@真知新ordinate I recently saw a snake on the Internet. It was so numb all over the body. I’m not telling you, it really looks like a poisonous snake. Not to mention touching it, I feel that if I touch it, I will have to take a detour. Not to mention, I asked many people in the vill

To be honest, I am originally afraid of snakes. It should be said that I am not only afraid of snakes, but molluscs have an unknown fear. Although I know that even if they bite me, I will not die, or many people do not bite. of. And some people keep them as pets, but I’m still afraid.

I saw someone on the Internet holding the head of a snake with one hand. The snake's tail was constantly circling around, with the green and black patterns on the snake's body. I think it can scare many people to death. We have this kind of snake here, but it rarely comes out. It is also very fast and has many patterns. Many people don’t recognize it even if they see it, and they usually treat it as a poisonous snake. I roughly filtered this snake and estimated that it might weigh two to three kilograms. The head and tail of the snake are not big, but the middle is thick. Looking at the pattern, if you don't look at the head, many people may think of it as a poisonous snake!

I read about the growth environment and living habits of this kind of pine flower snake on the Internet. I suggest that most people should never touch this kind of snake. Although it is not poisonous, if you take a bite, you will definitely get a few shots of tetanus , which is inevitable.

Songhua Snake refers to King Elephant Snake . King Elephant Snake belongs to Colubridae snake. It is large and ferocious and non-venomous.

King snake has many advantages such as large body, cold resistance, strong adaptability, fast growth, short breeding cycle, easy to raise and hatch, etc. Especially in the northern provinces and regions, most of them are raised as the breeding target of non-venomous snake .

King snake, also known as cauliflower snake , king snake , snake king, smelly yellow jaw, etc. It is the fastest growing and larger among non-venomous snakes (except pythons). It inhabits mountains, plains and hilly areas, and is active near rivers, ponds, reservoir areas and other places near water.

When I saw the apricot spitting out of the snake's mouth, it looked cuter than a kitten, but it was scary.

Of course, we’d better not eat this stuff. Wild animals are protected by the state. Not only is it illegal, but it’s also bad, because there are parasites in the skin and flesh of snakes. If you eat them, the parasites will enter the body... . Even if the snake meat is fully heated,... don't underestimate the parasite's heat resistance. There are a lot of news about people who contracted diseases after eating snake and frog meat and were hospitalized. If you say: You are not afraid of parasites or anything! Then... have you considered the phenomenon of bioaccumulation? Through the food chain, pesticides accumulate in organisms. Snakes are the most pesticide-rich species (in the ecosystem). So...it's best not to eat it.

Do you know what the tongue of a snake does?

Snakes use their tongues to collect odor particles in their surrounding environment. First they quickly stick their tongues into the air, and then they take it back into their mouths. In their mouths, they insert the two small prongs of their tongue into cavities in the walls of the mouth called Jacobson's organs, which lead directly to the brain. Although the snake's nostrils can also smell odors, the tongue and Jacobson's organ enhance the snake's ability to detect odors. Due to the powerful sense of smell, the snake Xinzi has the ability to detect odors.

recommends that when you see a snake, turn around and run away. Don't think about the idea of ​​dragon meat in the sky and snake meat on the ground. The most important thing is that the thing doesn't have much meat even when I look at it. Not to mention dragon and phoenix soup, and many people can't tell whether it is poisonous or not. Secondly, it is easy to catch wild animals. Therefore, protecting wild animals starts with you and me. Please don't touch it.