Chronic wounds, also known as difficult-to-heal wounds, can seriously affect patients' quality of life and increase the burden on patients' economic and social medical resources. Cell therapy, as a new wound treatment method, has received increasing attention in the repair of chr

Zhu Jiayuan: Chief physician, professor, MD, doctoral supervisor

Chronic wounds are also called difficult-to-heal wounds, which can seriously affect the patient's quality of life and increase the burden on patients' economic and social medical resources. Cell therapy, as a new wound treatment method, has received increasing attention in the repair of chronic wounds.

With the deepening of cell biology research and the development of tissue engineering technology, cell technology is expected to be integrated with tissue engineering technology, eventually producing disruptive cell tissue engineering products that can enter the clinic.

Professor Zhu Jiayuan pointed out: As a cutting-edge platform technology for biomedicine, cell therapy technology has always been considered the development direction of the next generation of medical devices. In recent years, with the rapid development and integration of cell engineering , genetic engineering, tissue engineering, synthetic biology and other technologies, cell therapy technology is expected to improve human diseases for which there are currently no effective treatments or methods.

In the article Constructing a Wound Repair Discipline System with Chinese Characteristics, Academician Fu Xiaobing once pointed out (2 excerpts):

1. A complete technical system is needed. For example, in view of the causes of non-healing or difficult-to-heal wounds due to damage to repair cells or lack of dermal scaffolds, a new method of promoting tissue repair that combines the replenishment of repair cells and the provision of scaffold materials has been established, which plays an important role in promoting repair. .

2. Improve the product system for conversion. The process of tissue repair and regeneration can be controlled. The R&D department regulates wound repair products and accelerates wound repair, which is an important part of the construction of the wound repair discipline system.

Professor Zhu Jiayuan has been engaged in clinical work of burn, wound repair, and plastic surgery rehabilitation at the First Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University in Guangdong for 37 years.

is good at using skin cell transplantation and regeneration technology to treat burns caused by various causes, hypertrophic scars deformities, chronic skin ulcers or difficult-to-heal wounds, soft tissue injuries and defects, vitiligo, depigmentation, and acne. Post scars etc.

And in the treatment of burns, he has successfully cured many cases of extremely severe burns and multiple injuries throughout the body, covering an area of ​​95% of TBSA patients. He has rich experience in successfully treating hundreds of extremely severe burn patients. He once cured a patient with 100% burn area, 96% third-degree burns and severe inhalation injuries, which was a world record at the time.

Professor Zhu Jiayuan has also been committed to the research of difficult-to-heal wounds.

① Establish and optimize new technology for difficult-to-heal wound repair. For the first time, autologous epidermal basal cells combined with autologous skin grafts are used to treat difficult-to-healing wounds. It innovates the comprehensive treatment model of "cell" transplantation combined with "tissue" transplantation. It uses acellular allogeneic dermal combined with autologous skin grafts to treat difficult-to-healing wounds. The transformation of treatment from simple repair to higher-demand functional rehabilitation provides new ideas.

② has improved the evaluation system and individualized diagnosis and treatment strategy for wound bed preparation. In the staging of wound bed preparation, the concept of green period (prevention first) was added, and the innovative idea of ​​"transforming the pathological healing model into a physiological healing model" was proposed for the first time.

③ found that inflammatory reaction is one of the important mechanisms that make difficult-to-heal wounds "difficult to heal". The key technology has been promoted and applied in many tertiary hospitals in my country, and has assisted in the establishment of wound treatment centers. It has updated the mechanism concept and treatment model of difficult-to-heal wounds, significantly improved the healing rate of difficult-to-heal wounds, and significantly reduced medical expenses.

Professor Zhu Jiayuan also won the second prize of the Huaxia Science and Technology Award in 2020, the first prize of the Science and Technology Award of the Chinese Society of Rehabilitation Medicine in 2019, and the Medical Science and Technology Award of the Chinese Medical Association in 2019 for "Innovation and Application of Key Technologies in the Treatment of Difficult-Healing Wounds" One third prize each and one third prize respectively for the Guangdong Provincial Science and Technology Award and the Third Prize for Science and Technology Progress Award.

Professor Zhu Jiayuan pointed out: Cell therapy for difficult-to-heal wounds can shorten the wound healing time, effectively improve the survival rate of skin grafts, have no obvious complications, and reduce the recurrence rate (prevention).

Regarding the future, Professor Zhu Jiayuan said before the end of the interview: "More in-depth research on cell regeneration is still ongoing, and research will also target various problems in the skin microenvironment to improve the repair mechanism."

After the interview, we also Professor Zhu Jiayuan’s medical team expresses its gratitude because the scientific research team has developed a total of more than 10 core technologies. The team’s contribution to the medical community, society and the country goes far beyond skin regeneration and rehabilitation.