Wang Jianping: One article per day: "Theory of Perception." Part 9" (98) Why are there differences among people? According to general logical inference, the reason why human society can be formed and operated is based on the commonality of people. Human society is a collection of

Wang Jianping: One article per day: "The Theory of Perception." Part 9》(98)

Why are there differences among people?

According to general logical inference, the reason why human society can be formed and run is based on the commonality of people. Human society is a collection of commonalities. We live together because of our commonalities. It would be too superficial to understand our world in this way. Commonality is the reason why we humans live together, but differences are precisely the source of the social dynamics we intentionally create.

It is precisely because people are different that "energy differences" occur. In other words, without differences, there would be no human society, and without differences, there would be no motivation for life. This has the same meaning as "Without contradictions, there would be no world." Without differences between people, there would be no life. We use differences to create life, and we rely on each other's differences to make life meaningful. This is exactly the opposite of the human ideal of a "universal world." Perhaps it is precisely because we suffer from the differences between people that we try to advocate a unified world and a harmonious society. However, can people be the same?

The essence of existence of the same species is the same. The same perception, the same behavior, the same purpose. The sameness of individuals of the same species is the basis for the existence of the species. Species must exist in clusters to survive together, and identity is a prerequisite for the survival of biological species. However, human beings do the opposite on the premise of the same species. They deliberately create differences and use this difference to form new forms of existence. Human differences are an important reason for the emergence of human wisdom and civilization. Our wisdom and civilization were born to accommodate this difference, and human life patterns are based on this difference. We have never thought that this same kind of difference that is not found in natural creatures is anti-existential behavior. This difference determines the suffering nature of human life and determines that mankind has embarked on a road of no return. The front must be Extinction of species.

Every aspect of our lives is composed of differences, and bioethics forms the basis of all differences. People are differentiated into me and you, spouses are differentiated into marriage and family, groups are differentiated into organizations and groups, and geographical factors are differentiated into countries or alliances. We use all kinds of external differences: skin color, language, customs, culture, history... and all kinds of differences we can find to separate people as much as possible; we separate people from geopolitics, economic operations, ideas, cultural traditions, lifestyles, etc. People are separated; we use concepts, thoughts, emotions, wishes, purposes and other spiritual factors to separate people; we use private ownership, boundaries, morals, rules, management and other life systems to separate people.

We use every means and take every measure to differentiate the differences among people to the extreme, and make them very different between this time and that time, between this place and that place, between this role and that role, and between this identity and that identity. The difference is huge. What is the significance of the difference? It means to separate, you and me, my, your, his, my group, your group, his group, my country, your country, other countries... The purpose of separation is to allow them to exist separately and form the relative independence of various individuals or groups. This separation is conducive to the formation of competitive relationships, and the use of this competitive power to promote the advancement and development of society, economy, culture, and life.

We live together among various artificial differences, and we rely on these differences to maintain our respective existences. So, look at whether your thoughts and actions are correct? Find answers in differences; is life meaningful? Finding results from differences; the driving force for survival comes from this artificially separated difference. I am better than you, I am better than you, I am richer than you, I am more successful than you... It is the psychological contrast created by differences. This contrast forms the "psychological potential energy" of people's behavioral activities, which gives people intense behavioral Motivation for activity.We must note that most of the intense behavioral activities of other organisms come from interactions with external species. Only we humans create the most intense interactions within the same species. That is to say, other organisms compete with the outside world of the same species. Only human competition occurs within the same species, a distinction we are still unaware of. Therefore, the laws we call "survival of the fittest, survival of the dead" and "the law of the jungle" are not aimed at the competition between species, but are aimed at and refer to the differentiated competition among us humans, which is unique among all living things. Existence form.

The purpose and meaning of our existence are established and occur in the differences between us. We no longer exist relative to other species, we exist relative to each other, and we have fully created and used the meaning of this difference. We have long been no longer competing for survival with other species, but competing for survival among individuals of our own species. Competition within the same species only occurs among us humans. Competition between species will result in the demise of the failed species, and what is the result of competition among us humans? That can only result in the death of people. The natural law of survival of the fittest does not apply to nature, but it applies to us humans. What will be the consequences of our man-made differences? Are there any surprises?

The commonality of individuals of the same species is the prerequisite for ensuring the existence of the species, but we humans have deliberately eliminated this indispensable commonality. The differences we have deliberately created are powerfully and completely dismantling our biological commonality as human beings, but we have kept ourselves in the dark for thousands of years. What are we doing? What do we want to do? Do we know? (continued)