Small body, strange colors! In the large fish tank, they swing their bodies happily and freely, and their round eyes seem to be looking at this strange world. This is the cute little elf-goldfish. Many people like to raise goldfish. It is not just a hobby, but this little elf see

Small body, strange colors!

In the large fish tank, they swing their bodies happily and freely, and their round eyes seem to be looking at this strange world. This is the cute little elf-goldfish.

Many people like to raise goldfish. It is not just a hobby, but this little elf seems to really cure all unhappiness.

But if one day, the body of this cute little elf suddenly enlarged dozens of times, would you still like them?

Just a few days ago, the city of Burnsville, Minnesota issued a tweet calling on people not to release their own small goldfish into any wild rivers, ponds or lakes, because these small goldfish slowly grow into—— Super big goldfish!

Looking at these huge goldfish, do you still think they are cute?

had relevant reports in July 21 about the problem of goldfish flooding in North America. According to a report by USGS, in 2021, lakes in 49 states in the United States were invaded by goldfish.

In October 2020, Carver County, near Burnsville, removed as many as 50,000 goldfish from one stream alone.

These goldfish are ten times the size of ordinary goldfish! Bigger than many footballs! Even adults need both hands to hold it. A tiny goldfish in Asia has swelled up like this overseas.

Domestic goldfish is obviously very small, but why can it grow so big?

Goldfish is native to China and is a colored variant evolved from wild crucian carp . Around AD 960, China began to raise it as an ornamental fish . Since then, it has been raised and sold as an ornamental fish, becoming a representative species in today's aquariums.

Under normal circumstances, if kept in a fish tank, the body length of goldfish is about 18-30 cm and the weight is about 0.5 kg. According to Guinness World Records, the largest goldfish ever recorded was recorded in 2003 and measured 18.7 inches (about 48 centimeters) from nose to tail fin.

This is the goldfish caught by Francesca Biagini in a lake in southern France. It weighs 30 kilograms.

Goldfish are extremely adaptable, reproduce quickly, have no natural enemies, and have a long lifespan.

If raised in captivity, the size of goldfish will generally not be very large due to the influence of living environment and food. But in the wild, it's different.

They feed by burrowing at the bottom of lakes, nibbling on plant roots and stirring sediment into the water, causing poor water quality. According to CNN reported that the goldfish-infested lake changed from clear water to green water. At the same time, native species such as local trout compete for food, causing native fish populations to decline.

What’s even more frightening is that even in the cold winter, goldfish can easily reproduce and survive in a low-oxygen environment.

In just one year, goldfish can mature and lay eggs multiple times during the breeding period. Data show that goldfish can lay eggs for the first time up to 61,000-1,500 eggs, while a 3-year-old goldfish can lay eggs up to 670,000-80,000 eggs, and can be hybridized with wild crucian carp, so there is no reproductive isolation .

According to the United States Geological Survey (USGS), the average lifespan of a goldfish is between six and seven years, and goldfish found in the wild can live up to 30 years. This is also the reason why goldfish often grow to huge sizes in scenic parks.

How did the goldfish get into the wild lake?

Globally, the aquarium trade contributes one-third of the world's worst aquatic invasive species, according to the California Aquarium Trade Report.

The aquarium will dump their aquarium into the lake. There may not be goldfish in the aquarium, but there may be a lot of fertilized eggs. In addition, many residents will release goldfish into the lake at will. It is for these reasons that goldfish are so overrun.

Is goldfish meat delicious? Can it be eaten?

In theory, goldfish is formed after multiple crosses of crucian carp. It is still a crucian carp in nature, so it is edible.

However, because goldfish may be somewhat toxic, and it is a genetic variant, its ingredients are not as good as those of ordinary fish, and its taste is also very average.

Therefore, many people do not eat goldfish. Moreover, domestic goldfish are small in size, have little meat and are not delicious.

In addition to crabs, oysters, crayfish, carp, goldfish are quickly becoming one of the most prolific invasive species abroad. However, Chinese foodies have developed n ways to eat the first few species. Although goldfish meat is not delicious, Chinese foodies will surely live up to their expectations!

Do you still think the goldfish is cute after gaining weight?