Researchers such as Franck Polleux of Columbia University discovered this kind of mouse by expressing a protein - SRGAP2C that accompanies humans and is thought to be related to the increase in human brain volume - in cortical glutamatergic neurons of mice. Increased connections

Columbia University Franck Polleux and other researchers found that by expressing a protein - SRGAP2C that accompanies humans and is thought to be related to the increase in human brain capacity - in mouse cerebral cortex glutamatergic neurons (cortical glutamatergic neurons) The connections between neurons in the cerebral cortex of this mouse are increased, the ability to encode sensory signals is enhanced, and even the accuracy of pattern recognition in mice is improved (1).

Researchers further combined computational simulations and believed that SRGAP2C contributes to the unique complex structure of the human brain and enhanced learning and cognitive abilities by promoting connections between cerebral cortex neurons (1).

This work was published in nature(1) on October 27, 2021.

Mice expressing the human-specific protein SRGAP2C in the cerebral cortex become smart

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1. E. R. E. Schmidt et al., A human-specific modifier oftical cor connectivity and circuit function. Nature,1–5 (2021).

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