On the hottest day in the summer of 1994, a piece of news that was ten times hotter than the weather quickly spread in Heilongjiang, China - a huge unidentified object landed on the top of the local Phoenix Mountain. The local villagers who discovered the unidentified object were

Hot news

On the hottest day in the summer of 1994, a news that was ten times hotter than the weather quickly spread in Heilongjiang, China - a huge unknown object descended on the top of the local Fenghuang Mountain. The local villagers who discovered the unknown object, Not only was he invited as a guest by aliens, he even had sex with one of the alien women and successfully got her pregnant... As soon as the news of

came out, it caused an uproar. In order to confirm the authenticity of this story, experts tested the farmer through the polygraph , and found that the stories he told were all true.

The persuasiveness of examples

At that time, most people in Heilongjiang's understanding of flying saucers came not only from newspaper propaganda, but also from more intuitive witnessing events. In that era when technology was not very developed, the only source of information that could influence people's understanding and judgment of UFOs seemed to be only examples that were the most convincing.

It seems that there are not a few such instances.

At around 22:10 on the night of May 17, 1991, a spiral flying object flew at an altitude of 150 kilometers above the ground at a speed of two to three kilometers per second. Because the flight distance is as long as 1,500 kilometers, there are many witnesses.

At around 20:00 on the evening of July 23, 1992, a dumbbell-shaped flying object once again pierced the night sky in the northern sky. The public in Heilongjiang, Jilin, Liaoning and other provinces once again witnessed the wonderful aerial landscape.

Therefore, in this land, whether residents living in big cities or villagers living in small mountain villages, it can be said that everyone is familiar with the phenomenon of UFOs. Therefore, the protagonist of the 1994 UFO incident, Meng Zhaoguo, , although he only had a primary school education, was not unfamiliar with the legend of UFOs at all.

Three Adventures

In his description of this "encounter" with aliens, we can divide the timeline of the event into three periods. These three periods are:

1. June 7, 1994 7 a.m. - 11 a.m.

This morning, Meng Zhaoguo had breakfast, walked out of the house, and habitually stood at the foot of the mountain and looked into the distance. At this time, a huge white object on the top of Phoenix Mountain broke into his sight. His first reaction was that another weather forecast balloon had fallen. This was not the first time.

So he quickly took the machete and wrench, called his niece-in-law Li Honghai and set off to the top of the mountain. Their purpose was simple, they wanted to cut some nylon rope and rubber and put them to use. The two of them climbed the mountain for a full four hours before reaching the top of the mountain. At this time, they discovered that about 500 meters away from them, a huge white object was quietly "entrenched" there. They continued to move forward, and when they were 300 meters away, they could clearly see the entire white object. , about 50 meters long and about three meters high, like a lying question mark or a helicopter without propellers. This huge "question mark" is milky white, slightly yellow, and has a foot-like structure on the lower part, but it does not seem to touch the surface.

The two people bravely continued to move forward. When the distance shortened to only 150 meters, the white object suddenly made an amazing and strange scream. Along with the strange scream, the two people's bodies began to feel numb as if they were being passed through by electricity. The man was so frightened that he hurriedly retreated. Later, Meng Zhaoguo tried to approach again alone, but the same thing happened, so he had to return.

2. The bizarre experience of

on June 9th aroused the interest of more people. On June 9, the chairman of the local forest farm union led more than 30 people, carrying telescopes, cameras, tape recorders and other equipment, and followed Meng Zhaoguo to the top of Fenghuang Mountain again. Compared with the first time, this experience had more than ten times the number of participants, but the level of bizarreness was a hundred times higher than the last time.

When a group of people climbed to a place about ten kilometers away from the landing point of the white object mentioned by Meng Zhaoguo, they could not hold back their curiosity and began to observe with telescopes, but they did not find any strange objects. But just when Meng Zhaoguo took the telescope for confirmation, he suddenly shouted: "Come here" and then fell unconscious.

What was even more chilling was that Meng Zhaoguo, who was in a coma, began to twitch, and even made movements such as "holding a big head" on his head and feet. The expedition team had to separate some people to escort Meng Zhaoguo back to the forest farm, while the other group Continue to observe.

Forest farm doctors conducted a detailed examination of Meng Zhaoguo and found that his blood pressure, pulse, breathing and other vital signs were at normal levels. The only thing that was different from usual was that he had an inexplicable fear of light and iron after waking up, and The reaction is obviously slow.

After Meng Zhaoguo regained consciousness, he provided people with a completely different version of the story. He recalled that he was knocked unconscious by a light emitted from the fingertips of a man in black in front of a white object. This light was several times brighter than the welding light. Although it was ten kilometers away, it still knocked him down in one fell swoop. .

Just after he passed out, he saw a female alien with big eyes, 3 meters tall, and wearing "crotchless pants" falling from the sky, and followed him back to the forest farm, and had an unexpected sex with him that night. The behavior described did not leave until 4 o'clock the next morning.

3. From 1:48 on July 16 to 3:50 on July 17

Just when everyone expressed unbelievable doubts about Meng Zhaoguo's recollection, Meng Zhaoguo insisted on his own statement. More than a month passed in the doubts and persistence of both parties. Just when people were about to gradually forget about this incident, aliens unexpectedly visited Meng Zhaoguo again.

According to what Meng Zhao Guo later said, this time the aliens took Meng Zhaoguo through the wall and flew to a blank area like clouds and mist. According to the aliens, this was their spaceship. On the spacecraft, the aliens not only told Meng Zhaoguo many secrets, but also told him that a comet and Jupiter were about to collide. The process of

occurs from 1:48 on July 16 to 3:50 on July 17.

Many Doubts

The Phoenix Mountain UFO incident, once revealed by reporters who came to hear the news, quickly became a hot topic in the headlines that year and quickly occupied the headlines of major newspapers.

Now, we have no way to verify the state in which Meng Zhaoguo said these things. However, we can still find a lot of doubts in his public statements.

Doubt 1: The whole incident lacks necessary supporting evidence.

According to Meng Zhaoguo himself, only in the first stage of his unexpected encounter with aliens was there a witness, Li Honghai. But no matter how others asked, Li Honghai kept silent. He couldn't avoid being asked, so he gave a few simple answers.

In the second stage, which was the most exciting and bizarre in the whole incident, except for Meng Zhaoguo who saw the UFO and the alien woman, no one among the more than 30 people present saw it.

Doubt 2: The clothes and behavior of the "alien" are too shocking.

In Meng Zhaoguo's description, the female alien who was close to him was three meters tall and had a pair of big eyes. If these statements are made, we can still make do with it. Accept it, then what makes people feel incredible is that this woman (let’s call it a woman) who fell from the sky is actually wearing crotchless pants. It is really hard for us to imagine that a civilized race that can roam freely in the universe would actually appear in front of "lower civilization" earthlings wearing crotchless pants.

What is most unbelievable is that this woman not only dressed "elegantly", but her behavior was also extremely "bold". She actually had a relationship with Meng Zhaoguo during their first meeting, and told Meng Zhaoguo afterwards. According to the country, in 60 years he will have a "mixed-race" son born.

Let’s not ask how this alien woman knew that she must have given birth to a son. Just the question of how this three-meter-tall woman in Meng Zhaoguo's description could enjoy sex with the one-meter-seven-meter-tall Meng Zhaoguo is already puzzling.

Results of machine polygraph

However, despite the many inconsistencies and unclear explanations in Meng Zhaoguo’s interview, the Phoenix Mountain UFO incident has become a topic of conversation after dinner and a hot topic in some newspapers and magazines, and its popularity has remained It lasted until 2003.

In September 2003, Meng Zhaoguo underwent a machine polygraph while under hypnosis to verify whether he had lied about this matter. The researcher who finally organized the test announced that the polygraph results showed that Meng Zhaoguo did not lie in the incident.

However, just one year later, things seem to have reversed again. A person named "Feng Yue Wuyun" posted on the Internet that the Meng Zhaoguo incident was completely a scam. As long as you drink with Meng Zhaoguo once, he will tell you the truth after drinking and tell you the truth of the matter - completely. Just a scam. It's just that there are too many people involved in this matter, so everyone is unwilling to reveal the truth. As a UFO enthusiast, although I know the ins and outs of this matter and have been silent for many years, I am inevitably condemned by my conscience. However, due to the interests of all parties, I can only complain online. As soon as the post

was published, it immediately caused an uproar. Many people were asking about "Feng Yue Wu Yun", but this person disappeared from the Internet and never appeared again.

With the disappearance of the "dark clouds", things seem to have come to an end. However, the legendary stories about UFOs do not seem to disappear.

The story continues

On November 12, 2005, also in Phoenix Mountain, staff from Harbin Jihua Group discovered a huge saucer-shaped object suspended in the air and took a photo of it.

This live photo caused a great sensation among UFO enthusiasts at home and abroad.

On July 8, 2012, several tourists discovered a UFO similar to " Tiangong No. 1 " in the sky of Phoenix Mountain. This time the UFO appeared for a short time. Fortunately, the full-time photographer of the scenic spot captured it. this moment.

UFOs frequently appear in the Phoenix Mountain area. At first glance, it sounds unreliable at all. However, if you can judge its authenticity just by relying on intuition, then many unsolved mysteries that plague mankind in the world may be solved in an instant. There are answers there.

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