NASA discovers mysterious craters on the moon and exposes aliens, shocking! Many important news discoveries in the universe were first discovered by NASA. Just recently, NASA made a new discovery. It is said that during the lunar exploration, a crater on the back of the moon was

NASA discovered mysterious craters on the moon and exposed aliens, shocking! Many important news discoveries in the universe were first discovered by NASA . Just recently, NASA made a new discovery. It is said that when was exploring the moon, accidentally discovered a crater on the back of the moon. Unexpectedly, aliens were exposed, which was shocking!

NASA's lunar probe is currently operating in lunar orbit, such as the Lunar Atmosphere and Dust Environment Explorer (LADEE), Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter and the two ARTEMIS lunar-powered spacecraft. .

These spacecraft have been flying around the moon in recent years, but with different divisions of labor. For example, LADEE is responsible for the study of the moon's extremely thin atmosphere and dust environment. However, NASA's lunar spacecraft discovered a mysterious phenomenon on the far side of the moon, flying over the far side and observing many mysterious craters.

NASA is currently studying the reasons for the formation of these craters.

Through the detector's radar echo observation, the diameter of the craters is hundreds of meters. Some are smaller, only a few meters. Because the detector's orbit is relatively low, it can capture the details of these craters.

When these photos were released, the outside world believed that they were evidence that alien spacecraft had built a base on the moon, pointing out that the interior of the moon may have been transformed into an alien base. So is that really the case? The NASA team found that the craters formed from internal collapse. Simulation studies have found that the lava inside the moon formed a huge hole, and the hole closer to the surface collapsed to form a crater.

confirmed from the side that there is a partial cavity structure inside the moon, which is consistent with the observations of the seismometer of the Apollo astronauts. Previously, some scientists pointed out the conjecture that there are some holes inside the moon. Therefore, NASA scientists suggest that robots could be sent into these caves formed by cooling lava, and that our future lunar base could be built inside the moon, using the natural surface to avoid dangerous cosmic rays.