Mosquito: What do you like about me? Everyone: I like you to stay away from me! Mosquito: Want to run? There are no doors! The annoying mosquito sucks blood on the surface of the skin. When it comes to mosquitoes, everyone can't help but feel disgusted. Every summer when mosquito

Mosquito: What do you like about me?

Everyone: I like you to stay away from me!

Mosquito: Want to run? There are no doors!

The annoying mosquito sucks blood on the surface of the skin

When it comes to mosquitoes, everyone can't help feeling disgusted.

Every summer when mosquitoes are rampant, everyone will be annoyed. They will always be attacked inadvertently and leave itchy and unsightly bites.

Mosquitoes infested and disturbed my sleep at night

I was always buzzing and noisy at night, unable to rest normally. I had to kill all the mosquitoes in the room to relieve my hatred. I wished that mosquitoes could completely disappear from my life.

Interview with mosquitoes that never stop biting

Mosquitoes are also known as "invisible killers", spreading various diseases in the process of biting humans.

The diseases carried in the body include yellow fever, malaria, dengue fever, meningitis, AIDS...

More than 720,000 people die from mosquito-borne viruses every year, and the death toll ratio includes More than any other species, including humans.

Everyone will also wonder: Why are there such annoying species in the biosphere! What is the significance of the existence of mosquitoes that suck blood but not fat?

Natural selection. In fact, mosquitoes appeared more than 100 million years ago and survived on the earth earlier than humans.

There are more than 10 billion known mosquitoes in the world, and there are more than 3,500 species. They have evolved with many species in an ecological environment of survival of the fittest.

The existence of the ecological chain

that mosquitoes are in is reasonable. In fact, mosquitoes play an irreplaceable role in the ecological balance of the biosphere.

Every complete biological chain has producers, consumers, and decomposers. Any missing part will lead to the paralysis of the ecological chain.

Mosquitoes (female) play the role of consumers in the biosphere and are a typical example of low-end organisms reacting on high-end organisms.

Food source for specific organisms

Mosquitoes are a necessary and reliable food source for fish and bird organisms, and also feed geckos , spiders, frogs, lizards, dragonflies...

Once mosquitoes are completely eliminated artificially, then Many species must be short of food, leading to short-term inability to adapt and massive death.

Larval mosquitoes are also a food source for many aquatic predators and contribute to the balance of underwater ecosystems.

Control the population of some organisms

Mosquito-borne diseases will control the population of some large animals and avoid the vicious reproduction of a certain population.

Over-breeding of some large animals can easily lead to energy depletion, and large amounts of excrement can also cause environmental pollution and seriously damage the living environment of other animals and plants.

Mosquitoes will bring deadly viruses to over-reproduced animals, weak individuals will be eliminated, and the ecological environment will tend to be dynamically balanced.

Helps plant pollination

Unlike female mosquitoes, male mosquitoes, which are producers, do not feed on blood, but survive on the nutrients and sugars present in plant nectar.

When male mosquitoes eat, they help similar plants spread pollen while sucking plant juices.

Mosquito prevention

There is a kind of giant mosquito is a kind of mosquito that feeds exclusively on mosquitoes. The larvae of giant mosquitoes make a living by preying on the larvae of mosquitoes and flies in the same water area.

Improve human immunity

Mosquito bites can improve one's own immunity to a certain extent. After being bitten, the body will develop immunity to the mosquito's saliva that carries the virus.

Therefore, the lack of mosquitoes will definitely destroy the food chain system, causing chaos in the entire ecological environment, destroying the ecological balance and causing irreversible negative effects.

Mosquitoes exist in the biosphere and indeed play an untouchable role. Faced with this situation, all we can do is to expel rather than eliminate them.

Since we can’t change the laws of nature but can only expel them, of course we have to choose the right way.

Safety hazards of traditional mosquito repellent methods

Harmful traditional mosquito repellent methods, including electric mosquito coils, disc mosquito coils, and insecticides, are obviously not in line with everyone's healthy mosquito repellent orientation.

Environmental Protection Aromatherapy Mosquito Repellent Effect Test

Since mosquito repelling is unavoidable, you must first choose the that is truly oriented to health carebendingding!

Summer peace of mind mosquito repellent , you have to identify this Ding Ding environmentally friendly protective aromatherapy !

Ben Ding Environmental Protection Aromatherapy (Blue Version)

Ben Ding Environmental Protection Aromatherapy (Red Version)

Blue version for regular mosquito repellent, Red version for enhanced protection, perfect for use in every corner of the home. .

Purely natural Citronella essential oil Health care, just open the lid and let it sit to release the fragrance, which can easily repel mosquitoes.

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The laws of nature cannot be violated, but at least with the help of , everyone will no longer have to panic when encountering mosquito prevention problems.