If animals could go to college, who would be the best students. 1. Chimpanzees A foreign documentary program once vividly recorded the experience of a chimpanzee named Kanzi. Kanzi spent his childhood living with keepers. This also allows it to witness human living habits from an

If animals could go to college, who would be the best students.

1. Chimpanzee

A foreign documentary program once vividly recorded the experience of a chimpanzee named Kanzi. Kanzi spent his childhood living with keepers. This also allows it to witness human living habits from an early age and subconsciously imitate human behavior.

html After 0 years of study, Kanzi can speak 384 words and even learned to use fire. Keepers discovered when Kanzi was 5 years old that he actually knew how to place branches in a lit bonfire regularly and place iron pots on the shelves in an orderly manner.

Chimpanzees are considered the most intelligent species on earth besides humans, with their intelligence equivalent to that of seven- or eight-year-old human children. They are the closest branch of primates to humans, and their DNA is 96% similar to ours.

In terms of overall ability, chimpanzees are definitely the best students in the university.

2. Crows

Crows can make and use tools, and have cognitive and reasoning abilities. The neurons in the forebrain of crows are extremely dense, with the same number of neurons as chimpanzees, sometimes even more. With such a high density of neurons, their brains may have higher "cognitive capabilities" per unit mass than mammalian brains.

Crows have amazing memories and can even recognize faces. If you go to college, you will easily know both the philosophy teacher and the literature teacher.

3. Dolphins

Dolphins are very intelligent animals. The main reason is that their brains are very developed. From the perspective of weight, their brains are relatively heavy, and some individuals' brains are even heavier than human brains.

From a structural point of view, the dolphin brain has many grooves and folds. With this brain structure, dolphins not only have good memory, but also have large brain capacity and excellent information processing capabilities. Moreover, the dolphin's brain rests separately, and while one side is resting, the other side is still functioning. When you study like this, you basically don’t need to take a break.

There are also dolphins with language abilities. Each dolphin has its own whistle, just like its own signature. When two dolphins meet, they also learn each other's whistles, much like humans exchanging business cards.

4. Octopus

Octopus The neural network of this mollusk is very complex. Coupled with their keen visual system and tactile system, makes them well aware of the surrounding environment and can integrate with the environment. Super Disguise ability. The brain is more complex than we imagine. This complexity is related to their memory. Octopuses have evolved "thinking skin" and can blend into the background in 0.2 seconds.

The octopus has a large central brain, and each of its tentacles also has a unique network of small "brains." They require the coordination of an incredibly complex eight tentacles and hundreds of sensitive suckers.

There are 500 million neurons in the octopus's brain, and only 10% of the brain is in a highly concentrated folding state. This part of the brain is divided into 30 lobes, distributed in a donut shape around the esophagus. The two optic lobes account for 30%, and the remaining 60% of the brain is distributed in the arms and legs. There are not only neurons in the arm and foot, but also independent processing capabilities.

If this kind of memory ability were on a university campus, it would be at the genius level. Remember what you see. Not only will you never forget it, but you will never forget it if you touch it.

5. Swifts

Swifts' brains can be half asleep and half awake, comparable to dolphins. This ability to half rest and half move allows them to fly for 10 months without landing once. Swifts also sleep in the air.

Swifts are the fastest flying birds and champions of long-distance flights. During seasonal migration, they can fly tens of thousands of kilometers at a speed of 110 kilometers per hour.

If this kind of brain is given to humans, humans can save one-third of their life's sleep time, and can create more miracles.

If Yu Yan were on a university campus, she would definitely be a top student. He can stay awake for 10 months, which is unmatched.

6. squid

The squid’s incredible brain contains memories that never seem to fade away. It can be said to be a super memory, the most powerful brain. If this kind of memory function is used to study and memorize texts, it is unparalleled. Moreover, squids can jump out of the sea and have amazing air flight capabilities.

The body of the squid is like a cannonball, and it can fly about 50 meters in the air. The speed of squid swimming in sea water can usually reach more than 15 meters per second, and the maximum speed can reach 150 kilometers per hour. If you participate in a school swimming competition, you will definitely be the champion.

7. Jellyfish

Jellyfish has the super power to reverse time and space. If it is tired of old life, as long as it is willing, it can rejuvenate itself in a very short period of time, become its young self, and start over. Jellyfish have strong regeneration genes and can regenerate even if part of their body is missing.

If humans have this ability to regenerate, it will no longer be a dream to rejuvenate and return to school.

If the most powerful abilities of animals are given to humans, they will definitely be the top academics on university campuses.

Suppose there is such a person who can easily remember everyone . Not only does he have an amazing memory, but also has a huge brain capacity. The brain can be half asleep and half awake, or even sleepless. Not only can he remember what he sees, but he can also touch it You can never forget, you can have memories that never fade, you can also rejuvenate your youth, or if that doesn’t work, you can go back to your youth and do it all over again.

This is Superman.

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