Has the Huo's Immortal Worm ever existed? What kind of creatures were giant insects in ancient times?

Unexpectedly, chasing a drama was forced to popularize science! In 's recently hit " 云南虫谷", Hu Bayi, Fatty, Shirley Yang "Iron Triangle" followed the water bee and piranha, and encountered Huo's immortal insect , stubborn people.

The undead worm in the play is huge, like wearing a diamond armor, it can't be penetrated by bullets. has an eye on the head, and instead of the usual row-shaped beast fangs in the mouth, has a round circle of fangs in the mouth. The appearance is accompanied by a red mist, which is scary and weird. .

After Shirley Yang’s popular science, this monster is called yù láng ( yù láng ) long worm, also called Huo's immortal, originated from the Cambrian _span_strong_span 6 The oxygen content jumped to extinction. This Huo's immortal insect has survived so far, which may be related to its living in the gourd cave, or it may have adapted to the oxygen content of the current society.

The reason why this kind of worm is called the immortal worm is because can survive as long as there is a part of the neural network , it is difficult to kill it.

The biological image in the novel is fictitious,This kind of creature actually existed in ancient times, and its name was . "Mythical beetle long worm" is named in memory of the British biologist who discovered its fossil. This creature also appeared in the Cambrian period as popular science in the play.

What people know most about Cambrian is the explosion of life, when a large number of invertebrates suddenly appeared in this period. The immortal worm is a creature that lies between the invertebrate and semi-vertebral vertebrae, with a network of nerves.

The vitality of the immortal Huo's is very tenacious, there are almost no natural enemies in nature, because if you want to kill it, unless you eat it whole and digest it with gastric juice, you only need a part of it. The neural network can still survive.

Huo's immortal insect appeared in the Cambrian about 500 million years ago. It has survived several mass extinctions with its strong vitality, and experienced Ordovician, Silurian, mud In the Basin, Carboniferous, Permian, and Triassic, eventually became extinct in the Triassic.

From the Carboniferous to the Permian, the oxygen content of the earth soared. This period can be said to be the world of giant insects. is not only insects, but also huge plants. This period seems to be enlarged world. The size of the immortal worm may have also become huge during this period.

Huo’s immortal insect has a hard shell similar to " sun goddess snail ",The hard shell is formed by secretions in its body. Pang 's large size, coupled with such a hard shell, will not die as long as a part of the neural network is left behind. It is no wonder that such creatures have no natural enemies in nature.

The sun goddess snail also has a hard protective shell. It appeared in the Early Cambrian and became extinct in the Ordovician , an invertebrate, and there is not much research on it. , But is considered to be one of the first mollusks that evolved a hard shell.

Like the immortal worm, the sun goddess snail also has the "immortality" ability. It does not have a nerve center. Even if the body is damaged, as long as a part of the neural network survives, it can survive.

In addition, the sun goddess snail is still a hermaphroditic, it does not need to mate, it can produce new life by itself, and the new life will replace the old life and continue to live in the shell.

The extinction of the sun goddess snails may be related to their reproduction method , their reproductive method is doomed to the scarcity of populations, and after the mass extinction, the environment may not be suitable for the survival of the sun goddess snails. This leads to extinction.

The extinction of the immortal Huo's insect is the same as that of the huge insects at that time, because it does not adapt to the changes of the earth's oxygen jumping from buildings.

In ancient times, what amazing creatures have appeared on the earth?
