"The Logic of Life": a thoughtful history of genetic science

We live in a vast universe, and the life that thrives in the small corners of this vast whole is one of the most fascinating and mysterious parts of the universe. From the curious question "Where did we come from" when we were young to the book "What is life in " by the physicist Schrödinger , this unique and charming term "life" fascinates most of us. The evolution of all things has its own logic, and so does life. Knowledge and experience may deceive you, only logic will not.

"The Logic of Life: A History of Genetics" is a scientific work about the history of 's genetics and reproduction history , which we can feel from the author's history To the free logic of life evolution. The author of this book is Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1965. I have read many French writers' literary works, but this is the first time I have read French works on natural sciences. When I just read the introduction, I read it for a long time. Actually, I didn't understand it. It was because I forgot to read the introduction. After reading it, I didn't remember anything and felt that I didn't understand it. Suddenly feel the gap between people. Interest is not enough for some things. You have to be strong. The body part is relatively friendly, and the article section has a clear idea, a bit like a detailed literature review. The selected examples are very interesting and can attract people to read on.

Physics advocates simplicity, and one formula is all-encompassing. This is not the case with biology, it is more complicated. There are two attitudes in biological research, one is synthesis or evolution , and the other is atomic theory or _strong3span reduction theory _strong3span _spanstrong spanspan. The former studies the exterior from a statistical perspective, discusses the relationship between communities, behaviors, organisms, and between organisms and the environment from a macro perspective, and investigates the long-distance causes from a vertical perspective. It shows us that the history of the earth and the number of organisms multiply The evolutionary history of millions of generations. The latter focuses on the internals from a microbiological perspective, focusing on the causal exploration of disassembling complex phenomena, exploring its short-term causes horizontally, and exploring the components, functions, and response mechanisms that directly act on organisms. These two orders met unexpectedly at the genetic level.

The main content of the body part can be seen from the title of each chapter, and each part is traced back in chronological order Human understanding of life phenomena The change in knowledge makes me feel the rein and wonder of my thoughts. I think if you are interested in the history of genetics, this "Logic of Life: A History of Genetics" is the best choice.

Finally, I would like to thank Mr. Fu He, the translator of this book.He did not forget to read while he was engaged in scientific research. In order to urge him to study seriously, he translated the entire book "The Logic of Life". At a young age, he has a large number of translations, which is really admirable. While he enriched himself, he also brought us a feast of knowledge.

Thanks for reading, and I wish you a happy day too.
