It is said that humans evolved from animals. However, friends who like to watch the animal world will find that many male animals in nature are much prettier than female animals. For example, male lions have beautiful manes, male peacocks open their tails, and male The birds of p

all say that humans evolved from animals. However, friends who like to watch the animal world will find that many male animals in nature are much prettier than female animals. For example, male lions have beautiful manes, male peacocks open their tails, and The male birds of paradise are beautiful and can dance. They are much prettier than the females, most of which are gray-headed and disgraced.

Male Peacock

Looking back at our human society, women are basically the ones who show off their beauty, and the main buyers of cosmetics are also women. Most men don’t pay too much attention to appearance, as long as they are neat and not slovenly. Why is there such a big contrast between

men and women

? Is this the loss of human nature or the distortion of morality? Today we analyze this issue from a sociological and biological perspective. In fact, "Most animals are male beautiful, but why are women beautiful in humans?" This sentence is a false proposition. It is not true. After reading this article, everyone will understand.

Why are males more beautiful in the animal world?

In fact, who is more beautiful in the animal world is mainly determined by their reproductive mode. After all, reproduction is the top priority for animals. In biology, there is a concept called "parental investment" ", that is to say, the cost of raising offspring for both sexes.

For most animals, the parental investment of males and females is different. Male animals can produce a lot of sperm during reproduction, while female animals have very few eggs. Moreover, female animals are also responsible for feeding and protecting their offspring. Safe, , so the parental investment of female animals is very high, while the parental investment of male animals is very low .

This also explains why male animals have to become more beautiful. Because beautiful appearance often represents a strong body, and better genes can win the favor of females.

Take the peacock as an example. Scientists once conducted an experiment where they plucked the feathers of a popular male peacock and inserted them into an unpopular male peacock. As a result, the latter would quickly gather a bunch of female peacocks around him. , and the plucked male peacock will be immediately ignored by the female peacock.

Are males more beautiful in all species?

In fact, it is not the case. In some animals, females are more beautiful. This is also caused by parental investment. If male animals have higher parental investment costs, then females will tend to be better looking than males. For example, seahorses and seahorses are bred by males, so the male seahorses will choose tall and powerful female seahorses.

There are also some animals that are monogamous like humans, such as Antarctic penguins. They all raise their children together, so they basically look the same. There are also some animals that rely on sound to get their wives, such as cicadas, and some that rely on skills. For example, bowerbird attracts females by building beautiful courtship grounds.

Therefore, when it comes to the question of who is more beautiful, female or male, it is usually the one with higher parental investment that determines how the one with lower parental investment evolves. In human society, this situation will be more complicated. For example, women like money, so men will work harder to make money. Women like fresh meat, so men will dress up more tenderly. This is also the reason.

Avoiding overly simplistic thinking is good for us to understand the world.

Human beings are the spirit of all things. People like to find the most general and simple laws in the complex nature. This is a good thing and can help us understand the world. , but overly simplistic thinking often makes us blind and miss the forest .

Nature is very complex, and the diversity and complexity of life are often difficult to explain clearly by applying one or two laws. As far as our human society is concerned, simply thinking that women are more beautiful than men is inherently problematic.

From a biological point of view, there is a problem with the statement that women are prettier than men, because the difference in appearance between men and women is not big. It may be that men tend to be taller, while women have a slimmer figure, but when it comes to faces, Men's silhouettes are more defined, while women's are more soothing.Suppose you were an alien and came to Earth. Compared to you, you wouldn't be able to tell the difference between men and women due to such small differences.

If beauty is defined as having a strong body, then men are more beautiful. In primitive societies, strong males tend to be more attractive than thin males because they are more likely to catch prey.

In ancient times, when countries began to form, the competition was no longer about the body, but the amount of resources. Powerful men tend to have more wives than poor men, which explains why ancient emperors could have "three thousand beauties in their harems".

At this time, the right to choose falls into the hands of men. Powerful men have more rights to choose a mate, so women need to dress more beautifully to gain the favor of men, so women tend to pay more attention to appearance than men, This characteristic has continued into modern society, and men, as mentioned above, will work harder to obtain social resources so that they can have more rights to choose a mate.