At noon on June 28, Yu Aihua, member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, discussed with Wu Weiren, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, chief designer of the lunar exploration project, and di

At noon on June 28, Yu Aihua, member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, discussed with Wu Weiren, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, chief designer of the lunar exploration project, and director of the Deep Space Exploration Laboratory, about accelerating the construction of the deep space exploration laboratory. Liu Jizhong, Director of the Lunar Exploration and Aerospace Engineering Center and Executive Director of the Deep Space Exploration Laboratory; Guan Feng, Secretary of the Party Committee of the Lunar Exploration and Aerospace Engineering Center and Secretary-General of the Council of the Deep Space Exploration Laboratory; Deputy Director of the Lunar Exploration and Aerospace Engineering Center and Deep Space Exploration Hu Chaobin, deputy director of the laboratory, and municipal leaders Yuan Fei and Wang Wensong participated.

Both parties believe that building a deep space exploration laboratory is of great significance, mission, challenge and responsibility. It will further enhance the original innovation capabilities in the field of deep space exploration, form a batch of original scientific and technological achievements, and accelerate the development of the deep space industry. New territory.

Both parties agreed to speed up the laboratory construction process. Each should take its own responsibilities and demonstrate its strengths. Hefei will make every effort to do a good job in research and development, office space, talent policy implementation, etc., and make every effort to serve and guarantee the domestic and international large-scale projects hosted by the laboratory. academic conferences and other activities.

html At 11:06 on December 27, my country successfully launched 22 satellites including "Chaohu-1" using the Long March 8 carrier rocket at the Wenchang Space Launch Site, setting a new record for my country's multiple satellites with one rocket. Photo by All Media Reporter Zhang Dagang

In February this year, the Deep Space Exploration Laboratory was unveiled in Hefei. Hefei's aerospace information industry has initially formed an industrial chain integrating satellite manufacturing and measurement and operation control, software platforms and data products, data application and promotion, and the coordinated development of upstream, midstream and downstream. At present, there are nearly 10 scientific research institutions such as University of Science and Technology of China and Anhui Institute of Optics and Mechanics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and more than 40 related companies on the chain. Since last year, 14 key projects including Zhongke Star Map and Aerospace Grand Plan have been signed and settled.

Deep Space Exploration Laboratory was unveiled. Photo by Anhui Daily reporter Yang Zhu

On January 6, 2021, China’s first commercial SAR satellite "Haisi No. 1" jointly developed by China Electronics Technology Institute and Tianyi Research Institute took a SAR image of Hefei from space. Image commemorative photo. (Source: China Electronics Technology Institute 38)