Camel milk is relatively unfamiliar to many people in China, but it has been regarded as an irreplaceable nutritional product in many countries. In ancient China, there are also relevant records on the nutritional value of camel milk, such as "Compendium of Materia Medica", "Kaza

Camel milk is relatively unfamiliar to many people in China, but it has been regarded as an irreplaceable nutritional product in many countries. In ancient China, there are also relevant records on the nutritional value of camel milk, such as "Compendium of Materia Medica", "Kazakh Medical Chronicles", "Uyghur Commonly Used Medicinal Materials", etc.

01 Camel milk is expensive, and the expensive ones have the confidence

Camels mainly live in arid and semi-arid deserts and Gobi areas. There are no pollution in the Gobi Desert. It feeds on medicinal plants such as Chenopodium quinoa, halohorsetail, Artemisia , etc., and has extremely strong vitality.

Camels are resistant to heat, hunger and thirst. The climate in desert and semi-desert areas changes drastically throughout the year. When the temperature at noon in summer is 37°C-42°C, the desert ground temperature can reach 65°C-75°C. Under conditions where cattle, sheep, horses and other livestock cannot survive, camels can. Adapt to high ground temperatures.

02 Camel milk is expensive, and it makes sense

There are currently less than 20 million camels in the world, and a large proportion of them are not used for milk production.

[1] Camel is not an animal that has been domesticated for milk production for a long time. Although it is relatively large, its milk production is much lower than that of cows. A cow can produce dozens of kilograms of milk a day, while a camel can only produce 10 kilograms of milk a day. It produces 2-3 kilograms and the milk production is quite small.

[2] Female camels can only secrete milk after giving birth to calves. If you want to get camel milk, you have to wait for about 13 months of pregnancy. However, the lactation period of female camels is not long and can only last about 14 months.

[3] The process of obtaining camel milk is also very difficult. First, the female camel must smell the smell of the young camel before she can secrete milk. Secondly, the milker must establish a good relationship with the camel so that the camel can cooperate.

Every drop of camel milk is precious and hard-earned.

03 Camel milk is expensive, but the expensive one is nutritious.

Camel milk is more beneficial to health than cow's milk. Its vitamin C content is three times that of milk. The vitamin C content of 100 ml of camel milk and the same amount of milk is 3.8 mg and 1.0 mg respectively. ; The iron content is extremely high, 10 times that of milk. One liter of camel milk contains 52 units of insulin , while the insulin content of the same amount of milk is only 0.016 units. In addition, camel milk is rich in many unsaturated fatty acids, has higher protein and calcium content than cow's milk, and lower fat content than cow's milk. Camel milk is also rich in lactoferrin and lytic enzymes that are less in cow's milk.

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