have a long life ahead of them, but they have to stay with hospital beds and wheelchairs all day long. , the sick and wounded and their families often fall into indescribable pain.

There are two types of spinal cord injuries: total spinal cord transection and spinal cord contusion. Not to mention total transection, even spinal cord contusion can lead to loss of sensory and motor functions in the body parts below the injury in severe cases. The basic pathological change of spinal cord contusion is that harmful substances leak out from the primary injury area, causing secondary damage many times the size of the primary injury in the surrounding area. The scope continues to expand, and eventually a large cavity is formed that is difficult to reverse.

One day in 2006, I was teaching a course on spinal cord injury to part-time Shanghai Jiao Tong University engineering students, and I showed a slide showing the pathological development of spinal cord contusion. He asked the students a question: What would you do if you were a surgeon? Their answer was: Why should we wait until the pathological changes develop to an advanced stage? The necrotic tissue should be cut off earlier. The young man's simple, direct, yet clear and reasonable logic touched Bowu's heart.

He has been familiar with such a series of pathological changes for a long time. Why didn't he think of early surgical treatment? As a basic medical scientist, Bao has the advanced idea of ​​ transforming medical by connecting the basic and clinical.

Once, the Spinal Cord Injury Department of Kunming Military Region General Hospital tried to transplant Schwann cells into the secondary injury cavity to treat patients with chronic spinal cord contusion. They invited two well-known domestic orthopedic experts to report to them the performance of the operation and wanted to ask the experts to check on the patient. But the experts stood up and said, "Don't look at it, it can't be effective."

Someone told them that regarding spinal cord injuries, they could ask Bao Bao of the Fourth Military Medical University, so the Kunming Military Region General Hospital asked Bao Bao to take a look. When I received the invitation, my first reaction was "It can't be effective." But he knew that scientific conclusions cannot be made by people's imagination, but can only be based on facts, so he accepted the invitation and went to the Kunming Military Region General Hospital. The subsequent development of things proved that his decision this time was correct.

bowed and observed the operation of the Spinal Cord Injury Department of Kunming Military Region General Hospital. The surgeons' exquisite surgical techniques impressed Qiu Qiu, but he had to tell them frankly that Schwann cell spinal cord transplantation has been studied internationally and has many effects on spinal cord injuries, but it has many effects on chronic spinal cord injuries. Damage contusion is almost impossible to do anything. Next, Bao Bao put forward his idea, why can't we try surgery to treat early spinal cord contusion along this line of thinking?

After painstaking research, Bao Bow designed a plan and a complete set of rating methods for early neurosurgery surgery for spinal cord contusion, and screened patients for implementation at the Kunming Military Region General Hospital. The results were incredible.After treatment, all patients can reach at least level IV! The curative effect of most of the patients has reached level VI or above, which means that these patients no longer need to be hospitalized and can walk freely with crutches or even without any support. This research has extremely high practical value for the treatment of combat trauma in our military, and also created an international precedent for neurosurgical treatment of spinal cord contusion.

The "Institute of Neuroscience" currently led by Bow is using cytology , molecular biology and transgenic, gene knockout and other methods to focus on the study of spinal cord injuries, including contusion and transection injuries and surgical procedures. Treatment methods such as stem cell transplantation have brought more hope for recovery to comrades paralyzed after war trauma.

Delivering the fire of truth

As a "native" scientist, Bow has extraordinary world vision and keen insight. Competition in the 21st century must be a protracted competition for talents. However, how can we motivate talents to produce better results? Bowing has his unique insights.

In 2004, the "National Medium and Long-term Science and Technology Development Plan Outline" was discussed at the Academician Conference of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. He bowed to the proposal that "China will have a breakthrough in international awards by 2020" in the first draft of the "Outline". clear objections.

He gave an example. Some countries achieved a breakthrough in the Nobel Prize at the beginning of the 20th century. However, more than a hundred years later, no second person has won the award again. How significant can such a breakthrough be? In Bowing's view, what the country should pursue is to become the soil for cultivating Nobel Prize winners. He also took the sports award as an example, saying that the whole country rejoiced after Rong Guotuan won the championship at the 25th World Table Tennis Championships in 1959. But with this breakthrough in sports awards alone, who would recognize that China is a major sports country? It was not until China won gold and silver in various international competitions such as the Olympic Games and became the most fertile ground for cultivating sports awards that China became an internationally recognized sports power. His remarks drew echoes from other scientists. It is gratifying that the relevant part of the statement in the later published "Outline" was revised to "accelerate the training and creation of a group of senior experts with world-leading levels."

Bow has long realized that neuroscience will develop into a multi-disciplinary comprehensive, and has strongly advocated the establishment of the first neurobiology teaching and research section in a domestic medical school. It has lived up to expectations and made the subject a national key discipline, a military research institute, and a key laboratory. . Over the past decades, it has not only produced scientific research results with world influence, but also trained many high-level medical talents for the military.

bowed and brought out 69 doctors, 70 masters, and countless undergraduates and students of all kinds... He told the students that "everyone is equal before the truth." Especially in graduate training, Bow encourages students to raise objections and even criticize the research work he assigns. This kind of academic attitude has won the respect and love of students.

Bowing attaches great importance to the cultivation of scientific research ethics. Every new student who enters the school is organized to watch the movie "Madame Curie" first. Einstein once said, "If only a small part of Madame Curie's character, strength and enthusiasm exist among European intellectuals, Europe will face a bright future." Bow hopes that this "small group" can also exist more among Chinese intellectuals.

He set rules for graduate students. Anyone who violates scientific research ethics will be expelled. There is no need to admit mistakes and he asks for another chance. He said, "I won't give it because honesty is the bottom line for scientists. Dishonesty is not worthy of scientific research." "

No matter how strict the requirements are, some people will still take chances. There have also been two incidents of violations of scientific research ethics among Bowing's graduate students. After all, Bowing still "showed mercy" and let the erring graduate students report their withdrawal from school. He did not want to leave an indelible mark on the students' files for a lifetime. , I hope they can truly learn their lessons and take the path of scientific research in the future.Since then, Bowing’s graduate students have never had any scientific violations of scientific research ethics.

I am a teacher in high school and a model in myself. Bow's persistent exploration spirit and rigorous academic attitude have achieved technological progress, student growth, and his own career dreams.

Military Professional and Technical Major Contribution Award, the "Eighth Five-Year Plan" Army Logistics Major Scientific and Technological Achievement Award, the former General Logistics Department Science and Technology Distinguished Teacher, the Ho Leung Ho Lee Science and Technology Award, the first Teaching Lifetime Achievement Award of the former Fourth Military Medical University... Regarding the many achievements and honors, the same sentence remains the same, "The life of a scientist lies in the continuous pursuit of reaching a higher level."