What will happen if we meet an alien?

The film and television works have preset some answers
. Usually the results are divided into three types:
1. Aliens invade the earth
2. Earth people invade the alien planet
3. Peaceful coexistence
There are
species in people's subconscious minds. It's a "competitive relationship"
rather than a "co-existence"
. People think that this is a world where the weak and the strong eat
. Being weak means being beaten by
. So most of the film and television works related to aliens in
are about outcome 1 and outcome 2.
#阿凡达# is one of them.
It presents the story of
after humans mastered the ability of interstellar travel.
attacked the planet Pandora in order to plunder mineral resources.

was scared by UFOs Frightened businessman by the UFO

I watched this movie
when it premiered in 2009. At that time, I was simply struck by the visual screen.
. Now I look at the re-screening again, and I have captured some small details
1. Consciousness conversion VS Sleep
The male protagonist transfers his consciousness from the human body to the Avatar through the technological device
, and learns
from the locals in the body of the Avatar. Whenever he enters sleep,
, the consciousness transfers from the body of the Avatar back to the human body
his Consciousness transfers back and forth between the human body and the Avatar body
This process is actually very similar to our sleep state
After the human body enters the sleep state, the human body "turns off"
The consciousness body goes to other dimensions, and continues to operate the body of other dimensions
now see The picture is the dream
. When the consciousness body returns to the human body, the human body “turns on”.
The consciousness body operates the human body and starts a new day of life.The consciousness has no rest at all.
What rests are only the carriers of the consciousness.
, which is the carrier of the body or other forms.
. The consciousness is the true noumenon of all things.
2. Spiritual communication
In the movie, when an avatar warrior is riding a horse or driving a bird,
will use the tentacles in his hair to connect to each other’s tentacles. Communication
Can humans achieve this function?
Yes, this function is available in the factory settings of everything.
Every object has this kind of "tentacles".
When your tentacles are close to the other’s tentacles, a connection will be made to
so that you can read the other’s thoughts.
This situation is common among couples, friends, and relatives.
"same voice" is the principle
or it is a kind of deep "empathy"
when you pull away from yourself and experience it completely from the perspective of the other person
you The current feeling is the feeling of the other person
so you can "read" the other person's thoughts
At the moment of connection, you are one existence
you will feel the feeling of the other person
This is also reflected in the movie
when When Avatar’s war horse/bird is injured, Avatar will also feel pain.
We can’t turn on this feature
is because "ego clinging" is very heavy. Only when two individuals
do it, you and I are "no difference".
will have the opportunity to experience true spiritual communication. Feelings of
Imagine that you are the driving car, not the person sitting in the car. When
merges with the car, you won’t feel motion sickness.
Because at this moment, you are the car, how can you stun yourself?
In many cases,Try to look at the problem more from the other person’s point of view.
The problem will mostly disappear.
However, when there is a serious conflict between "being yourself" and "understanding others"
recommends that you learn to be yourself first, and then understand others.
first "have me" , And then "without me"
first, then nothing, and then "out of nothing.
upgrades and flows in this progressive way. Life will go smoothly.
. If you only stay at the stage of "with me", you can do
. Increase the chance of annoying
. Remember to practice thicker
