The Autonomous Region Institute of Metrology and Testing undertook the “Development of Biological Safety Cabinet Calibration Device” project of the State Administration of Market Supervision and passed the acceptance check

On September 28, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Institute of Metrology and Testing, the State Administration for Market Supervision's science and technology project "Development of biological safety cabinet calibration device" successfully passed the acceptance.

The State Administration of Market Supervision commissioned the Autonomous Region Market Supervision Bureau to organize an acceptance meeting. At the meeting, the expert group listened to the report of the project leader and consulted relevant materials. After inquiries and discussions, they agreed that the scientific research project passed the acceptance.

The project "Development of Calibration Device for Biological Safety Cabinets" was completed by the Medical Institute of Metrology Institute of the Autonomous Region after three years of research. Biological safety cabinets are widely used in food production, medical and health, disease prevention and control, biopharmaceuticals and other fields. They are important equipment to ensure the safety of personnel, samples and the environment. The biological safety cabinet calibration device is a set of multi-parameter calibration equipment, which integrates the detection functions of biological safety cabinet protection factors, leakage, flow rate, illuminance, temperature, negative pressure, noise, vibration and other parameters. It is suitable for on-site detection operations. While bringing convenience to work, it also plays an important role in promoting laboratory biosafety.

In recent years, the Metrology Institute of the Autonomous Region has continued to improve its independent innovation capabilities, giving full play to the leading role of the region's metrological scientific research pioneers, driving scientific research with testing, and promoting testing with scientific research. The level of metrological scientific research and technical capabilities have been continuously improved. In the next step, the Institute of Metrology will further improve the scientific research work mechanism, fully mobilize the enthusiasm and creativity of scientific researchers, optimize the allocation of scientific and technological resources and project management levels, and continuously improve the innovation capabilities of metrological science and technology in terms of multidisciplinary, basic, and new fields.
